17,546 research outputs found
Closed formula for the relative entropy of entanglement in all dimensions
The relative entropy of entanglement is defined in terms of the relative
entropy between an entangled state and its closest separable state (CSS). Given
a multipartite-state on the boundary of the set of separable states, we find a
closed formula for all the entangled state for which this state is a CSS. Quite
amazing, our formula holds for multipartite states in all dimensions. In
addition we show that if an entangled state is full rank, then its CSS is
unique. For the bipartite case of two qubits our formula reduce to the one
given in Phys. Rev. A 78, 032310 (2008).Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, significantly revised; theorem 1 is now providing
necessary and sufficient conditions to determine if a state is CS
Geometric programming prediction of design trends for OMV protective structures
The global optimization trends of protective honeycomb structural designs for spacecraft subject to hypervelocity meteroid and space debris are presented. This nonlinear problem is first formulated for weight minimization of the orbital maneuvering vehicle (OMV) using a generic monomial predictor. Five problem formulations are considered, each dependent on the selection of independent design variables. Each case is optimized by considering the dual geometric programming problem. The dual variables are solved for in terms of the generic estimated exponents of the monomial predictor. The primal variables are then solved for by conversion. Finally, parametric design trends are developed for ranges of the estimated regression parameters. Results specify nonmonotonic relationships for the optimal first and second sheet mass per unit areas in terms of the estimated exponents
Majorization criterion for distillability of a bipartite quantum state
Bipartite quantum states are classified into three categories: separable
states, bound entangled states, and free entangled states. It is of great
importance to characterize these families of states for the development of
quantum information science. In this paper, I show that the separable states
and the bound entangled states have a common spectral property. More precisely,
I prove that for undistillable -- separable and bound entangled -- states, the
eigenvalue vector of the global system is majorized by that of the local
system. This result constitutes a new sufficient condition for distillability
of bipartite quantum states. This is achieved by proving that if a bipartite
quantum state satisfies the reduction criterion for distillability, then it
satisfies the majorization criterion for separability.Comment: 4 pages, no figures, REVTEX. A new lemma (Lemma 2) added. To appear
in Physical Review Letter
Improved transfer of quantum information using a local memory
We demonstrate that the quantum communication between two parties can be
significantly improved if the receiver is allowed to store the received signals
in a quantum memory before decoding them. In the limit of an infinite memory,
the transfer is perfect. We prove that this scheme allows the transfer of
arbitrary multipartite states along Heisenberg chains of spin-1/2 particles
with random coupling strengths.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure; added references to homogenization and asymptotic
Full control by locally induced relaxation
We demonstrate a scheme for controlling a large quantum system by acting on a
small subsystem only. The local control is mediated to the larger system by
some fixed coupling Hamiltonian. The scheme allows to transfer arbitrary and
unknown quantum states from a memory on the large system (``upload access'') as
well as the inverse (``download access''). We study sufficient conditions of
the coupling Hamiltonian and give lower bounds on the fidelities for
downloading and uploading.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure
Lower Bounds of Concurrence for Tripartite Quantum Systems
We derive an analytical lower bound for the concurrence of tripartite quantum
mixed states. A functional relation is established relating concurrence and the
generalized partial transpositions.Comment: 10 page
Squeezing as an irreducible resource
We show that squeezing is an irreducible resource which remains invariant
under transformations by linear optical elements. In particular, we give a
decomposition of any optical circuit with linear input-output relations into a
linear multiport interferometer followed by a unique set of single mode
squeezers and then another multiport interferometer. Using this decomposition
we derive a no-go theorem for superpositions of macroscopically distinct states
from single-photon detection. Further, we demonstrate the equivalence between
several schemes for randomly creating polarization-entangled states. Finally,
we derive minimal quantum optical circuits for ideal quantum non-demolition
coupling of quadrature-phase amplitudes.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, new title, removed the fat
Entanglement-Saving Channels
The set of Entanglement Saving (ES) quantum channels is introduced and
characterized. These are completely positive, trace preserving transformations
which when acting locally on a bipartite quantum system initially prepared into
a maximally entangled configuration, preserve its entanglement even when
applied an arbitrary number of times. In other words, a quantum channel
is said to be ES if its powers are not entanglement-breaking for all
integers . We also characterize the properties of the Asymptotic
Entanglement Saving (AES) maps. These form a proper subset of the ES channels
that is constituted by those maps which, not only preserve entanglement for all
finite , but which also sustain an explicitly not null level of entanglement
in the asymptotic limit~. Structure theorems are provided
for ES and for AES maps which yield an almost complete characterization of the
former and a full characterization of the latter.Comment: 26 page
Witnessing quantum discord in 2 x N systems
Bipartite states with vanishing quantum discord are necessarily separable and
hence positive partial transpose (PPT). We show that 2 x N states satisfy
additional property: the positivity of their partial transposition is
recognized with respect to the canonical factorization of the original density
operator. We call such states SPPT (for strong PPT). Therefore, we provide a
natural witness for a quantum discord: if a 2 x N state is not SPPT it must
contain nonclassical correlations measured by quantum discord. It is an analog
of the celebrated Peres-Horodecki criterion: if a state is not PPT it must be
entangled.Comment: 5 page
Maximization of thermal entanglement of arbitrarily interacting two qubits
We investigate the thermal entanglement of interacting two qubits. We
maximize it by tuning a local Hamiltonian under a given interaction
Hamiltonian. We prove that the optimizing local Hamiltonian takes a simple form
which dose not depend on the temperature and that the corresponding optimized
thermal entanglement decays as at high temperatures. We also find
that at low temperatures the thermal entanglement is maximum without any local
Hamiltonians and that the second derivative of the maximized thermal
entanglement changes discontinuously at the boundary between the high- and
low-temperature phases.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figure
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