2,637 research outputs found
New Physics and Enhanced Gluonic Penguin
We discuss the historical development of the gluonic B-penguin, its
sensitivity to effects, and \bsg\sim 10--15% as a possible solution to
the \Bsl and problems. The latter and the connection of the gluonic
penguin to inclusive production through the gluon
anomaly, with the intriguing prospect of 10% inclusive CP asymmetries, bring us
to topics of current interest.Comment: 6 pages, aipproc.sty, 2 figs. (included). Talk presented at b20
Conference, Chicago, June 29 - July 2, 199
, electron EDM and electroweak baryogenesis: a study in general 2HDM
We study inclusive decay in the context of electron EDM and
baryogenesis. The general 2HDM (i.e. without ) that possesses an extra set
of Yukawa matrices can drive electroweak baryogensis via , where is the extra diagonal top Yukawa coupling,
with the EDM constraint evaded by an exquisite flavor cancellation
mechanism. We touch upon the current status of direct search for exotic ,
and scalars at the LHC, while for the plethora of flavor observables
in 2HDM, we focus on , pointing out enhancement of a
effect in 2HDM, which can bring in a CPV phase. We
first explore the inclusive rate, then showcase the
progress that Belle II can make in the future, illustrating a potential
3 effect for the inclusive vs CPV rate difference, . Especially if EDM
emerges swiftly, perhaps one should pursue further upgrade beyond Belle II.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, EPS-HEP202
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