98 research outputs found

    Probing the superconducting ground state of the rare-earth ternary boride superconductors RRRuB2_2 (RR = Lu,Y) using muon-spin rotation and relaxation

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    The superconductivity in the rare-earth transition metal ternary borides RRRuB2_2 (where RR = Lu and Y) has been investigated using muon-spin rotation and relaxation. Measurements made in zero-field suggest that time-reversal symmetry is preserved upon entering the superconducting state in both materials; a small difference in depolarization is observed above and below the superconducting transition in both compounds, however this has been attributed to quasistatic magnetic fluctuations. Transverse-field measurements of the flux-line lattice indicate that the superconductivity in both materials is fully gapped, with a conventional s-wave pairing symmetry and BCS-like magnitudes for the zero-temperature gap energies. The electronic properties of the charge carriers in the superconducting state have been calculated, with effective masses m/me=m^*/ m_\mathrm{e} = 9.8±0.19.8\pm0.1 and 15.0±0.115.0\pm0.1 in the Lu and Y compounds, respectively, with superconducting carrier densities ns=n_\mathrm{s} = (2.73±0.042.73\pm0.04) ×1028\times 10^{28} m3^{-3} and (2.17±0.022.17\pm0.02) ×1028\times 10^{28} m3^{-3}. The materials have been classified according to the Uemura scheme for superconductivity, with values for Tc/TFT_\mathrm{c}/T_\mathrm{F} of 1/(414±6)1/(414\pm6) and 1/(304±3)1/(304\pm3), implying that the superconductivity may not be entirely conventional in nature.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Static magnetic moments revealed by muon spin relaxation and thermodynamic measurements in quantum spin ice Yb2_2Ti2_2O7_7

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    We present muon spin relaxation (μ\muSR) and specific-heat versus temperature C(T)C(T) measurements on polycrystalline and single-crystal samples of the pyrochlore magnet Yb2_2Ti2_2O7_7. C(T)C(T) exhibits a sharp peak at a TCT_\mathrm{C} of 0.21 and 0.26~K for the single-crystal and polycrystalline samples respectively. For both samples, the magnetic entropy released between 50~mK and 30~K amounts to Rln2R\ln2 per Yb. At temperatures below TCT_\mathrm{C} we observe a steep drop in the asymmetry of the zero-field μ\muSR time spectra at short time scales, as well as a decoupling of the muon spins from the internal field in longitudinal magnetic fields of 0.25\leq0.25~T for both the polycrystalline and single-crystal samples. These muon data are indicative of static magnetic moments. Our results are consistent with the onset of long-range magnetic order in both forms of Yb2_2Ti2_2O7_7.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, accepted to PR

    Structure and superconductivity of two different phases of Re3W

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    Two superconducting phases of Re(3)W have been found with different physical properties. One phase crystallizes in a noncentrosymmetric cubic (alpha-Mn) structure and has a superconducting transition temperature T(c) of 7.8 K. The other phase has a hexagonal centrosymmetric structure and is superconducting with a T(c) of 9.4 K. Switching between the two phases is possible by annealing the sample or remelting it. The properties of both phases of Re(3)W have been characterized by powder neutron diffraction, magnetization, and resistivity measurements. The temperature dependences of the lower and upper critical fields have been measured for both phases. These are used to determine the penetration depths and the coherence lengths for these systems

    Gapless spin-liquid state in the structurally disorder-free triangular antiferromagnet NaYbO2_2

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    We present the structural characterization and low-temperature magnetism of the triangular-lattice delafossite NaYbO2_2. Synchrotron x-ray diffraction and neutron scattering exclude both structural disorder and crystal-electric-field randomness, whereas heat-capacity measurements and muon spectroscopy reveal the absence of magnetic order and persistent spin dynamics down to at least 70\,mK. Continuous magnetic excitations with the low-energy spectral weight accumulating at the KK-point of the Brillouin zone indicate the formation of a novel spin-liquid phase in a triangular antiferromagnet. This phase is gapless and shows a non-trivial evolution of the low-temperature specific heat. Our work demonstrates that NaYbO2_2 practically gives the most direct experimental access to the spin-liquid physics of triangular antiferromagnets.Comment: 6 pages, 4figure

    Superconductivity and the upper critical field in the chiral noncentrosymmetric superconductor NbRh2B2

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    NbRh2B2 crystallises in a chiral noncentrosymmetric structure and exhibits bulk type-II superconductivity below 7.46(5) K. Here we show that the temperature dependence of the upper critical field deviates from the behaviour expected for both Werthamer-Helfand-Hohenberg and the Ginzburg-Landau models and that μ0Hc2 (0) ~ 18 T exceeds the Pauli paramagnetic limit, μ0HP = 13.9 T. We explore the reasons for this enhancement. Transverse-field muon spectroscopy measurements suggest that the superconducting gap is either s-wave or (s + s)-wave, a the pressure dependence of Tc reveals the superconducting gap is primarily s- wave in character. The magnetic penetration depth lambda(0) = 595(5) nm. Heat capacity measurements reveal the presence of a multigap (s + s)-wave superconducting order parameter and moderate electron-phonon coupling

    The low-temperature highly correlated quantum phase in the charge-density-wave 1T-TaS_2 compound

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    A prototypical quasi-2D metallic compound, 1T-TaS_2 has been extensively studied due to an intricate interplay between a Mott-insulating ground state and a charge density-wave (CDW) order. In the low-temperature phase, 12 out of 13 Ta_{4+} 5\textit{d}-electrons form molecular orbitals in hexagonal star-of-David patterns, leaving one 5\textit{d}-electron with \textit{S} = 1/2 spin free. This orphan quantum spin with a large spin-orbit interaction is expected to form a highly correlated phase of its own. And it is most likely that they will form some kind of a short-range order out of a strongly spin-orbit coupled Hilbert space. In order to investigate the low-temperature magnetic properties, we performed a series of measurements including neutron scattering and muon experiments. The obtained data clearly indicate the presence of the short-ranged phase and put the upper bound on ~ 0.4 \textit{\mu}_B for the size of the magnetic moment, consistent with the orphan-spin scenario.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures + supplemental material. Accepted by npj Quantum Material

    Recent progress on superconductors with time-reversal symmetry breaking

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    Superconductivity and magnetism are antagonistic states of matter. The presence of spontaneous magnetic fields inside the superconducting state is, therefore, an intriguing phenomenon prompting extensive experimental and theoretical research. In this review, we discuss recent experimental discoveries of unconventional superconductors which spontaneously break time-reversal symmetry and theoretical efforts in understanding their properties. We discuss the main experimental probes and give an extensive account of theoretical approaches to understand the order parameter symmetries and the corresponding pairing mechanisms including the importance of multiple bands

    Unconventional superconductivity in La7Ir3 revealed by muon spin relaxation : introducing a new family of noncentrosymmetric superconductor that breaks time-reversal symmetry

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    The superconductivity of the noncentrosymmetric compound La7Ir3 has been investigated using muon spin rotation and relaxation (μSR). Zero-field measurements reveal the presence of spontaneous static or quasi-static magnetic fields below the superconducting transition temperature Tc = 2:25 K - a clear indication that the superconducting state breaks time-reversal symmetry. Furthermore, transverse-field rotation measurements suggest that the superconducting gap is isotropic, and that the pairing symmetry of the superconducting electrons is predominantly s-wave with an enhanced binding strength. The results indicate that the superconductivity in La7Ir3 may be unconventional, and paves the way for further studies of this family of materials

    Evidence for the coexistence of time-reversal symmetry breaking and Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer-like superconductivity in La7Pd3

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    Time-reversal symmetry breaking (TRSB) with a Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) -like superconductivity occurs in a small, but growing number of noncentrosymmetric (NCS) materials, although the mechanism is poorly understood. We present heat capacity, magnetization, resistivity, and muon spin resonance/relaxation (μSR) measurements on polycrystalline samples of NCS La7Pd3. Transverse-field μSR and heat capacity data show La7Pd3 is a type-II superconductor with a BCS-like gap structure, while zero-field μSR results provide evidence of TRSB. We discuss the implications of these results for both the La7X3 (where X = Ni, Pd, Rh, Ir) group of superconductors and other CS and NCS superconductors for which TRSB has been observed