38 research outputs found
Puma resource use patches, landscape corridors, and the current and proposed protected area network.
<p>Puma resource use patches, landscape corridors, and the current and proposed protected area network.</p
Characteristic scales of selection for each predictor variable from the Level II and Level III selection functions, the Path selection functions, and landscape genetic analysis.
<p>Plus or minus indicates preference or avoidance of that variable for resource use or movement. The selected resistance transformation for the landscape genetic analysis are indicated by IR = inverse Ricker, NL = negative linear, NMCc = negative monomolecular concave, NMCv = negative monomolecular convex, PL = positive linear, PMCc = positive monomolecular concave, PMCv = positive monomolecular convex. Blank cells indicate model convergence failures.</p
Standardized beta estimates, robust standard errors, and 95% robust confidence intervals for the multivariate Level II Home Range Selection Function model variables.
<p>Standardized beta estimates, robust standard errors, and 95% robust confidence intervals for the multivariate Level II Home Range Selection Function model variables.</p
Puma resource use patches, landscape corridors, and the current and proposed protected area network.
<p>Puma resource use patches, landscape corridors, and the current and proposed protected area network.</p
Resistance surfaces derived from the landscape genetics analysis, the PathSF, and the combined Multi-Level Resistance Surface.
<p>Resistance surfaces derived from the landscape genetics analysis, the PathSF, and the combined Multi-Level Resistance Surface.</p
Predicted relative probability of use surfaces from the multi-scale Level II Home Range Selection Function, the multi-scale Level III Point Selection Function and the combined Multi-Level Resource Selection Function.
<p>Predicted relative probability of use surfaces from the multi-scale Level II Home Range Selection Function, the multi-scale Level III Point Selection Function and the combined Multi-Level Resource Selection Function.</p
Functions used to transform the environmental variables to resistance, with a range of 1–100, for use in the landscape genetic analysis.
<p>Functions used to transform the environmental variables to resistance, with a range of 1–100, for use in the landscape genetic analysis.</p