227 research outputs found
Mengurai Regulasi Nikah Sirri
Judul buku : Akseptabilitas Regulasi Kriminaslisasi Pelaku Kawin Sirri Menurut Pemuka Masyarakat MaduraPenulis : Siti Musawwamah, dkkEditor : Iskandar DzulkarnainISBN : 978-602-19332-4-4Penerbit : Kementerian Agama R
Manajemen Pembinaan Kompetensi Guru Madrasah Aliyah Berbasis Pesantren
This study is proposed to identify and analyse the development of planning, organization, implementation and evaluation of teacher competence Pesantren-based Madrasah Aliyah. The research site was Darul Arqam MA Muhammadiyah MAN Cipasung Garut and Tasikmalaya. This study utilized a qualitative approach. Data were collected through observations, interviews and documentation. Academic qualifications of teachers in the two madrasas generally have met the minimum educational qualification as mandated by Law number 14 of 2005 regarding Teachers and Lecturers. Planning for teacher competency training in both madrasah generally use 3 stages, namely: diagnosis, planning and preparation of documents. The authority to conduct the training is in the head of madrasah or the leader of pesantren. The implementation of the trainings done through the program for improving the academic qualification, certification, integrated training and supervision. Basic principles of this trating activity always refers to the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad and the tradition of the al-salaf as-shâlih. Evaluation was conducted conducted on aspects of teacher competence. The evaluation results were followed up by workshop, remedial and preventive programs in the form of workshops, repair and prevention
Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan, Fasilitas, dan Lokasi terhadap Keputusan Konsumen dalam Memilih Lembaga Pendidikan Bbc - Ets
BBC - ETS is educational institutions and English language training that aims to provide services and English language training so that communities are able to communicate in English fluently. This study aimed to determine the effect of service quality, facilities and location of the consumer's decision in choosing the institution BBC - ETS Tlogosari Semarang branch. The population in this study is the teenager and adult students. By Sugiyono theory (2008), taken 95 respondents to be sampled and the sampling technique used is the proportional stratified random sampling. Measurement scale using Likert scale. In the analysis of the data using simple linear regression and multiple regression. Research shows that the quality of service, facilities, and location of positive influence on the decision to select a course, either partially or simultaneously. Categories of service quality by 57.9 percent said either. Category known facilities by 40 percent expressed either. Categories location by 42.1 percent said either. decision to select a course known by 41.1 percent expressed high. service quality affects the decision to choose a course of 38.1 percent. Variables facilities influence the decision to choose a course of 16.6 percent. Variables affect the location decision of choosing a course of 12.1 percent. Variable quality of service, facilities, and location influence the decision to choose a course of 43.3 percent
Pengaruh Earning Per Share (Eps), Price Earning Ratio (Per), Debt to Equity (Der), Return on Asset (Roa), Dan Return on Equity (Roe) Terhadap Harga Saham Studi Kasus Pada Perusahaan Go Public Sektor Property Dan Real Estate Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek In
This research had purpose to analyzed some of the fundamental factors of financial ratios that could be used as a signal for investors to predicted stock prices on companies in a sector that is growth in Indonesia, which was Property and Real Estate sectors. Variables that examined in this study were the Earning Per Share (EPS), Price Earning Ratio (PER), Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), Return on Assets (ROA) and Return on Equity (ROE) on the stock price, either partially or simultaneously on the Property and Real Estate sectors companies that have been listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2010 - 2014 . This research was an explanatory research with a total sample of 34 companies x 5 years = 170 observation data from a total population of 494 companies from all sectors listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, and then conducted a purposive sampling technique in order to got the number of samples. The analysis technique used was multiple regression analysis and hypothesis testing using t test partial, F test simultaneously with the level of significance of 5% and a determination coefficient test. The analysis showed the data have fulfilled classical assumption, including normally distributed data , no symptoms of multikolinearitas, there were no symptoms of autocorrellation and heteroscedasticity. The regression results Earning Per Share (EPS), Return on Assets (ROA) and Return on Equity (ROE) were partially significant effect on stock prices. While Price Earning Ratio (PER) and Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) partially were not significant effect on stock prices. These five variables used in this study (EPS, PER, DER, ROA and ROE) simultaneously affect the stock price of 47.2 %. The variables that had the strongest influence was Earning Per Share (EPS). While the remaining 52.8 % influenced by other factors that were not examined in the research. As a sector that was developing fast, the Company is expected to managed its financial performance well so it could bring out huge profits to expand the business even more widely to the outside of Indonesia without had use a high amount of liabilities
Pondok Pesantren Modern di Pekanbaru dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Tropis
Rapid development of Pekanbaru City requires human resources that have certain quality. In order to form a well-developed human resources that contain good intellectual and spiritual values,it requires a well-developed educational system as well. A system where both of general and religion education given to the students can be found in modern islamic boarding school. Modernislamic boarding school is a place for preparing its students to be a well-educated person who can be an islamic leader through society, education and good deeds. The transformation method was used in the design, was tropical architectural approach. Modern islamic boarding school was designed using the concept of bee hive. The bee hive concept was applied through thetransformation using the closure of analogical of the shape and characteristic of the bee hive in masses forming and landscape pattern design of the school. The Tropical Architectural principlewas applied in the design of the modern islamic boarding school through the building\u27s mass; the orientation, vegetation, opening, roof types, and colours. The tropical building principles wereapplied so that the school\u27s building can be adapted with tropical areas
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