15,966 research outputs found

    Can modified gravity models reconcile the tension between CMB anisotropy and lensing maps in Planck-like observations?

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    Planck-2015 data seem to favour a large value of the lensing amplitude parameter, AL=1.22±0.10A_{\rm L}=1.22\pm0.10, in CMB spectra. This result is in 2σ2\sigma tension with the lensing reconstruction result, ALϕϕ=0.95±0.04A_{\rm L}^{\phi\phi}=0.95\pm0.04. In this paper, we simulate several CMB anisotropy and CMB lensing spectra based on Planck-2015 best-fit cosmological parameter values and Planck blue book beam and noise specifications. We analyse several modified gravity models within the effective field theory framework against these simulations and find that models whose effective Newton constant is enhanced can modulate the CMB anisotropy spectra in a way similar to that of the ALA_{\rm L} parameter. However, in order to lens the CMB anisotropies sufficiently, like in the Planck-2015 results, the growth of matter perturbations is substantially enhanced and gives a high σ8\sigma_8 value. This in turn proves to be problematic when combining these data to other probes, like weak lensing from CFHTLenS, that favour a smaller amplitude of matter fluctuations.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Cellular-Automata Based Qualitative Simulation for Nonprofit Group Behavior

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    A cellular automata based qualitative simulation of group behavior (referred hitherto as \'loyalty to group\') will be presented by integrating QSIM (Qualitative SIMulation) and CA (Cellular Automata) modeling. First, we provide a breakdown of the structure of a group and offer an analysis of how this structure impacts behavior. The characteristics and impact had by anomalies within a group and by environmental factors are also explored. Second, we explore the transition between cause and effect (referred hitherto as the \'transition rule\') and the change in behavior that is the result of this transition (referred hitherto as the \'successor behavior state\'). A filter for weeding out anomalies is then proposed. The simulation engine is then used integrating all relevant data as outlined above. A concept referred to as the \'Loyalty-cost equilibrium\' is presented and factored into the filter. Third, the validity of this method is tested by running the simulation using eight generalized examples. The input-output of each simulation run using these examples is consistent with what can reasonably be accepted to be true, thus demonstrating that the proposed method is valid. At this point we illustrate how the simulation is applied in context. Simulation outputs (effect on group behavior) at each time stage of two alternating changes in policy are compared to determine which policy would be the most advantageous. This demonstrates that this method serves as reliable virtual tool in the decision making difficulties of group management.Cellular Automata; Qualitative Simulation; Group Behavior; Loyalty-Cost Equilibrium; Loyalty Gravitation; Cost Gravitation
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