9 research outputs found
The Marind Tribe’s Behavior in Cultivating Paddy Field in Merauke Regency, Papua Province
The focus of this study was to observe the behavior of the Marind Tribe in cultivating paddy field. The study intended to develop lowland rice by paying attention to the behavior of the Marind Tribe as agribusiness actors. This study aims to analyze the knowledge, attitudes, forms of action of Marind tribe farmers in rice farming and analyze the rice production produced. This research was conducted in Merauke Regency as a center for rice production in the province of Papua. The method used in this study is a survey method with in-depth interview techniques and observations of 120 Marind farmers who work on lowland rice in six districts in Merauke Regency. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis and inferential statistics. The results of the study concluded: (1) the knowledge of the Marind Tribe is still in the basic realm of knowing; (2) the Marind Tribe is hesitant to apply the cultivation of lowland rice; (3) the form of actions for planting lowland rice is incomplete; and (4) the level of production of lowland rice produced is very low
Minat Masyarakat dalam Bidang Pertanian “Kasus Masyarakat Kampung Udapi Hilir Kabupaten Manokwari, Papua”
The absorption of employment in agriculture is the focal point of the problem, where the interest in working is important. This research examines people's interest in agriculture; analyze attitudes, subjective norms, and social control in agriculture; analyze the relationship of attitudes, social norms, social control, and characteristics of respondents to community interest. The research was conducted in Udapi Hilir Village, Manokwari Regency using a survey method to 94 respondents. Data analysis using simple tabulation and partial least square test. The results of the study conclude that the community is not interested in being a provider of production facilities and administrators of farmer groups but is interested in becoming farmers and farm laborers. The attitude agrees that agriculture requires high labor, high production costs, risk of failure, and requires storage space. People's subjective norms that agriculture is the main source of livelihood, food source, and requires a large areal of land. Social control in the form of production inputs and subsidies for production costs from the government. Farming experience, productive age, production facilities assistance, production facilities cost subsidies, and production marketing assistance affect interest in farming
The Marind Tribe’s Social Capital in Developing Cultivation of Paddyfield Rice in Merauke Regency, Papua, Indonesia
The focus of this study was to study the social capital possessed by the Marind Tribe in conducting a social relationship with facilitators as the source of information about paddyfield rice cultivation. This is to develop paddyfield rice based on the social capitals possessed by the Marind Tribe. This study was done in Merauke Regency which is a paddyfield rice production center in Papua Province. The respondents in this study were 120 Marind Tribe farmers who cultivate paddyfield rice in six districts in Merauke Regency. The data were collected through surveys and observations and were then analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical analyses. The results of the study showed that the social relationship built between the Marind Tribe and the facilitators as the source of information about paddyfield rice cultivation has not yet been able to maximize the potential in the social capital possessed by the Marind Tribe. The social relationship built was not fully based on mutual trust and the network of social interaction between the Marind Tribe and the facilitators even though the sago norm provided an opportunity for the Marind Tribe to learn about paddyfield rice. The output of the social relationship between the Marind Tribe and the facilitators as a source of information about paddyfield rice cultivation has not yet been able to create an improvement in knowledge, to make the attitude approving, to increase group ability in implementing cultivation components, and to increase paddyfield rice production in the Marind Tribe. Keywords: Social capital, trust, social network, social norms.
Species Richness and Diversity of Klawalu Mangrove, Doberai Peninsula, Indonesian New Guinea
Mangrove plays an important role in the coastal area in particular as an ecological service, yet ecosystem cover has been declining for decades. This research was designed to find out the vegetation diversity of mangroves in Klawalu, Doberai Peninsula, Indonesian New Guinea. The 30 nested plots were located in three locations as the representation of mangrove fringe, intermediate, and landward zone, consecutively. This study revealed that mangrove forest consists of 21 species classified as the main structure and 9 species as mangrove associates. In general, the mangrove forest is able to regenerate naturally where fecundity establishment can be seen by the number of small individuals. The species diversity and the number of individuals from the edge to the inland increase resulting from tidal factors affecting the seed dispersal and sapling establishment. Practically, government intervention is needed to strengthen the status of the area as a protected area by means of regional regulations to manage sustainably the mangrove.
Literasi fungsional bermuatan anti Kekerasan Berbasis Gender (KBG) di Kampung Bogor Kabupaten Manokwari Papua Barat
Integrate gender base violence awareness into functional literacy learning program is aimed to develop modul about functional literacy contained gender base violence, conduct field study and applied modul of function literacy for Papuan women and men. This program is targeted community in Bogor sub district that consist og two neigboorhood groups, Bogor and Irmajaya. Most of the participant are farmers who lack of education. They commonly originated from Arfak and Biak. Learning method that used in this program is group-based approach, stakeholders’ incorporation in the program, role plays and colored picture and participatory approach. The result that will achieved from this program are integrated gender base violence in functional literacy modul that cultural appropriate. Four agents of change as pioner gender base violence awareness.Pembelajaran literasi bermuatan anti kekerasan berbasis gender (KBG) dilakukan dengan tujuan mengembangkan modul literasi fungsional bermuatan anti kekerasan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan sosial budaya masyarakat Papua, dan melaksanakan proses belajar mengajar menggunakan modul literasi fungsional bagi kelompok mama dan bapak Papua. Sasaran pembelajaran literasi ditujukan bagi masyarakat di Kampung Bogor yang terbagi atas Dusun Bogor dan Dusun Irman Jaya. Peserta didik memiliki latar belakang pendidikan rendah, bermata pencaharian sebagai petani, dan sebagian besar berasal dari suku Hatam dan Biak. Metode pembelajaran yang digunakan adalah pembelajaran kelompok, pembelajaran melalui pendekatan tokoh gereja dan kepala suku, pembelajaran lewat gambar berwarna dan permainan, serta pembelajaran partisipatif peserta. Hasil yang diperoleh tersedia modul literasi fungsional bermuatan anti kekerasan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan sosial budaya masyarakat Papua. Proses belajar dapat menghasilkan 2 orang bapak dan 2 orang mama sebagai agen penggerak masyarakat yang dapat menggerakkan dan mendifusikan materi literasi KBG kepada masyarakat
Peran gender masyarakat papua dalam usahatani pangan
Abstrak. Fokus penelitian ini adalah peran gender pada masyarakat Papua dalam usahatani pangan. Hal ini dimaksudkan guna meningkatkan partisipasi sumberdaya manusia perempuan dan laki-laki dalam berbagai aktifitas fisik maupun pengambilan keputusan untuk bersama-sama menciptakan kesetaraan dan keadilan gender. Penelitian bertujuan untuk (1) menganalisis peran gender dalam aktifitas peran, akses, kontrol, manfaat dan (2) menganalisis faktor-faktor penyebab peran gender. Penelitian dilakukan di Kabupaten Teluk Wondama, dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 106 orang. Metode yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survey dengan teknik wawacara mendalam, dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode harvard. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa, (1) bias gender terhadap laki-laki pada profil peran dalam tahap pengadaan bibit dan pembuatan pagar. (2) bias gender terhadap perempuan pada profil peran dalam tahapan penjualan hasil, (3) bias gender terhadap perempuan dalam mengambil keputusan untuk terlibat dalam keseluruhan tahap usahatani, (4) bias gender terhadap perempuan pada profil kontrol dalam pengambilan keputusan akan penguasaan sumberdaya tanah, (5) tidak terjadi bias gender pada profil akses terhadap sumberdaya usahatani, dan (6) tidak terjadi bias gender pada profil manfaat terhadap sumberdaya usahatani. Faktor penyebab peran gender antara lain (1) pemahaman nilai sosial masyarakat tentang feminisme dan maskulin, (2) sistim kekerabatan patriakal, dan (3) nilai mas kawin pada masyarakat Papua
Kampung Bogor di Kabupaten Manokwari Papua Barat merupakan daerah binaan Universitas Papua yang memiliki potensi pertanian teristimewa tanaman pisang dan singkong. Peruntukkan tanaman pisang dan singkong lebih banyak diperuntukkan untuk dijual dalam bentuk mentah dibandingkan dikonsumsi. Kelebihan produksi tanaman pisang dan singkong tanpa diimbangi dengan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan masyarakat dalam penanganan pasca panen menyebabkan permasalahan melimpahnya produk pertanian yang busuk dan terbuang. Situasi ini menjadi hal yang dilihat oleh tim Faperta Unipa untuk memberikan pendampingan. Tujuan pendampingan tim Faperta Unipa adalah meningkatkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan masyarakat tentang penanganan pasca panen produk pertanian, dan managemen usaha produksi pertanian. Hasil pendampingan memberikan hasil bahwa, masyarakat telah memahami proses pembuatan kripik pisang dan kripik singkong, serta bersedia untuk mencoba usaha kripik dengan melibatkan anggota keluarga untuk bekerja sama
Jurnal harkat : media komunikasi gender vol.16, no.1, 2020
iv, 76 hlm, 29,7 x 21 c
Jurnal harkat : media komunikasi gender vol.16, no.1, 2020
iv, 76 hlm, 29,7 x 21 c