67,724 research outputs found
Calculation of the inertia tensor and center of gravity of complex bodies
Inertia tensor is calculated for each component part of a body about its own principal axes, and then with respect to the body's reference axes /rotation/. All parts are then combined to calculate the center of gravity and inertia tensor of the body
MS-092: Phi Kappa Psi, Pennsylvania Epsilon Chapter
This collection consists of the National Chapter publications, The Shield, and The Mystic Friend as well as the local PA Epsilon publication, The Torch. It also includes local chapter meeting minutes dating back to 1855, correspondence, registers, ledgers, and roll call lists of the local chapter.https://cupola.gettysburg.edu/findingaidsall/1084/thumbnail.jp
Farm Tenancy Distribution and Trends in the United States
This paper includes a study of the mutual fund market investors during a selected time period. The reader is given a descriptive picture of how people in different age groups have acted in conjunction with the last major financial crisis. It has been studied whether people in the different age categories have saved, purchased or sold during this time period based on theories and analytic material from one of the largest fund operators in Sweden. The result enlightens people’s activity and risk appetite in relation to the fund market. The essay results in an explanation of the underlying cause of the behavior of the people in the different age categories. The paper assumes that the market is cyclical and that more crises will occur in the future. The most recent crisis developed during the years 2007-2008 and has therefore been selected to represent the analyzed period. Among other things, a general hypothesis was applicable to recurring tendency of nonprofessional retail client in extreme market situations to buy fund shares at a high value and sell them at low value in the market. The starting point was to criticize this hypothesis, which clearly turned out to be in favor for one of the mutual funds that have been observed. The result shows that more people in the middle age save more than those in their young years as well as those in the retirement age. The conclusion of the study shows that when this crisis occurred there were no major withdrawals from any of the mutual funds. In fact the sales transaction was reduced in the period of time from the peak of the stock market in 2007 to the time market touched the ground in 2008.I denna uppsats undersöks fondmarknadens investerare under en vald tidsperiod. Läsaren ges en beskrivande bild av hur personer i olika ålderskategorier har agerat i samband med den senaste stora finanskrisen. Det har studerats, med stöd av teorier och analysmaterial från en av Sveriges största fondaktörer, huruvida personer i de olika ålderskategorierna har sparat under denna period. Resultatet belyser personers aktivitet och riskbenägenhet i förhållande till fondmarknaden. Uppsatsen mynnar ut i en förklaring till vad som är och kan vara bakomliggande orsaker till beteendet hos personerna i de olika ålderskategorierna. Undersökningen utgår från att marknaden är cyklisk och att fler kriser kommer uppkomma i framtiden. Den senaste krisen ägde rum under år 2007-2008 och har därför valts ut för att representera den tidsperiod som avser att analyseras. Bland annat har en generell hypotes testats gällande att icke-professionella kunder har en återkommande tendens att i extrema marknadslägen köpa vid uppgång och sälja vid nedgång i de utvalda tillväxtmarknadsfonderna. Utgångspunkten var i detta hänseende att förkasta denna hypotes, vilket tydligt visade sig stämma i en av de fonder som studerats. Resultatet visar i korthet att fler personer i medelåldern investerar mer än de i ungdomens år och pensionsåldern. Slutsatsen av undersökningen visar på att när detta krisläge uppstod skedde inga större uttag ur någon av fonderna. De facto minskar säljtransaktionerna överlag från toppnoteringen på börsen under år 2007 till bottennoteringen år 2008
MS-087: Phi Sigma Kappa, Rho Deuteron Chapter
This collection consists of many records relating to the Rho Deuteron Chapter of the Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity at Gettysburg College, as well as the group\u27s original, local name, The Druids. It includes 20th century correspondence, manuals from the national office of PSK, copies of Oak Leaf, and Signet, and minutes and correspondence from various committees from the era of the group\u27s transition from The Druids to Phi Sigma Kappa in the 1920s.
Special Collections and College Archives Finding Aids are discovery tools used to describe and provide access to our holdings. Finding aids include historical and biographical information about each collection in addition to inventories of their content. More information about our collections can be found on our website http://www.gettysburg.edu/special_collections/collections/.https://cupola.gettysburg.edu/findingaidsall/1079/thumbnail.jp
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