36,958 research outputs found

    Realizing blacknpinay: Negotiating Notions of Authenticity in Janet Stickmons Crushing Soft Rubies

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    Despite racism, challenges from family and communities, and oppression within schooling, Janet Stickmons memoir Crushing Soft Rubies exposes how she navigates and ultimately finds home in a world that does not always work in her favor as a mixed Black and Filipina woman; however, it also shows how she realizes her agency in the process. In using her counternarrative as a tool for engaging critical dialogue about identity, power, and authenticity, her text is valuable in these negotiations that help one to be at home in ones identities

    Resonant frequency can be adjusted on vibration mount

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    Vibration mount allows adjustment of its resonant frequency and is insensitive to wide temperature variation. The concept is essentially a multidirectional, frictionally damped spring with an adjustable cap. The mount provides vibration isolation in both compression and shear and may be applicable to space use

    A new species of Ceroplastes from Florida (Hemiptera: Coccoidea: Coccidae)

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    Previous literature recognized twenty species of wax scales occurring in the Neartic region with nine of those occurring in Florida. This number has grown recently with the establishment of the Ceroplastes rusci and the discovery of C. feltyii (new species). A description and illustration of C. feltyii is provided along with a key to all of the wax scales currently found in Florida

    Development of a Ground-Based Aerial-Tracking Instrument for Open-Path Spectroscopy to Monitor Atmospheric Constituents

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    A ground-based aerial-tracking instrument, known as the Ground Tracker, designed to provide spectral data to quantify greenhouse gases is under development. The Ground Tracker includes an Optical System including a high power rifle scope, video camera, and spectrometer used to locate an active light source from the Emitter, and collect spectral data by utilizing an actuating mirror. The implementation of this instrument could be made low cost by utilizing existing weather balloon infrastructure to allow the Emitter to be placed into the lower stratosphere. The recovery of the emitter will be possible by tracking the GPS coordinates. Weather balloon instrument packages contain shipping instructions and postage for those packages that go beyond GPS range or are lost. The Ground Tracker and Emitter Gimbal, while not ready for implementation, demonstrate the feasibility of a spectroscopy system that could provide important data for climate observation and modeling at temporal and spatial resolutions not currently available to state-of-the-art satellites

    Lepidoptera of New York and Neighboring States, Part 1 (1923). William T. M. Forbes. Los Angeles: Entomological Reprint Specialists, 1969. 729 pp. $17.50.

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    Excerpt: Entomological Reprint Specialists have done a fine service to the field of entomology and the study of Lepidoptera in particular by making the first volume of Forbes\u27 work on the Lepidoptera of the northeastern states generally available. This volume remains the only comprehensive work on the numerous families included in the primitive moths, Microlepidoptera, Pyraloidea, and Bombycoidea for a major portion of North America
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