14,641 research outputs found
Weighted composition operators acting from the Lipschitz space to the space of bounded functions on a tree
We study the weighted composition operators between the Lipschitz space and
the space of bounded functions on the set of vertices of an infinite tree. We
characterized the boundedness, the compactness, and the boundedness from below
of weighted composition operators. We also determine the isometric weighted
composition operators
Evolution of Massive Protostars via Disk Accretion
Mass accretion onto (proto-)stars at high accretion rates > 10^-4 M_sun/yr is
expected in massive star formation. We study the evolution of massive
protostars at such high rates by numerically solving the stellar structure
equations. In this paper we examine the evolution via disk accretion. We
consider a limiting case of "cold" disk accretion, whereby most of the stellar
photosphere can radiate freely with negligible backwarming from the accretion
flow, and the accreting material settles onto the star with the same specific
entropy as the photosphere. We compare our results to the calculated evolution
via spherically symmetric accretion, the opposite limit, whereby the material
accreting onto the star contains the entropy produced in the accretion shock
front. We examine how different accretion geometries affect the evolution of
massive protostars. For cold disk accretion at 10^-3 M_sun/yr the radius of a
protostar is initially small, about a few R_sun. After several solar masses
have accreted, the protostar begins to bloat up and for M \simeq 10 M_sun the
stellar radius attains its maximum of 30 - 400 R_sun. The large radius about
100 R_sun is also a feature of spherically symmetric accretion at the same
accreted mass and accretion rate. Hence, expansion to a large radius is a
robust feature of accreting massive protostars. At later times the protostar
eventually begins to contract and reaches the Zero-Age Main-Sequence (ZAMS) for
M \simeq 30 M_sun, independent of the accretion geometry. For accretion rates
exceeding several 10^-3 M_sun/yr the protostar never contracts to the ZAMS. The
very large radius of several 100s R_sun results in a low effective temperature
and low UV luminosity of the protostar. Such bloated protostars could well
explain the existence of bright high-mass protostellar objects, which lack
detectable HII regions.Comment: 20 pages, 16 figure
Rapidly Accreting Supergiant Protostars: Embryos of Supermassive Black Holes?
Direct collapse of supermassive stars (SMSs) is a possible pathway for
generating supermassive black holes in the early universe. It is expected that
an SMS could form via very rapid mass accretion with Mdot ~ 0.1 - 1 Msun/yr
during the gravitational collapse of an atomic-cooling primordial gas cloud. In
this paper we study how stars would evolve under such extreme rapid mass
accretion, focusing on the early evolution until the stellar mass reaches 1000
Msun. To this end we numerically calculate the detailed interior structure of
accreting stars with primordial element abundances. Our results show that for
accretion rates higher than 0.01 Msun/yr, stellar evolution is qualitatively
different from that expected at lower rates. While accreting at these high
rates the star always has a radius exceeding 100 Rsun, which increases
monotonically with the stellar mass. The mass-radius relation for stellar
masses exceeding ~ 100 Msun follows the same track with R_* \propto M_*^0.5 in
all cases with accretion rates > 0.01 Msun/yr; at a stellar mass of 1000 Msun
the radius is about 7000 Rsun (~= 30 AU). With higher accretion rates the onset
of hydrogen burning is shifted towards higher stellar masses. In particular,
for accretion rates exceeding Mdot > 0.1 Msun/yr, there is no significant
hydrogen burning even after 1000 Msun have accreted onto the protostar. Such
"supergiant" protostars have effective temperatures as low as Teff ~= 5000 K
throughout their evolution and because they hardly emit ionizing photons, they
do not create an HII region or significantly heat their immediate surroundings.
Thus, radiative feedback is unable to hinder the growth of rapidly accreting
stars to masses in excess of 1000 Msun, as long as material is accreted at
rates Mdot > 0.01 Msun/yr.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure
Updates of effects on CP angles determination in B decays
The recently observed CP violation in B decay and -\ovar{B} mixing data
put constraints on the mass of and the parameters of the right-handed
current quark mixing matrix in gauge
model. It is shown that the allowed region of parameters are severely
restricted for light with mass on the order of 1 TeV. There exist sets of
parameters which can accommodate large CP violation as measured by Belle,
, for TeV.Comment: 11pages, 19 figures, LaTeX2
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