61 research outputs found
Moduli of Lagrangian immersions with formal deformations
Partly presented in the Gokova Geometry/Topology Conference 2017.We introduce a joint project with Cheol-Hyun Cho on the construction of quantum-corrected moduli of Lagrangian immersions. The construction has important applications to mirror symmetry for pair-of-pants decompositions, SYZ and wall-crossing. The key ingredient is Floer-theoretical gluing between local moduli spaces of Lagrangians with different topologies
Moduli of Lagrangian immersions with formal deformations
We introduce a joint project with Cheol-Hyun Cho on the construction of
quantum-corrected moduli of Lagrangian immersions. The construction has
important applications to mirror symmetry for pair-of-pants decompositions, SYZ
and wall-crossing. The key ingredient is Floer-theoretical gluing between local
moduli spaces of Lagrangians with different topologies.Comment: 23 pages, 12 figures, partly presented in the Gokova
Geometry/Topology Conference 201
Maurer-Cartan deformation of Lagrangians
The Maurer-Cartan algebra of a Lagrangian is the algebra that encodes the
deformation of the Floer complex as an -algebra. We
identify the Maurer-Cartan algebra with the -th cohomology of the Koszul
dual dga of . Making use of the identification, we prove that
there exists a natural isomorphism between the Maurer-Cartan algebra of and
a certain analytic completion of the wrapped Floer cohomology of another
Lagrangian when is \emph{dual} to in the sense to be defined. In
view of mirror symmetry, this can be understood as specifying a local chart
associated with in the mirror rigid analytic space. We examine the idea by
explicit calculation of the isomorphism for several interesting examples.Comment: 51 pages, 12 figures. Comments are welcom
Bulk-deformed potentials for toric Fano surfaces, wall-crossing and period
We provide an inductive algorithm to compute the bulk-deformed potentials for
toric Fano surfaces via wall-crossing techniques and a tropical-holomorphic
correspondence theorem for holomorphic discs. As an application of the
correspondence theorem, we also prove a big quantum period theorem for toric
Fano surfaces which relates the log descendant Gromov-Witten invariants with
the oscillatory integrals of the bulk-deformed potentials.Comment: 44 pages, 9 figures, comments are welcom
Examples of Matrix Factorizations from SYZ
We find matrix factorization corresponding to an anti-diagonal in , and circle fibers in weighted projective lines
using the idea of Chan and Leung of Strominger-Yau-Zaslow transformations. For
the tear drop orbifolds, we apply this idea to find matrix factorizations for
two types of potential, the usual Hori-Vafa potential or the bulk deformed
(orbi)-potential. We also show that the direct sum of anti-diagonal with its
shift, is equivalent to the direct sum of central torus fibers with holonomy
and in the Fukaya category of , which was predicted by Kapustin and Li from B-model calculations
Gluing Localized Mirror Functors
We develop a method of gluing the local mirrors and functors constructed from
immersed Lagrangians in the same deformation class. As a result, we obtain a
global mirror geometry and a canonical mirror functor. We apply the method to
construct the mirrors of punctured Riemann surfaces and show that our functor
derives homological mirror symmetry.Comment: 69 pages, 39 figures, comments are welcom
Localized mirror functor constructed from a Lagrangian torus
Fixing a weakly unobstructed Lagrangian torus in a symplectic manifold , we define a holomorphic function known as the Floer potential. We construct a canonical ∞ -functor from the Fukaya category of to the category of matrix factorizations of . It provides a unified way to construct matrix factorizations from Lagrangian Floer theory. The technique is applied to toric Fano manifolds to transform Lagrangian branes to matrix factorizations and prove homological mirror symmetry. Using the method, we also obtain an explicit expression of the matrix factorization mirror to the real locus of the complex projective space.Accepted manuscrip
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