1,785 research outputs found
An isogeometric analysis for elliptic homogenization problems
A novel and efficient approach which is based on the framework of
isogeometric analysis for elliptic homogenization problems is proposed. These
problems possess highly oscillating coefficients leading to extremely high
computational expenses while using traditional finite element methods. The
isogeometric analysis heterogeneous multiscale method (IGA-HMM) investigated in
this paper is regarded as an alternative approach to the standard Finite
Element Heterogeneous Multiscale Method (FE-HMM) which is currently an
effective framework to solve these problems. The method utilizes non-uniform
rational B-splines (NURBS) in both macro and micro levels instead of standard
Lagrange basis. Beside the ability to describe exactly the geometry, it
tremendously facilitates high-order macroscopic/microscopic discretizations
thanks to the flexibility of refinement and degree elevation with an arbitrary
continuity level provided by NURBS basis functions. A priori error estimates of
the discretization error coming from macro and micro meshes and optimal micro
refinement strategies for macro/micro NURBS basis functions of arbitrary orders
are derived. Numerical results show the excellent performance of the proposed
Solid waste management in Mekong Delta: Review Paper
Municipal solid waste (MSW) in Vietnam has been increasing quickly and became one of the most considered environmental problems in Mekong Delta (MD) region covering 13 provinces and municipalities in the south of Vietnam. With a considerably large amount of MSW, the region produces about 5% of the total amount of MSW of the country. The collection rate of solid waste is about quite high (65 - 72%) in the cities and rather low (about 40 - 55%) in the rural areas, with a high content in organic matter (about 60 - 85%). The climate of MD can be characterized as tropical and monsoonal with a high rate of humidity and a strong impact of flooding. Like other regions too, the MSW collection and treatment system is still underdeveloped and rudimentary, with disposal sites being the sole dumping method of the unsorted MSW remaining untreated by any mechanical and biological pre-treatment steps. Within this paper, the current treatment, management and operation of MSW systems are introduced, as well as the identification of advantages and disadvantages, environmental impacts, potential risks of the MSW system within the impact of global climate change. The situation of MSW treatment and management is correlated with the climate change impact and the integrated solid waste management is introduced as a new approach for adapting the environmental protection awareness by considering the climate change for the longterm sustainable development orientation.Sự gia tăng chất thải rắn ở các đô thị Việt Nam ngày càng nhanh và chất thải rắn đang là một trong những vấn đề môi trường được quan tâm hàng đầu. Đồng bằng Sông Cửu Long (ĐBSCL) nơi có đến 13 tỉnh và thành phố nằm ở phía Nam Việt Nam. Với lượng chất thải không nhỏ, chiếm khoảng 5 % tổng lượng chất thải rắn sinh hoạt của quốc gia. Tỷ lệ thu gom chất thải rắn thấp, chiếm khoảng 65 - 72 % ở thành thị, tỷ lệ này ở nông thôn thấp 40 - 55%, chất thải có hàm lượng hữu cơ cao chiếm khoảng 60 - 85%. Khí hậu nhiệt đới gió mùa với độ ẩm không khí cao và chịu ảnh hưởng lớn của lũ lụt hàng năm. Cũng như các khu vực khác, hệ thống thu gom và xử lý rác thải ở khu vực ĐBSCL còn rất thô sơ và lạc hậu, bãi rác là nơi duy nhất tiếp nhận trực tiếp hổnhợp rác thải không phân loại và qua bất kỳ công đoạn tiền xử lý nào. Trong phạm vi bài viết này, chúng tôi giới thiệu hoạt động vận hành hệ thống quản lý và xử lý rác đô thị trong khu vực đồng thời phân tích các thuận lợi và bất lợi, cũng như các tác động môi trường, những rủi ro tiềm ẩn trong điều kiện ảnh hưởng của biến đổi khí hậu toàn cầu - khu vực ĐBSCL là nơi chịu ảnh hưởng nặng nề nhất. Tình hình quản lý và xử lý rác được cân nhắc trong điều kiện tác động của biến đổi khí hậu, đồng thời quản lý tổng hợp rác thải cũng được đề xuất như một các tiếp cận mới nhằm đáp ứng nhiệm vụ bảo vệ môi trường trong điều kiện biến đổi khí hậu theo định hướng phát triển bền vững lâu dài
Electromyography (EMG) signals are the measune of activity in the muscles. The
motion of the muscles will be generated and recorded using skin surface electrodes.
EMG signals can be found from anywhere on the exterior of human's body such as
biceps, triceps, shoulder, arm, hand, leg. The aim of this project is to identifr the
neuromuscular diseases based on EMG signals by means of classification. The
ncuromuscular diseases that have been identified are healthy, myopathy and
neuropathy. The signals weIE taken and analyzed from EMG lab database to become
datasets for classification system. The classification was carried out using Artilicial
Neural Network. In this project, there are two techniques that used to classifr three
different types of muscular disorders such as Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) and
Wavelet Neural Network (WlIhI). And the input that applied to these systems using
feature extraction from EMC signals. In time domain, five feature extraction
techniques that used to exmct the sample of signal such as Autoregressive (AR),
Root mean square (RMS), Zero crossing (zc), waveform length (wL) and Mean
Absolute Value (MA$. The comparison between different techniques will be
included based on the accuracy of the result. The input data has been used in
Multilayer Perceptron (MtP) to train the classification system. Besides that,
frequency domain was used for extracting the useful information from EMG signal
for Wavelet neural network (wl[Nr) such as Power Spectrum Density (pSD), both
systems were hained and the test performances were examined after training to
provide the best result
Applying Consistency Fuzzy Preference Relations to Select a Strategy that Attracts Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Developing Supporting Industries for Vietnam
The Vietnamese government has been focused on promoting supporting industries, which may provide a “key” solution for sustained development and thereby improve the national welfare. Coincidentally, Vietnam is also focused on an optimal strategy to attract foreign direct investment (FDI that develops a strategy for supporting industries). However, these results have not been achieved due to the weaknesses of low FDI flow, the limited number of capital projects, and the inclusion of smaller enterprises with lower technology into the mix. This negative situation begs the question as to what might be the best strategy for attracting FDI that developmentally supports the Vietnamese industry. As an intended remedy, this inquiry establishes an analytical, hierarchy framework beneficial to the Vietnamese government on a best strategic method for attracting FDI to develop supporting local industries. This study utilizes fuzzy preference relations to improve the decision-making process to be both consistent and effective. The analytical results demonstrate that institutional policies, domestic supply capacity, human resources, and technological development, coupled with innovation, are the key criteria to be considered when selecting a strategy that attracts regular FDI. Furthermore, analytical results presented in this work demonstrate that the best strategies for attracting FDI to Vietnam are those that motivate sustainable economic growth on an ongoing basis
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