205 research outputs found
Motivation for the Young Teachers and Novice Researchers in Research Writing
Research Writing is one of the most dynamic and creative aspects of Research Methodology. It spreads human thinking capability as well as dormant qualities with a view to finding out new trends of cosmological epistemology in the field of universal science, arts and commerce. Both young teachers and novice researchers broaden their outlook through the critical analysis of Research Writing in the contexts of global significance. They can bring about a revolutionary change for the potentiality of the Global Education System of the 21st—century age if they are properly well-conversant with practical research knowledge. This study aims to look at the motivation for the young teachers and novice researchers in the research writing. It would like to examine motivation and its theoretical framework, classification of motivation, motivational research, research writing, plagiarism in the research writing, aims with objectives, significance, research questions, complexities for the young teachers as well as novice researchers, research writing in the global perspectives, and benefits of research writing as well. It also would like to recommend the teachers and scholars so that they can find out an innovative trend of research writing honestly and conscientiously
Magic Realism in Shakespeare’s The Tempest and Rushdie’s Midnight’s Children
The aim of this paper is to examine a comparative study between Shakespeare’s The Tempest and Salman Rushdie’s Midnight’s Children in the light of Magic Realism. It aims to examine Shakespeare’s and Rushdie’s treatment of Magic Realism during 16th century England and 20th century India, respectively. For this propose, it attempts to portray some important characters, like Prospero, Caliban, and Ariel in the play, The Tempest and the narrator, Saleem Sinai in the novel, Midnight Children. It aims to look at applying the theory of Magic Realism made by prominent critics and scholars. It also wants to focus on magic, supernatural, occult, imagination, reality, and mystery. Both Shakespeare’s and Rushdie’s literary texts are analyzed within the parameters of these issues. Finally, this paper presents the art of characterization, themes and situations, writing forms, similarities and differences in various phases of the two famous writers
Empowering Bangladeshi Female Teachers through Ibsen’s A Doll’s House
The term, “empowerment” is undoubtedly a debating issue to many critics, scholars, politicians, academicians, practitioners, feminists, researchers, and litterateurs around the world; it is difficult to define in a practical sense. This study would like to apply this term with a view to empowering Bangladesh’s female teachers. And, the term, “empowerment” would be connected with women empowerment in the Bangladesh Perspective to clarify the discussion of this study. Truly speaking, Ibsen’s A Doll’s House bears the everlasting testimony of a feminist play around the planet. Though Ibsen’s outstanding creation of Nora’s character is still a globally controversial question, but to womankind, she is regarded as a model of freedom, power, and protect. In Bangladeshi colleges and universities, the participation of women is on the increase day by day across the country. Many of them are keenly interested in teaching profession, especially Bengali and English literature. It is interesting to note that many female teachers are very much eager to teach and carry out their scientific research project on A Doll’s House in the light of Bangladesh. They would like to find out an innovative and potential aspect of contemporary women’s issues differently through an epoch making creation of Ibsen’s female character, Nora. Some of female teachers regard Nora as an inspiration of women empowerment in the Bangladesh perspective. They have a popular notion that Nora is not only for the Scandinavian women, but also for Bangladeshi. In this regard, the researcher would like to frame Nora as a pioneer of women empowerment to Bangladeshi female teachers. Moreover, this study would like to examine how Ibsen’s A Doll’s House is now being evaluated, learnt, and taught in the Bangladeshi colleges and universities
Results and Reasons of Failure at the Secondary Level Examination of Bangladesh Education System: An Empirical Investigation
The aim of this research paper is to look at the results and reasons of failure of the SSC, Dakhil, and Vocational Examinations-2018 under 10 Education Boards in Bangladesh. It would like to unveil the 21st-century Education System of the secondary level. Its aim is to highlight all sorts of Subjects of Humanities, Business Studies, and Science Group at the secondary level. It attempts to investigate the total students of all education boards, reasons of failure, comparative study of pass rate, the number of successful students with GPA-5, and their average percentage of each board. This study would like to focus on the real picture of teachers’ and students’ performance at the secondary level. For this purpose, the current researcher had to complete the survey with the help of 20 participants, including 10 students, 5 teachers, and 5 parents regarding results and failure of the secondary level examination based on questionnaire system at Sristy Central School & College, Uttara, Dhaka. Sources were taken from the selected national dailies of Bangladesh. Teachers, students, and parents were asked to tick the right option out of four about the current education system of the secondary level. Based on their comments, the researcher had to find out the probable means of solution. Moreover, the aim of the paper is to investigate the effective recommendations for learners, parents, and teachers with a view to showing a new dimension of the secondary level education system of Bangladesh.
C-algebras of Fell bundles over \'etale groupoids
We describe a construction for the full C-algebra of a possibly
unsaturated Fell bundle over a possibly non-Hausdorff locally compact \'etale
groupoid without appealing to Renault's disintegration theorem. This
construction generalises the standard construction given by Muhly and Williams.Comment: 15 pages. Initial version, comments are welcom
Doris Lessing’s Fiction as Feminist Projections
Doris Lessing, an unrivaled novelist in the literary genres around the globe, portrays the fundamental problems of women as well as social system of her times. Lessing searches for new models to communicate the experiences of a blocked woman writer, who spends her early life in Africa, becomes an active and a disappointed communist, who is a politically committed writer, a mother, a wife, or a mistress sometimes a woman. With her very keen and subtle attitude, Lessing wants to present women’s psychological conflicts between marriage and love; motherhood and profession, unfairness of the double standard; alienation of a single career woman; hollowness of marriage in the traditional order and society. Lessing portrays her women in various social problems and with various perspectives of male against female. She tries to awaken women community to protest against the patriarchy through her feminist writings. For this purpose, this research paper would like to examine the psychological conflicts and traumatic experiences of powerful heroines, including- Anna Wulf of The Golden Notebook, Mary Turner of The Grass Is Singing, and Clefts of The Cleft
Variability for agromorphological traits, genetic parameters, correlation and path coefficient analyses in Lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.)
Understanding phenotypic and genotypic variability of Bangladeshi lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) in relation to exotic lentil is important in attempting to widen the genetic base of the germplasm in the country. An experiment was conducted using 30 diverse lentil genotypes to study the agromorphological and genetic variability, heritability, expected genetic advance and inter-relationship of ten yield attributing traits. The genotypes showed highly significant (p<0.01) variations for all of the studied traits. These characters also had higher phenotypic co-efficient of variation (PCV) than those of the corresponding genotypic co-efficient of variation (GCV). High heritability (ranged from 66-98%) was found among the traits. Seed yield plant-1 and number of seeds plant-1 showed high heritability accompanied with high genetic advance (as percent mean). Correlation coefficient studies revealed that number of pods plant-1, number of seeds plant-1 and 100-seed weight contributed to highly significant (p<0.01) positive correlation with seed yield plant-1. Days to 50% flowering and days to maturity were showed highly significant negative correlation with seed yield plant-1. Path analysis showed the highest positive direct effects of 100-seed weight followed by the number of secondary branches plant-1 and number of seeds plant-1 on seed yield plant-1. Days to 50% flowering via 100-seed weight contributed the highest negative indirect effect on seed yield plant-1. Maximum negative direct effect of plant height and days to 50% flowering was observed on seed yield plant-1. Results indicated that the exotic accessions could be effective for the improvement of the yield of lentil. 
Sherman Alexie’s Literary Works as Native American Social Realistic Projections
This paper aims to look at the social realistic issues in the context of Sherman Alexie’s literary works. Alexie is one of the postmodern authors in the United States of America. He is very popular among his Native American society as well as community for representing social reality of his age. This paper is divided into several sections; each section shows a benchmark of the 21st century Social Picture of the Native Americans in the light of Alexian Literary Works. It also scrutinizes stories, and novels with a view to highlighting a faithful picture of Native Americans in the light of everyday social issues, including poverty, alcoholism, unhealthiness, racism, and suicidal act. Basically, the main part of my paper deals with social problems of Native Americans in the United States of America as depicted in Alexie’s literary works. It highlights an awareness of the Native Americans so as to keep themselves aloof from drug addiction, poverty, depression, and psychological trauma. Here I have also applied the critical theory of Social Realism with a view to unveiling a subtle literary affinity with Alexie’s works. In this study, I would like to show the significance of this study, and research methodology as well
Leadership Approach in Human Resources Management Aspect of Bangladeshi Organizations
Leadership is a function of the relationship between leaders and followers and a leader plays a vital role to manage the human resources and to reshape an organization for its better output. A contingency-based approach would have future leadership capabilities determined by a culture itself driven by material drivers, such as economics and social change; an unstable dynamic world would require decentralized models of leadership, whereas a more stable world might see us revert to a more authoritarian and hierarchical leadership style. The paper discusses about the Bangladeshi organizations which are lagged behind in leadership skills in Human Resources Management than the other developing countries in the world. To develop organizations and manage the human resources efficiently in the public and private organizations in Bangladesh, critical leadership skills should be imposed and strong initiatives, reforms and effective policies are needed from government side to face new challenges of globalization in this 21st century. Key words: Bangladeshi Organizations; leadership skills; organization development (OD); human resource management (HRM
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