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Structural Modelling of Female Labour Participation and Occupation Decisions
The objective of this paper is to estimate the parameters defining female labour participation and occupation decisions. Departing from a theoretical framework, we use micro data to estimate the wage-participation elasticity in Mexico. Consistency between the selectivity-adjusted wages and the multinomial participation equations is achieved via a two-step estimation procedure following Lee (1984). We use the results of our model to test and quantify three hypotheses explaining recent increases in female labour participation in Mexico. Our results show that the observed 12 per cent increase in female labour participation in Mexico between 1994 and 2000 is explained by the combination of a negative income shock caused by the 1994-95 Peso crisis, the increase in expected wages taking place in the manufacturing sector during the post-NAFTA period and a reduction in the female reservation wage
Dissipation effects in percolating quantum Ising magnets
We study the effects of dissipation on a randomly dilute transverse-field
Ising magnet at and close to the percolation threshold. For weak transverse
fields, a novel percolation quantum phase transition separates a
super-paramagnetic cluster phase from an inhomogeneously ordered ferromagnetic
phase. The properties of this transition are dominated by large frozen and
slowly fluctuating percolation clusters. Implementing numerically a
strong-disorder real space renormalization group technique, we compute the
low-energy density of states which is found to be in good agreement with the
analytical prediction.Comment: 2 pages, 1 eps figure, final version as publishe
Smeared quantum phase transition in the dissipative random quantum Ising model
We investigate the quantum phase transition in the random transverse-field
Ising model under the influence of Ohmic dissipation. To this end, we
numerically implement a strong-disorder renormalization-group scheme. We find
that Ohmic dissipation destroys the quantum critical point and the associated
quantum Griffiths phase by smearing. Our results quantitatively confirm a
recent theory [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 100}, 240601 (2008)] of smeared quantum
phase transitions.Comment: 7 pages, 10 eps figures embedded, final version as publishe
Criticality and quenched disorder: rare regions vs. Harris criterion
We employ scaling arguments and optimal fluctuation theory to establish a
general relation between quantum Griffiths singularities and the Harris
criterion for quantum phase transitions in disordered systems. If a clean
critical point violates the Harris criterion, it is destabilized by weak
disorder. At the same time, the Griffiths dynamical exponent diverges upon
approaching the transition, suggesting unconventional critical behavior. In
contrast, if the Harris criterion is fulfilled, power-law Griffiths
singularities can coexist with clean critical behavior but saturates at a
finite value. We present applications of our theory to a variety of systems
including quantum spin chains, classical reaction-diffusion systems and
metallic magnets; and we discuss modifications for transitions above the upper
critical dimension. Based on these results we propose a unified classification
of phase transitions in disordered systems.Comment: 4.5 pages, 1 eps figure, final version as publishe
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