409 research outputs found

    DISCO: Adversarial Defense with Local Implicit Functions

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    The problem of adversarial defenses for image classification, where the goal is to robustify a classifier against adversarial examples, is considered. Inspired by the hypothesis that these examples lie beyond the natural image manifold, a novel aDversarIal defenSe with local impliCit functiOns (DISCO) is proposed to remove adversarial perturbations by localized manifold projections. DISCO consumes an adversarial image and a query pixel location and outputs a clean RGB value at the location. It is implemented with an encoder and a local implicit module, where the former produces per-pixel deep features and the latter uses the features in the neighborhood of query pixel for predicting the clean RGB value. Extensive experiments demonstrate that both DISCO and its cascade version outperform prior defenses, regardless of whether the defense is known to the attacker. DISCO is also shown to be data and parameter efficient and to mount defenses that transfers across datasets, classifiers and attacks.Comment: Accepted to Neurips 202

    ProTeCt: Prompt Tuning for Hierarchical Consistency

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    Large visual-language models, like CLIP, learn generalized representations and have shown promising zero-shot performance. Few-shot adaptation methods, based on prompt tuning, have also been shown to further improve performance on downstream datasets. However, these models are not hierarchically consistent. Frequently, they infer incorrect labels at coarser taxonomic class levels, even when the inference at the leaf level (original class labels) is correct. This is problematic, given their support for open set classification and, in particular, open-grained classification, where practitioners define label sets at various levels of granularity. To address this problem, we propose a prompt tuning technique to calibrate the hierarchical consistency of model predictions. A set of metrics of hierarchical consistency, the Hierarchical Consistent Accuracy (HCA) and the Mean Treecut Accuracy (MTA), are first proposed to benchmark model performance in the open-granularity setting. A prompt tuning technique, denoted as Prompt Tuning for Hierarchical Consistency (ProTeCt), is then proposed to calibrate classification across all possible label set granularities. Results show that ProTeCt can be combined with existing prompt tuning methods to significantly improve open-granularity classification performance without degradation of the original classification performance at the leaf level

    Long-Tailed Anomaly Detection with Learnable Class Names

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    Anomaly detection (AD) aims to identify defective images and localize their defects (if any). Ideally, AD models should be able to detect defects over many image classes; without relying on hard-coded class names that can be uninformative or inconsistent across datasets; learn without anomaly supervision; and be robust to the long-tailed distributions of real-world applications. To address these challenges, we formulate the problem of long-tailed AD by introducing several datasets with different levels of class imbalance and metrics for performance evaluation. We then propose a novel method, LTAD, to detect defects from multiple and long-tailed classes, without relying on dataset class names. LTAD combines AD by reconstruction and semantic AD modules. AD by reconstruction is implemented with a transformer-based reconstruction module. Semantic AD is implemented with a binary classifier, which relies on learned pseudo class names and a pretrained foundation model. These modules are learned over two phases. Phase 1 learns the pseudo-class names and a variational autoencoder (VAE) for feature synthesis that augments the training data to combat long-tails. Phase 2 then learns the parameters of the reconstruction and classification modules of LTAD. Extensive experiments using the proposed long-tailed datasets show that LTAD substantially outperforms the state-of-the-art methods for most forms of dataset imbalance. The long-tailed dataset split is available at https://zenodo.org/records/10854201 .Comment: This paper is accepted to CVPR 2024. The supplementary material is included. The long-tailed dataset split is available at https://zenodo.org/records/1085420

    Spatio-Temporal Modeling for Flash Memory Channels Using Conditional Generative Nets

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    We propose a data-driven approach to modeling the spatio-temporal characteristics of NAND flash memory read voltages using conditional generative networks. The learned model reconstructs read voltages from an individual memory cell based on the program levels of the cell and its surrounding cells, as well as the specified program/erase (P/E) cycling time stamp. We evaluate the model over a range of time stamps using the cell read voltage distributions, the cell level error rates, and the relative frequency of errors for patterns most susceptible to inter-cell interference (ICI) effects. We conclude that the model accurately captures the spatial and temporal features of the flash memory channel