1,639 research outputs found
Differential Privacy for the Analyst via Private Equilibrium Computation
We give new mechanisms for answering exponentially many queries from multiple
analysts on a private database, while protecting differential privacy both for
the individuals in the database and for the analysts. That is, our mechanism's
answer to each query is nearly insensitive to changes in the queries asked by
other analysts. Our mechanism is the first to offer differential privacy on the
joint distribution over analysts' answers, providing privacy for data analysts
even if the other data analysts collude or register multiple accounts. In some
settings, we are able to achieve nearly optimal error rates (even compared to
mechanisms which do not offer analyst privacy), and we are able to extend our
techniques to handle non-linear queries. Our analysis is based on a novel view
of the private query-release problem as a two-player zero-sum game, which may
be of independent interest
Probabilistic Couplings For Probabilistic Reasoning
This thesis explores proofs by coupling from the perspective of formal verification. Long employed in probability theory and theoretical computer science, these proofs construct couplings between the output distributions of two probabilistic processes. Couplings can imply various probabilistic relational properties, guarantees that compare two runs of a probabilistic computation.
To give a formal account of this clean proof technique, we first show that proofs in the program logic pRHL (probabilistic Relational Hoare Logic) describe couplings. We formalize couplings that establish various probabilistic properties, including distribution equivalence, convergence, and stochastic domination. Then we deepen the connection between couplings and pRHL by giving a proofs-as-programs interpretation: a coupling proof encodes a probabilistic product program, whose properties imply relational properties of the original two programs. We design the logic xpRHL (product pRHL) to build the product program, with extensions to model more advanced constructions including shift coupling and path coupling.
We then develop an approximate version of probabilistic coupling, based on approximate liftings. It is known that the existence of an approximate lifting implies differential privacy, a relational notion of statistical privacy. We propose a corresponding proof technique---proof by approximate coupling---inspired by the logic apRHL, a version of pRHL for building approximate liftings. Drawing on ideas from existing privacy proofs, we extend apRHL with novel proof rules for constructing new approximate couplings. We give approximate coupling proofs of privacy for the Report-noisy-max and Sparse Vector mechanisms, well-known algorithms from the privacy literature with notoriously subtle privacy proofs, and produce the first formalized proof of privacy for these algorithms in apRHL.
Finally, we enrich the theory of approximate couplings with several more sophisticated constructions: a principle for showing accuracy-dependent privacy, a generalization of the advanced composition theorem from differential privacy, and an optimal approximate coupling relating two subsets of samples. We also show equivalences between approximate couplings and other existing definitions. These ingredients support the first formalized proof of privacy for the Between Thresholds mechanism, an extension of the Sparse Vector mechanism
Synthesizing Probabilistic Invariants via Doob's Decomposition
When analyzing probabilistic computations, a powerful approach is to first
find a martingale---an expression on the program variables whose expectation
remains invariant---and then apply the optional stopping theorem in order to
infer properties at termination time. One of the main challenges, then, is to
systematically find martingales.
We propose a novel procedure to synthesize martingale expressions from an
arbitrary initial expression. Contrary to state-of-the-art approaches, we do
not rely on constraint solving. Instead, we use a symbolic construction based
on Doob's decomposition. This procedure can produce very complex martingales,
expressed in terms of conditional expectations.
We show how to automatically generate and simplify these martingales, as well
as how to apply the optional stopping theorem to infer properties at
termination time. This last step typically involves some simplification steps,
and is usually done manually in current approaches. We implement our techniques
in a prototype tool and demonstrate our process on several classical examples.
Some of them go beyond the capability of current semi-automatic approaches
Hypothesis Testing Interpretations and Renyi Differential Privacy
Differential privacy is a de facto standard in data privacy, with
applications in the public and private sectors. A way to explain differential
privacy, which is particularly appealing to statistician and social scientists
is by means of its statistical hypothesis testing interpretation. Informally,
one cannot effectively test whether a specific individual has contributed her
data by observing the output of a private mechanism---any test cannot have both
high significance and high power.
In this paper, we identify some conditions under which a privacy definition
given in terms of a statistical divergence satisfies a similar interpretation.
These conditions are useful to analyze the distinguishability power of
divergences and we use them to study the hypothesis testing interpretation of
some relaxations of differential privacy based on Renyi divergence. This
analysis also results in an improved conversion rule between these definitions
and differential privacy
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