2,907 research outputs found
Updated Estimate of the Muon Magnetic Moment Using Revised Results from e+e- Annihilation
A new evaluation of the hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to the muon
magnetic moment is presented. We take into account the reanalysis of the
low-energy e+e- annihilation cross section into hadrons by the CMD-2
Collaboration. The agreement between e+e- and tau spectral functions in the pi
pi channel is found to be much improved. Nevertheless, significant
discrepancies remain in the center-of-mass energy range between 0.85 and 1.0
GeV, so that we refrain from averaging the two data sets. The values found for
the lowest-order hadronic vacuum polarization contributions are a_mu[had,LO] =
(696.3 +- 6.2[exp] +- 3.6[rad])e-10 (e+e- -based) and a_mu[had,LO] = (711.0 +-
5.0[exp] +- 0.8[rad] +- 2.8[SU2])e-10 (tau-based), where the errors have been
separated according to their sources: experimental, missing radiative
corrections in e+e- data, and isospin breaking. The corresponding Standard
Model predictions for the muon magnetic anomaly read a_mu = (11,659,180.9 +-
7.2[had] +- 3.5[LBL] +- 0.4[QED+EW])e-10 (e+e- -based) and a_mu = (11,659,195.6
+- 5.8[had] +- 3.5[LBL] +- 0.4[QED+EW])e-10 (tau-based), where the errors
account for the hadronic, light-by-light (LBL) scattering and electroweak
contributions. The deviations from the measurement at BNL are found to be (22.1
+- 7.2 +- 3.5 +- 8.0)e-10 (1.9 sigma) and (7.4 +- 5.8 +- 3.5 +- 8.0)e-10 (0.7
sigma) for the e+e- and tau-based estimates, respectively, where the second
error is from the LBL contribution and the third one from the BNL measurement.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures (to be submitted to Phys Lett B
CAMIEM: Compact Additively Manufactured Innovative Electric Motor
New manufacturing methods are needed to obtain innovative electric motor designs that have much higher power densities and/or efficiencies compared to the current state-of-the-art. Additive manufacturing offers the potential to radically change motor designs so that they have compact designs, multi-material components, innovative cooling, and optimally designed and manufactured components. New component designs enabled by additive manufacturing technologies have been designed and were fabricated to include the housing, rotors, stator cooling ring, a direct printed stator, and a wire embedded stator. The new components were integrated into the motor and tested evaluate the performance gains in comparison to the baseline electric motor configuration. Partners on the sub-project include NASA GRC, NASA LaRC, NASA AFRC, LaunchPoint Technologies, and the University of Texas El Paso
A New Approach to a Global Fit of the CKM Matrix
We report on a global CKM matrix analysis taking into account most recent
experimental and theoretical results. The statistical framework (Rfit)
developed in this paper advocates formal frequentist statistics. Other
approaches, such as Bayesian statistics or the 95% CL scan method are also
discussed. We emphasize the distinction of a model testing and a model
dependent, metrological phase in which the various parameters of the theory are
determined. Measurements and theoretical parameters entering the global fit are
thoroughly discussed, in particular with respect to their theoretical
uncertainties. Graphical results for confidence levels are drawn in various one
and two-dimensional parameter spaces. Numerical results are provided for all
relevant CKM parameterizations, the CKM elements and theoretical input
parameters. Predictions for branching ratios of rare K and B meson decays are
obtained. A simple, predictive SUSY extension of the Standard Model is
discussed.Comment: 66 pages, added figures, corrected typos, no quantitative change
Two-dimensional oscillating airfoil test apparatus
A two dimensional oscillating airfoil test apparatus is presented as a method of measuring unsteady aerodynamic forces on an airfoil or rotor blade section. The oscillating airfoil test rig, which is being built for use in an 11 X 11-foot transonic wind tunnel (speed range M = 0.4 - 1.4), will allow determination of unsteady loadings and detailed pressure distributions on representative airfoil sections undergoing simulated pitching and flapping motions. The design details of the motion generating system and supporting structure are presented. This apparatus is now in the construction phase
Bayesian Statistics at Work: the Troublesome Extraction of the CKM Phase alpha
In Bayesian statistics, one's prior beliefs about underlying model parameters
are revised with the information content of observed data from which, using
Bayes' rule, a posterior belief is obtained. A non-trivial example taken from
the isospin analysis of B-->PP (P = pi or rho) decays in heavy-flavor physics
is chosen to illustrate the effect of the naive "objective" choice of flat
priors in a multi-dimensional parameter space in presence of mirror solutions.
It is demonstrated that the posterior distribution for the parameter of
interest, the phase alpha, strongly depends on the choice of the
parameterization in which the priors are uniform, and on the validity range in
which the (un-normalizable) priors are truncated. We prove that the most
probable values found by the Bayesian treatment do not coincide with the
explicit analytical solution, in contrast to the frequentist approach. It is
also shown in the appendix that the alpha-->0 limit cannot be consistently
treated in the Bayesian paradigm, because the latter violates the physical
symmetries of the problem.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figure
Strange Quark Mass from the Invariant Mass Distribution of Cabibbo-Suppressed Tau Decays
Quark mass corrections to the tau hadronic width play a significant role only
for the strange quark, hence providing a method for determining its mass. The
experimental input is the vector plus axial-vector strange spectral function
derived from a complete study of tau decays into strange hadronic final states
performed by ALEPH. New results on strange decay modes from other experiments
are also incorporated. The present analysis determines the strange quark mass
at the Mtau mass scale using moments of the spectral function. Justified
theoretical constraints are applied to the nonperturbative components and
careful attention is paid to the treatment of the perturbative expansions of
the moments which exhibit convergence problems. The result obtained,
m_s(Mtau^2) = (120 +- 11_exp +- 8_Vus +- 19_th) MeV = (120^+21_-26) MeV, is
stable over the scale from Mtau down to about 1.4 GeV. Evolving this result to
customary scales yields m_s(1 GeV^2) = (160^+28_-35) MeV and m_s(4 GeV^2) =
(116^+20_-25) MeV.Comment: LaTex, 8 pages, 4 figures (EPS
Co-rich decagonal Al-Co-Ni: predicting structure, orientational order, and puckering
We apply systematic methods previously used by Mihalkovic et al. to predict
the structure of the `basic' Co-rich modification of the decagonal Al70 Co20
Ni10 layered quasicrystal, based on known lattice constants and previously
calculated pair potentials. The modelling is based on Penrose tile decoration
and uses Monte Carlo annealing to discover the dominant motifs, which are
converted into rules for another level of description. The result is a network
of edge-sharing large decagons on a binary tiling of edge 10.5 A. A detailed
analysis is given of the instability of a four-layer structure towards
-doubling and puckering of the atoms out of the layers, which is applied to
explain the (pentagonal) orientational order.Comment: IOP LaTex; 7 pp, 2 figures. In press, Phil. Mag. A (Proc. Intl. Conf.
on Quasicrystals 9, Ames Iowa, May 2005
Consistent two--dimensional chiral gravity
We study chiral induced gravity in the light-cone gauge and show that the
theory is consistent for a particular choice of chiralities. The corresponding
Kac--Moody central charge has no forbidden region of complex values.
Generalized analysis of the critical exponents is given and their relation to
the vacuum states is elucidated. All the parameters containing
information about the theory can be traced back to the characteristics of the
group of residual symmetry in the light--cone gauge.Comment: 38 pages, LateX, to appear in Int.J.Mod.Phys.
Influence of Interstitial Impurities (H, B, C) on Grain Boundary Cohesion in B2 Ti-based Alloys
The investigation of hydrogen, boron and carbon sorption properties at the Σ5(310) symmetrical tilt grain boundary (GB) and (310) free surface (FS) in B2 Ti-based alloys was carried out by the plane-wave pseudopotential method within density functional theory. The most preferential positions for interstitial impurities at GB were determined. It was shown that impurities sorption energies at GB depend strongly on their local environment. The analysis of electronic properties allows us to establish the microscopic na-ture of chemical bonding of all considered impurities at GB. It was shown that H decreases more signifi-cantly the surface energies than the GB energy in contrast to B and C. This results in decreasing the Grif-fith work that indicates also the decrease of the strength of grain boundary. The segregation of H at the GB makes intergranular fracture much easier because the bonding between metal atoms, which are neigh-bors of H, is weakened. The segregation behavior of hydrogen confirms it as an embrittler for B2 Ti-based alloys. At the same time boron and carbon segregation contrast to hydrogen increase the GB cohesion.
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A Multivariate Training Technique with Event Reweighting
An event reweighting technique incorporated in multivariate training
algorithm has been developed and tested using the Artificial Neural Networks
(ANN) and Boosted Decision Trees (BDT). The event reweighting training are
compared to that of the conventional equal event weighting based on the ANN and
the BDT performance. The comparison is performed in the context of the physics
analysis of the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), which will
explore the fundamental nature of matter and the basic forces that shape our
universe. We demonstrate that the event reweighting technique provides an
unbiased method of multivariate training for event pattern recognition.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figure
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