13 research outputs found

    Efficacy and limitation of bone marrow transplantation in the treatment of acute and subacute liver failure in rats.

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    Aim: Recent reports have shown that bone marrow cells (BMC) retain the potential to differentiate into hepatocytes. Thus, the BMC have been recognized as an attractive source for liver regenerative medicine. However, it has not been clarified whether BMC transplantation can be used to treat liver damage in vivo. In the present study, we explored whether BMC possess therapeutic potential to treat acute and/or subacute liver failure. Methods: Fulminant hepatic failure (FHF) was induced by 70% hepatectomy with ligation of the right lobe pedicle (24% liver mass), followed by transplantation of BMC into the spleen. Dipeptidyl peptidase IV-positive (DPPIV(+)) BMC were then transplanted into DPPIV-negative (DPPIV(-)) recipients following hepatic irradiation (HIR) in which 70% of the liver was resected and the remnant liver irradiated. Results: There was no benefit of BMC transplantation towards survival in the FHF model. DPPIV(+) hepatocytes appeared in the liver tissues of the DPPIV(-) HIR model rats, but DPPIV(+) hepatocytes replaced less than 13% of the recipient liver. Conclusion: BMC transplantation may have limitations in the treatment of fulminant or acute liver failure because they do not have sufficient time to develop into functional hepatocytes. Preparative HIR may be beneficial in help to convert the transplanted BMC into host hepatocytes, and provide a survival benefit. Although, However, the precise mechanism warrants further studies

    Two-surgeon technique using saline-linked electric cautery and ultrasonic surgical aspirator in living donor hepatectomy: its safety and efficacy

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    Background: Saline-linked electric cautery (SLC) is introduced as an effective device to reduce blood loss in liver surgery. The aim of this study is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of two-surgeon technique using SLC and Cavitron Ultrasonic Surgical Aspirator (CUSA) in living donor hepatectomy. Methods: Forty-three living donor right hepatectomies were enrolled in this study. The first 28 cases underwent liver transection with CUSA alone (CUSA group), while additional SLC was applied in the current 15 cases (two-surgeon technique, TS group). Results: Blood loss was significantly reduced by two-surgeon technique (1115.2±652.9g in CUSA group vs 732.3±363.6g in TS group, p<0.05). In the TS group, there was no bile leakage from the cut surface. The early graft function and postoperative recipient survival were not significantly different between the groups. Conclusions: According to our single center experience, blood loss and donor complications were significantly reduced by two-surgeon technique using CUSA and SLC, with maintaining the graft viability

    Acute deterioration of idiopathic portal hypertension requiring living donor liver transplantation: a case report.

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    Case reports of severe idiopathic portal hypertension (IPH) requiring liver transplantation are very rare. We report the case of a 65-year-old woman who was diagnosed as having IPH. At the age of 60 years, her initial symptom was hematemesis, due to ruptured esophageal varices. Computed tomography of the abdomen showed splenomegaly and a small amount of ascites, without liver cirrhosis. She was diagnosed as having IPH and followed-up as an outpatient. Five years later, she developed symptoms of a common cold and rapidly progressive abdominal distension. She was found to have severe liver atrophy, liver dysfunction, and massive ascites. Living donor liver transplantation was then performed, and her postoperative course was uneventful. Histopathological findings of the explanted liver showed collapse and stenosis of the peripheral portal vein. The areas of liver parenchyma were narrow, while the portal tracts and central veins were approximate one another, leading to a diagnosis of IPH. There was no liver cirrhosis. The natural history of refractory IPH could be observed in this case. Patients with end-stage liver failure due to severe IPH can be treated by liver transplantation

    A newly developed grab sampling system for collecting stratospheric air over Antarctica

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    In order to measure the concentrations of various minor constituents and their isotopic ratios in the stratosphere over Antarctica, a simple grab sampling system was newly developed. The sampling system was designed to be launched by a small number of personnel using a rubber balloon under severe experimental conditions. Special attention was paid to minimize the contamination of sample air, as well as to allow easy handling of the system. The sampler consisted mainly of a 15l sample container with electromagnetic and manual valves, control electronics for executing the air sampling procedures and sending the position and status information of the sampler to the ground station, batteries and a transmitter. All these parts were assembled in an aluminum frame gondola with a shock absorbing system for landing. The sampler was equipped with a turn-over mechanism of the gondola to minimize contamination from the gondola, as well as with a GPS receiver and a rawinsonde for its tracking. Total weight of the sampler was about 11kg. To receive, display and store the position and status data of the sampling system at the ground station, a simple data acquisition system with a portable receiver and a microcomputer was also developed. A new gas handling system was prepared to simplify the injection of He gas into the balloon. For air sampling experiments, three sampling systems were launched at Syowa Station (69°00′S, 39°35′E), Antarctica and then recovered on sea ice near the station on January 22 and 25,1996

    Two-surgeon technique using saline-linked electric cautery and ultrasonic surgical aspirator in living donor hepatectomy: its safety and efficacy

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    Background: Saline-linked electric cautery (SLC) is introduced as an effective device to reduce blood loss in liver surgery. The aim of this study is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of two-surgeon technique using SLC and Cavitron Ultrasonic Surgical Aspirator (CUSA) in living donor hepatectomy. Methods: Forty-three living donor right hepatectomies were enrolled in this study. The first 28 cases underwent liver transection with CUSA alone (CUSA group), while additional SLC was applied in the current 15 cases (two-surgeon technique, TS group). Results: Blood loss was significantly reduced by two-surgeon technique (1115.2±652.9g in CUSA group vs 732.3±363.6g in TS group, p<0.05). In the TS group, there was no bile leakage from the cut surface. The early graft function and postoperative recipient survival were not significantly different between the groups. Conclusions: According to our single center experience, blood loss and donor complications were significantly reduced by two-surgeon technique using CUSA and SLC, with maintaining the graft viability

    Autopsy findings in a rare case of pleomorphic carcinoma in a patient on dialysis

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    Key Clinical Message Pleomorphic lung cancer is a very rare type of cancer and very few cases have been reported in the literature. We present a case of pleomorphic lung cancer in a patient with history of IgA nephropathy on hemodialysis

    ナンキョク ジョウクウ ノ セイソウケン タイキ サイシュ ヨウ グラブサンプリング ソウチ ノ カイハツ

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    南極上空の成層圏大気の各種微量成分やそれらの同位体比を測定するために, 簡単なグラブサンプリング装置を新たに開発した。この装置の打ち上げにはゴム気球を用い, 厳しい実験条件下でも小人数で放球作業が可能となるように設計した。大気試料の汚染防止と取り扱いの簡素化には特に配慮した。サンプリング装置の主要構成部は, 電磁弁と手動弁付きの15リットル試料容器, 試料採取の実行・装置の位置および各種動作状況データの伝送用制御装置, 電池, 送信機である。これらすべてを, 着地時の緩衝装置付きのアルミフレーム製ゴンドラ内に組み込んだ。またゴンドラなどからの汚染がない大気を直接的に採取するために, 試料採取時にはゴンドラ全体を上下反転し, その後元の位置に戻す機構を取り付けた。実験では, さらに飛翔位置追跡用のGPS受信機とレーウィンゾンデを装備した。装置の総重量は約11kgであった。実際の観測には, 位置情報および各種動作状況データのクイックルック表示用処理装置を用意した。さらに, ゴム気球へのヘリウムガス充填を簡単にするため, 新しいガス充填システムも開発した。1996年1月22日と25日に昭和基地で計3機のグラブサンプリング装置を放球し, 基地付近の海氷上で回収することによって, この装置の所期の性能を確認した。In order to measure the concentrations of various minor constituents and their isotopic ratios in the stratosphere over Antarctica, a simple grab sampling system was newly developed. The sampling system was designed to be launched by a small number of personnel using a rubber balloon under severe experimental conditions. Special attention was paid to minimize the contamination of sample air, as well as to allow easy handling of the system. The sampler consisted mainly of a 15l sample container with electromagnetic and manual valves, control electronics for executing the air sampling procedures and sending the position and status information of the sampler to the ground station, batteries and a transmitter. All these parts were assembled in an aluminum frame gondola with a shock absorbing system for landing. The sampler was equipped with a turn-over mechanism of the gondola to minimize contamination from the gondola, as well as with a GPS receiver and a rawinsonde for its tracking. Total weight of the sampler was about 11kg. To receive, display and store the position and status data of the sampling system at the ground station, a simple data acquisition system with a portable receiver and a microcomputer was also developed. A new gas handling system was prepared to simplify the injection of He gas into the balloon. For air sampling experiments, three sampling systems were launched at Syowa Station (69°00′S, 39°35′E), Antarctica and then recovered on sea ice near the station on January 22 and 25,1996