162 research outputs found
Amplifying single impurities immersed in a gas of ultra cold atoms
We present a method for amplifying a single or scattered impurities immersed
in a background gas of ultra cold atoms so that they can be optically imaged
and spatially resolved. Our approach relies on a Raman transfer between two
stable atomic hyperfine states that is conditioned on the presence of an
impurity atom. The amplification is based on the strong interaction among atoms
excited to Rydberg states. We perform a detailed analytical study of the
performance of the proposed scheme with particular emphasis on the influence of
many-body effects.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
Breakdown of integrability in a quasi-one-dimensional ultracold bosonic gas
We demonstrate that virtual excitations of higher radial modes in an atomic
Bose gas in a tightly confining waveguide result in effective three-body
collisions that violate integrability in this quasi-one-dimensional quantum
system and give rise to thermalization. The estimated thermalization rates are
consistent with recent experimental results in quasi-1D dynamics of ultracold
atoms.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, revtex
Disorder Potentials near Lithographically Fabricated Atom Chips
We show that previously observed large disorder potentials in magnetic
microtraps for neutral atoms are reduced by about two orders of magnitude when
using atom chips with lithographically fabricated high quality gold layers.
Using one dimensional Bose-Einstein condensates, we probe the remaining
magnetic field variations at surface distances down to a few microns.
Measurements on a 100 um wide wire imply that residual variations of the
current flow result from local properties of the wire.Comment: submitted on September 24th, 200
Sensing electric and magnetic fields with Bose-Einstein Condensates
We discuss the application of Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) as sensors for
magnetic and electric fields. In an experimental demonstration we have brought
one-dimensional BECs close to micro-fabricated wires on an atom chip and
thereby reached a sensitivity to potential variations of ~10e-14eV at 3 micron
spatial resolution. We demonstrate the versatility of this sensor by measuring
a two-dimensional magnetic field map 10 micron above a 100-micron-wide wire. We
show how the transverse current-density component inside the wire can be
reconstructed from such maps. The field sensitivity in dependence on the
spatial resolution is discussed and further improvements utilizing Feshbach
resonances are outlined.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
Ultracold atoms in radio-frequency-dressed potentials beyond the rotating wave approximation
We study dressed Bose-Einstein condensates in an atom chip radio-frequency
trap. We show that in this system sufficiently strong dressing can be achieved
to cause the widely used rotating wave approximation (RWA) to break down. We
present a full calculation of the atom - field coupling which shows that the
non-RWA contributions quantitatively alter the shape of the emerging dressed
adiabatic potentials. The non-RWA contributions furthermore lead to additional
allowed transitions between dressed levels. We use RF spectroscopy of
Bose-Einstein condensates trapped in the dressed state potentials to directly
observe the transition from the RWA to the beyond-RWA regime.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure
Manipulation of ultracold atoms in dressed adiabatic radio frequency potentials
We explore properties of atoms whose magnetic hyperfine sub-levels are
coupled by an external magnetic radio frequency (rf) field. We perform a
thorough theoretical analysis of this driven system and present a number of
systematic approximations which eventually give rise to dressed adiabatic radio
frequency potentials. The predictions of this analytical investigation are
compared to numerically exact results obtained by a wave packet propagation. We
outline the versatility and flexibility of this new class of potentials and
demonstrate their potential use to build atom optical elements such as
double-wells, interferometers and ringtraps. Moreover, we perform simulations
of interference experiments carried out in rf induced double-well potentials.
We discuss how the nature of the atom-field coupling mechanism gives rise to a
decrease of the interference contrast
Adiabatic radio frequency potentials for the coherent manipulation of matter waves
Adiabatic dressed state potentials are created when magnetic sub-states of
trapped atoms are coupled by a radio frequency field. We discuss their
theoretical foundations and point out fundamental advantages over potentials
purely based on static fields. The enhanced flexibility enables one to
implement numerous novel configurations, including double wells, Mach-Zehnder
and Sagnac interferometers which even allows for internal state-dependent atom
manipulation. These can be realized using simple and highly integrated wire
geometries on atom chips.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure
Weakly interacting Bose gas in the one-dimensional limit
We prepare a chemically and thermally one-dimensional (1d) quantum degenerate
Bose gas in a single microtrap. We introduce a new interferometric method to
distinguish the quasicondensate fraction of the gas from the thermal cloud at
finite temperature. We reach temperatures down to (transverse oscillator eigenfrequency )
when collisional thermalization slows down as expected in 1d. At the lowest
temperatures the transverse momentum distribution exhibits a residual
dependence on the line density , characteristic for 1d systems. For
very low densities the approach to the transverse single particle ground state
is linear in .Comment: to appear in Phys. Rev. Let
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