303 research outputs found
Multilinear Operators: The Natural Extension Of Hirota's Bilinear Formalism
We introduce multilinear operators, that generalize Hirota's bilinear
operator, based on the principle of gauge invariance of the functions.
We show that these operators can be constructed systematically using the
bilinear 's as building blocks. We concentrate in particular on the
trilinear case and study the possible integrability of equations with one
dependent variable. The 5th order equation of the Lax-hierarchy as well as
Satsuma's lowest-order gauge invariant equation are shown to have simple
trilinear expressions. The formalism can be extended to an arbitrary degree of
multilinearity.Comment: 9 pages in plain Te
On the parametrization of solutions of the Yang--Baxter equations
We study all five-, six-, and one eight-vertex type two-state solutions of
the Yang-Baxter equations in the form , and analyze the interplay of the `gauge' and `inversion' symmetries of
these solution. Starting with algebraic solutions, whose parameters have no
specific interpretation, and then using these symmetries we can construct a
parametrization where we can identify global, color and spectral parameters. We
show in particular how the distribution of these parameters may be changed by a
change of gauge.Comment: 19 pages in LaTe
A multidimensionally consistent version of Hirota's discrete KdV equation
A multidimensionally consistent generalisation of Hirota's discrete KdV
equation is proposed, it is a quad equation defined by a polynomial that is
quadratic in each variable. Soliton solutions and interpretation of the model
as superposition principle are given. It is discussed how an important property
of the defining polynomial, a factorisation of discriminants, appears also in
the few other known discrete integrable multi-quadratic models.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure
A new two-dimensional lattice model that is "consistent around a cube"
For two-dimensional lattice equations one definition of integrability is that
the model can be naturally and consistently extended to three dimensions, i.e.,
that it is "consistent around a cube" (CAC). As a consequence of CAC one can
construct a Lax pair for the model. Recently Adler, Bobenko and Suris conducted
a search based on this principle and certain additional assumptions. One of
those assumptions was the "tetrahedron property", which is satisfied by most
known equations. We present here one lattice equation that satisfies the
consistency condition but does not have the tetrahedron property. Its Lax pair
is also presented and some basic properties discussed.Comment: 8 pages in LaTe
Explode-decay dromions in the non-isospectral Davey-Stewartson I (DSI) equation
In this letter, we report the existence of a novel type of explode-decay
dromions, which are exponentially localized coherent structures whose amplitude
varies with time, through Hirota method for a nonisospectral Davey-Stewartson
equation I discussed recently by Jiang. Using suitable transformations, we also
point out such solutions also exist for the isospectral Davey-Stewartson I
equation itself for a careful choice of the potentials
Hamiltonians separable in cartesian coordinates and third-order integrals of motion
We present in this article all Hamiltonian systems in E(2) that are separable
in cartesian coordinates and that admit a third-order integral, both in quantum
and in classical mechanics. Many of these superintegrable systems are new, and
it is seen that there exists a relation between quantum superintegrable
potentials, invariant solutions of the Korteweg-De Vries equation and the
Painlev\'e transcendents.Comment: 19 pages, Will be published in J. Math. Phy
Quantum integrable systems in three-dimensional magnetic fields: the Cartesian case
In this paper we construct integrable three-dimensional quantum-mechanical
systems with magnetic fields, admitting pairs of commuting second-order
integrals of motion. The case of Cartesian coordinates is considered. Most of
the systems obtained are new and not related to the separation of variables in
the corresponding Schr\"odinger equation.Comment: 8 page
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