18,079 research outputs found
Water as a matter for human emotions
The purpose of this thesis is to explore the plastic image of water as the metaphor for specific human emotions. Given its fluid nature, water itself does not have its own particular form of existence. However, influenced by the external environment, water creates various forms that suggest specific human emotion. These forms are created by forces of nature. I intend to create sculpture of the motion of water that evokes human emotion. The format for the idea is sculpture that consists of structural, repetitive and organized modules. I exploit the repetitive and sequential use of forms that provide an immediate feeling of visual unity. In this thesis I will discuss how my sculptural work explores water as a metaphor for human emotion
Period and toroidal knot mosaics
Knot mosaic theory was introduced by Lomonaco and Kauffman in the paper on
`Quantum knots and mosaics' to give a precise and workable definition of
quantum knots, intended to represent an actual physical quantum system. A knot
(m,n)-mosaic is an matrix whose entries are eleven mosaic
tiles, representing a knot or a link by adjoining properly. In this paper we
introduce two variants of knot mosaics: period knot mosaics and toroidal knot
mosaics, which are common features in physics and mathematics. We present an
algorithm producing the exact enumeration of period knot (m,n)-mosaics for any
positive integers m and n, toroidal knot (m,n)-mosaics for co-prime integers m
and n, and furthermore toroidal knot (p,p)-mosaics for a prime number p. We
also analyze the asymptotics of the growth rates of their cardinality
Impact of Direct Income Payments on Productive Efficiency of Korean Rice Farms
This paper examines the impact of direct income payments on productive efficiency of Korean rice farms, using farm-level cross sectional data in 2006. For representation of efficiency and its determinants, this paper uses a model that estimates the deviations of farms from a translog distance function and the determinants of these deviations. This paper especially estimates a stochastic frontier production function to explain deviations from best-practice productivity with a two-part error term including statistical noise from measurement error and technical inefficiency arising from farms not reaching the production frontier boundary. The empirical evidence finds that farms that get a higher share of direct payments in farm revenue are less efficient than others. This inefficiency is reduced by increases in farm size. Another result indicates that farms received greater direct payments on aggregate are more efficient than other farms since fixed payment, one part of rice direct payment, is tied to the amount of a farm's cropland that has been enrolled in programs, as well as yield histories.direct income payments, productive efficiency, stochastic frontier production function, Korea, Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy, Crop Production/Industries,
Pulsed Laser Deposition of Rocksalt Magnetic Binary Oxides
Here we systematically explore the use of pulsed laser deposition technique
(PLD) to grow three basic oxides that have rocksalt structure but different
chemical stability in the ambient atmosphere: NiO (stable), MnO (metastable)
and EuO (unstable). By tuning laser fluence, an epitaxial single-phase nickel
oxide thin-film growth can be achieved in a wide range of temperatures from 10
to 750 {\deg}C. At the lowest growth temperature, the out-of-plane strain
raises to 1.5%, which is five times bigger than that in a NiO film grown at 750
{\deg}C. MnO thin films that had long-range ordered were successfully deposited
on the MgO substrates after appropriate tuning of deposition parameters. The
growth of MnO phase was strongly influenced by substrate temperature and laser
fluence. EuO films with satisfactory quality were deposited by PLD after oxygen
availability had been minimized. Synthesis of EuO thin films at rather low
growth temperature prevented thermally-driven lattice relaxation and allowed
growth of strained films. Overall, PLD was a quick and reliable method to grow
binary oxides with rocksalt structure in high quality that can satisfy
requirements for applications and for basic research
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