40 research outputs found
Impact d'un entrainement à court terme en Théorie de l'Esprit chez des enfants d'âge préscolaire
International audienceA travers un design expérimental, notre étude examine l'impact d'un entraînement du traitement de l'information sociale (TIS, Dodge & Frame, 1982) et de la Théorie de l'Esprit (Theory of Mind, ToM, Flavell, 1999; Wellman & Liu, 2004) sur la cognition sociale et l'adaptation sociale d'enfants d'âge préscolaire. Tout d'abord, 47 enfants d'âge préscolaire ont pris part à la session de pré-test qui incluait des mesures de l'adaptation sociale, socio-cognitives et cognitives, ainsi qu'une évaluation des comportements externalisés. La mesure des comportements externalisés est un outil d'observation et de codage d'une situation de jeu, en se focalisant sur les affects positifs et négatifs, l'agitation et l'inattention. Les mesures directes de cognition sociale impliquent des tâches de reconnaissance des émotions, de la ToM-émotions et de la ToM-croyances (Nader-Grosbois & Thirion-Marissiaux, 2011), et de résolution de problèmes sociaux (RES, Barisnikov, Van Der Linden, & Hippolyte, 2004). Les enseignants ont complété l'Echelle de l'Adaptation Sociale pour Enfants (EASE, Hughes, Soares-Boucaud, Hochman, & Frith, 1997) et le ToMI (Theory of Mind Inventory, Hutchins, Prelock & Bonazinga, 2012). Ensuite, les enfants ont été répartis aléatoirement en deux groupes (un groupe expérimental et un groupe contrôle). Dans le groupe expérimental, une courte séance d'entraînement (45 minutes) a été donnée en utilisant du matériel éducatif ; les capacités en ToM sont entraînées à travers des dessins animés à propos des émotions et des fausses croyances, le Mental Simil (Juarez Monfort, Sanchez, & Monfort, 2009) et le programme d'Howlin (Howlin, Hadwin & Baron-Cohen, 2010). Finalement, chaque enfant a pris part à la session de post-test. Nos résultats montrent une amélioration significative en ToM-émotions pour le groupe ToM, et en résolution de problèmes sociaux pour le groupe expérimental. Des relations spécifiques se dégagent entre les composantes de la cognition sociale et les mesures d'adaptation sociale et comportementale. Nos études futures examineront l'impact d'un entraînement à moyen terme de la cognition sociale chez des enfants à risque de développer des troubles du comportement externalisés, ceci dans le but de mieux comprendre les facteurs de risque de ces troubles. Des indications pour l'évaluation et l'intervention d'enfants à troubles externalisés seront dégagées. Mots clés : Entraînement - préscolaire - cognition social
II- Les relations internationales du Québec
Using an experimental approach, our study examined the differentiated effects on pre-schoolers’ social cognition of two short-term social information processing (SIP) and Theory of Mind (ToM) training sessions dealing with emotions and beliefs. The links between ToM, SIP, and social adjustment or externalizing behavior were examined. 47 pre-schoolers took part in a pretest session involving cognitive, socio-cognitive and social adjustment measures. The direct socio-cognitive measures involved tasks assessing emotion recognition, ToM emotions, ToM beliefs and social problem-solving. The teachers filled out a personality questionnaire and parents completed the Theory of Mind Inventory, a social adjustment scale and the CBCL. Secondly, they were allocated at random to two experimental groups (ToM training or SIP training) or to a control group. In the experimental groups, each of three children, short training sessions were given using educational materials. Free play was offered in the control group. Finally, all children took part in a post-test session. Our results showed significant improvement in ToM emotions for the ToM training group, in ToM beliefs for the SIP training group, and in social problem-solving for both experimental groups, and some transfer learning. In pretest, significant positive correlations were obtained between social cognition measures and individual characteristics, and between social cognition measures and social adjustment. Significant negative correlations were observed between social adjustment and externalizing behavior, and between social adjustment and emotional reactivity. This study provided some guidelines for formulating a medium-term training program in social cognition aimed at pre-schoolers at risk of displaying externalizing behavior disorders
Impact of Short-term Training in Social Cognition in Preschoolers with Externalizing Behavior
In two experimental and exploratory studies, we wanted to test the differentiated effects on preschoolers with externalizing behavior (EB) of two short-term social information processing (SIP) and Theory of Mind (ToM) training sessions, in comparison with typically developing (TD) preschoolers or with preschoolers with EB whom didn’t receive training. Firstly, nineteen preschoolers presenting a high level of EB problems took part in a pre-test session involving direct cognitive and socio-cognitive measures (assessing the understanding of emotions, beliefs and social problem-solving). They were then allocated at random to two experimental groups (ToM or SIP training) and compared to nineteen TD preschoolers who followed the same procedure. Four experimental groups, EB-ToM group (n=9), TD-ToM group (n=9), EB-SIP group (n=10), TD SIP-group (n=10), received short training sessions, which were given by group of three children. All children took part in a post-test session. Secondly, EB-ToM group (n=9) and EB-SIP group (n=10) was compared to a control group of preschoolers with EB problems (n =9). These preschoolers took part in pre-test and post-test sessions. Firstly, we tested whether the effectiveness of the training was specific to children with EB compared to TD children. Although improvement was obtained in typically developing children, larger improvements were found in the population with EB. Secondly, we compared the potential transfer of learning between the two types of experimental training in children with EB problems. Results showed some improvement in ToM and in SIP for both experimental groups. These studies provide some guidelines for training in social cognition aimed at preschoolers who are at risk of or have developed EB disorders
Troubles externalisés du comportement et cognition sociale : impact d’un entrainement en cognition sociale sur les troubles externalisés du comportement et l’(in)adaptation sociale chez le jeune enfant
Externalizing behavior problems (EB) are characterized by agitation, impulsivity, aggression, opposition or disobedience. In preschoolers, those problems are associated with several risk factors, including deficit in social cognition. Indeed, some studies implied that more understanding of mental states and social problem solving are unprofitable, more EB and social maladjustment are found. The main purpose of this thesis is to test the causal link between social cognition and EB or social maladjustment in preschoolers with EB. Firstly, this thesis defines EB as well as Theory of Mind and Social Information Processing. Then, social adjustment and emotional regulation will be presented, and their relations with social cognition in preschoolers. Furthermore, after the presentation of training in social cognition existing in the literature, the effect of one shot and middle term training in social cognition are tested with typically developing and preschoolers with EB. Across nuanced results, we find that a training of the understanding of mental states and of social problem solving allow enhancing social cognition competences, but also a decreasing EB and social maladjustment. The last part of this thesis will be a general discussion about our research results and about the causal link between social cognition and EB or social (mal)adjustment. We will also discuss the limits and future prospects of this research.(PSYE - Sciences psychologiques et de l'Ă©ducation) -- UCL, 201
Vers une méthode d'entrainement des compétences en cognition sociale d'enfants à développement atypique et à troubles de comportement
Validation de la version francophone de la Batterie de Théorie de l'Esprit
Cet article présente deux études de validation de la version francophone de la Theory of Mind Task Battery (Hutchins, Prelock, & Chace, 2008) ou Batterie ToM-vf (Houssa & Nader- Grosbois, 2012), menées auprès d'enfants d'âge préscolaire. Dans l'étude 1, 209 enfants et dans l'étude 2, 82 enfants ont été évalués au moyen de la Batterie-ToM-vf et des épreuves ToM-émotions et croyances (Nader-Grosbois & Thirion-Marissiaux, 2011). Les parents et enseignants ont complété l'inventaire de la Théorie de l'esprit (ToMI-vf, Houssa, Mazzone, & Nader-Grosbois, 2014) et les Échelles d'Adaptation Sociale pour Enfants (EASE, Hughes, Soares-Boucaud, Hochmann, & Fritz, 1997) et le Profil Socio-Affectif (Lafrenière, Dumas, Capuano, & Durning, 1997). L'étude 1 révèle une bonne cohérence interne pour l'ensemble des énoncés. L'analyse factorielle en composantes principales avec rotation varimax aboutit à une structure en trois facteurs « reconnaissance des émotions », « prise de perspective » et « inférence complexe ». Le score varie en fonction de l'âge. Des corrélations positives significatives confirment la validité convergente entre les scores de la Batterie-ToM-vf et ceux des épreuves ToM-émotions et croyances, du ToMI-vf et de la sous-échelle EASE-ToM. L'étude 2 révèle des corrélations positives élevées pour la fiabilité test-retest et pour l'accord interjuges. Des corrélations positives significatives sont obtenues entre les scores à la Batterie ToM-vf et les scores aux dimensions « prosociale » et coopérative, et l'adaptation du PSA, et à la sous-échelle de capacités sociales de l'EASE. En conclusion, la Batterie ToM-vf présente de bonnes qualités psychométriques et son applicabilité à des enfants d'âge préscolaire est confirmée.This article presents two validation studies of the French version of Theory of Mind Task Battery (Hutchins, Prelock, & Chace, 2008) or ToM task Battery-vf (Houssa & Nader-Grosbois, 2012) led with preschoolers. In study 1, 209 children and in study 2, 82 children were assessedusing the ToM task Battery-vf and other ToM-emotions and beliefs tasks (Nader-Grosbois & Thirion-Marissiaux, 2011). The parents and the teachers filled the Theory of Mind Inventory (ToMI-vf, Houssa, Mazzone, & Nader-Grosbois, 2014), the Social Adjustment for Children Scale (EASE, Hughes, Soares-Boucaud, Hochmann, & Fritz, 1997) and the Social Competence and Behavior Evaluation (SCBE, Lafrenière, Dumas, Capuano, & Durning, 1997). Results of study 1 showed a good internal consistency of all items. The factorial analysis in principal components with rotation varimax emphasized the three-factor structure corresponding to "recognition of emotions", "perspective-taking" and "complex inference". The scores in ToM task Battery varied depending on age. Positive significant correlations confirmed the convergent validity between scores in ToM task Battery and scores in other ToM-emotions and ToM-beliefs tasks, in ToMI-vf and in EASE ToM subscale. Study 2 showed significant positive correlations for fiability test-retest and for inter-judges agreement. Significant correlations were obtained between scores in ToM task Battery and scores for prosocial, cooperative and adaptation dimensions of SCBE and in the EASE-social skills subscale. To conclude, the French version of ToM task Battery presents good psychometric quality and its applicability to preschoolers is confirmed
Experimental study of middle-term training in social cognition in preschoolers
In an experimental design, we examined the effects of middle-term training in social information processing (SIP) and in Theory of Mind (ToM) on preschoolers’ social cognition and social adjustment. 48 preschoolers took part in a pre-test and post-test session involving cognitive, socio-cognitive and social adjustment (direct and indirect) measures. They were allocated at random to an experimental group (subgroups of 4 children attended 15 45-minute sessions in which they received ToM and SIP training using educational materials) or a control group (free play sessions). The results showed that each group improved in direct measures of social cognition. The experimental group was significantly better at the SIP task in post-test than the control group. Significant correlations were obtained between individual and family characteristics and direct measures. Furthermore, regression analyses showed that, after controlling for pre-test result, SIP measures in post-test were significantly predicted by pre-test results and group condition. This study could help professionals and parents by providing them with some basis for early training exercises that can induce an improvement in SIP competences in preschoolers
Could training in social cognition reduce externalizing behaviors and maladjustment in preschoolers ?
In two experimental and exploratory studies, we wanted to test the differentiated effects on preschoolers with externalizing behavior (EB) of two short-term social information processing (SIP) and Theory of Mind (ToM) training sessions, in comparison with typically developing (TD) preschoolers or with preschoolers with EB whom didn’t receive training. Firstly, nineteen preschoolers presenting a high level of EB problems took part in a pre-test session involving direct cognitive and socio-cognitive measures (assessing the understanding of emotions, beliefs and social problem-solving). They were then allocated at random to two experimental groups (ToM or SIP training) and compared to nineteen TD preschoolers who followed the same procedure. Four experimental groups, EB-ToM group (n=9), TD-ToM group (n=9), EB-SIP group (n=10), TD SIP-group (n=10), received short training sessions, which were given by group of three children. All children took part in a post-test session. Secondly, EB-ToM group (n=9) and EB-SIP group (n=10) was compared to a control group of preschoolers with EB problems (n =9). These preschoolers took part in pre-test and post-test sessions. Firstly, we tested whether the effectiveness of the training was specific to children with EB compared to TD children. Although improvement was obtained in typically developing children, larger improvements were found in the population with EB. Secondly, we compared the potential transfer of learning between the two types of experimental training in children with EB problems. Results showed some improvement in ToM and in SIP for both experimental groups. These studies provide some guidelines for training in social cognition aimed at preschoolers who are at risk of or have developed EB disorders. Could Social Cognition Training Reduce Externalizing Behaviors and Social Maladjustment in Preschoolers?. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/309657234_Could_Social_Cognition_Training_Reduce_Externalizing_Behaviors_and_Social_Maladjustment_in_Preschoolers [accessed May 16, 2017]
Impact of short-term training in social cognition in preschoolers with externalizing behavior
In two experimental and exploratory studies, we wanted to test the differentiated effects on preschoolers with externalizing behavior (EB) of two short-term social information processing (SIP) and Theory of Mind (ToM) training sessions, in comparison with typically developing (TD) preschoolers or with preschoolers with EB whom didn’t receive training. Firstly, nineteen preschoolers presenting a high level of EB problems took part in a pre-test session involving direct cognitive and socio-cognitive measures (assessing the understanding of emotions, beliefs and social problem-solving). They were then allocated at random to two experimental groups (ToM or SIP training) and compared to nineteen TD preschoolers who followed the same procedure. Four experimental groups, EB-ToM group (n=9), TD-ToM group (n=9), EB-SIP group (n=10), TD SIP-group (n=10), received short training sessions, which were given by group of three children. All children took part in a post-test session. Secondly, EB-ToM group (n=9) and EB-SIP group (n=10) was compared to a control group of preschoolers with EB problems (n =9). These preschoolers took part in pre-test and post-test sessions. Firstly, we tested whether the effectiveness of the training was specific to children with EB compared to TD children. Although improvement was obtained in typically developing children, larger improvements were found in the population with EB. Secondly, we compared the potential transfer of learning between the two types of experimental training in children with EB problems. Results showed some improvement in ToM and in SIP for both experimental groups. These studies provide some guidelines for training in social cognition aimed at preschoolers who are at risk of or have developed EB disorders