30 research outputs found
Order Preservation in Limit Algebras
The matrix units of a digraph algebra, A, induce a relation, known as the
diagonal order, on the projections in a masa in the algebra. Normalizing
partial isometries in A act on these projections by conjugation; they are said
to be order preserving when they respect the diagonal order. Order preserving
embeddings, in turn, are those embeddings which carry order preserving
normalizers to order preserving normalizers. This paper studies operator
algebras which are direct limits of finite dimensional algebras with order
preserving embeddings. We give a complete classification of direct limits of
full triangular matrix algebras with order preserving embeddings. We also
investigate the problem of characterizing algebras with order preserving
embeddings.Comment: 43 pages, AMS-TEX v2.
Automatic closure of invariant linear manifolds for operator algebras
Kadison's transitivity theorem implies that, for irreducible representations
of C*-algebras, every invariant linear manifold is closed. It is known that CSL
algebras have this propery if, and only if, the lattice is hyperatomic (every
projection is generated by a finite number of atoms). We show several other
conditions are equivalent, including the conditon that every invariant linear
manifold is singly generated.
We show that two families of norm closed operator algebras have this
property. First, let L be a CSL and suppose A is a norm closed algebra which is
weakly dense in Alg L and is a bimodule over the (not necessarily closed)
algebra generated by the atoms of L. If L is hyperatomic and the compression of
A to each atom of L is a C*-algebra, then every linear manifold invariant under
A is closed. Secondly, if A is the image of a strongly maximal triangular AF
algebra under a multiplicity free nest representation, where the nest has order
type -N, then every linear manifold invariant under A is closed and is singly
generated.Comment: AMS-LaTeX, 15 pages, minor revision