5 research outputs found
Demographic data of solid tumor patients undergoing systemic cytotoxic chemotherapy and using prophylactic entecavir or lamivudine.
<p><sup><i>a</i></sup>Entecavir group included 6 head and neck cancers, 4 gynecologic cancers, and 7 genitourinary cancers. Lamivudine group included 31 head and neck cancers, 15 gynecologic cancers, and 11 genitourinary cancers.</p><p><sup><i>b</i></sup>SCC: systemic cytotoxic chemotherapy</p><p><sup><i>c</i></sup>ALT: alanine aminotransferase.</p><p><sup><i>d</i></sup>INR: international normalized ratio.</p><p>Demographic data of solid tumor patients undergoing systemic cytotoxic chemotherapy and using prophylactic entecavir or lamivudine.</p
Hepatitis B reactivation during systemic cytotoxic chemotherapy in solid tumor patients with a baseline HBV DNA level equal to or more than 2000 IU/mL and using prophylactic entecavir and lamivudine.
<p>Hepatitis B reactivation during systemic cytotoxic chemotherapy in solid tumor patients with a baseline HBV DNA level equal to or more than 2000 IU/mL and using prophylactic entecavir and lamivudine.</p
Baseline characteristics of the patients.
a<p>Data presented as mean +/− standard deviation.</p><p>AFP: alpha-fetoprotein, CLIP: Cancer of the Liver Italian Program, BCLC: Barcelona-Clinic Liver Cancer.</p
Comparison of the overall survival rate between the HAIC and symptomatic treatment group.
<p>The HAIC group had significantly better survival than the symptomatic treatment group (P<0.001).</p
Adverse events of patients who received HAIC according to NCI-CTC AE grading.
<p>Adverse events of patients who received HAIC according to NCI-CTC AE grading.</p