70 research outputs found
Orientation of point nodes and nonunitary triplet pairing tuned by the easy-axis magnetization in UTe2
The gap structure of a novel uranium-based superconductor UTe, situated
in the vicinity of ferromagnetic quantum criticality, has been investigated via
specific-heat measurements in various field orientations. Its
angular variation shows a characteristic shoulder anomaly
with a local minimum in at moderate fields rotated within the
and planes. Based on the theoretical calculations, these features can
be attributed to the presence of point nodes in the superconducting gap along
the direction. Under the field orientation along the easy-magnetization
axis, an unusual temperature dependence of the upper critical field at low
fields together with a convex downward curvature in were observed. These
anomalous behaviors can be explained on the basis of a nonunitary triplet state
model with equal-spin pairing whose is tuned by the magnetization
along the axis. From these results, the gap symmetry of UTe is most
likely described by a vector order parameter of .Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures (main text) + 7 pages, 5 figures (Supplementary
Material), accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Researc
Magnetic field effect on the chiral magnetism of noncentrosymmetric UPtGe: experiment and theory
The effect of differently oriented magnetic field on chiral incommensurate
helimagnet UPtGe is studied both experimentally and theoretically. The
magnetization measurements up to the field above the saturation have revealed
an isotropic magnetic response below 20 T and a remarkable nonmonotonic
anisotropy in high fields. Moreover, the two principally different phase
transitions from the noncollinear incommensurate to the field-induced
ferromagnetic state have been observed. These properties are successfully
explained by density-functional theory calculations taking into account the
noncollinearity of the magnetic structures, arbitrary directed magnetic field,
and relativistic effects. We also estimate the strength of different competing
magnetic interactions and discuss possible scenarios of the field-induced phase
transformations.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl
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