11 research outputs found

    Literature Review: The Relationship between Eating Habits and Dyspepsia in Adolescents

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    Background: All over the world the prevalence of dyspepsia is quite high. Various literature sources in western countries show that the prevalence of dyspepsia Various literature sources in western countries show that the prevalence of dyspepsia is in the range of 7-41% in 2009, but unfortunately only about 10-20% of patients seek treatment or medical help. The increasing condition of dyspepsia can cause various health problems such as decreasing quality of life and functional activity. Dyspepsia usually affects those of productive age. Objectives: This article was produced with the intention of examining the association between eating behaviors and the prevalence of dyspepsia in adolescents. Methods: This is a qualitative article written using a literature study through searches on Google, Google Scholar and Research Gate with the keywords “Eating Patterns and Dyspepsia”, “Types and Frequency of Eating and Dyspepsia”, and “Risk Factors for Dyspepsia”. The resulting articles were selected using the PRISMA flowchart. Results: There are still many teenagers who do not take care of their own health. Teenagers who still live with their parents sometimes still don't care about their health. Adolescents' eating habits, such as eating irregularly or experimenting with an unbalanced diet that is not recommended by health professionals, can lead to unfulfilled nutritional needs. Conclusions: Today's lifestyle of teenagers influences their eating habits. Teenagers who are preoccupied with schoolwork and other activities often delay eating or apply the wrong diet, which if left unchecked can trigger dyspepsia. There is a need for repeated education about the importance of fulfilling nutritional intake through regular eating habits to reduce dyspeptic symptoms


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    Konsep dan aplikasi routing sangat diperlukan dalam sistem komunikasi telepon Sambungan Langsung Jarak Jauh (SLJJ), karena dapat menentukan lintasan di antara dua titik sentral trunk. Algortima Breadth First Search (BFS) merupakan salah satu teknik pencarian sederhana, digunakan untuk mendapatkan suatu lintasan. Dengan algoritma ini dibuat sebuah program untuk simulasi routing antar-sentral trunk, yang bertujuan untuk mempelajari tentang konfigurasi jaringan dan routing telepon SLJJ PT. TELKOM, Tbk, serta mempelajari penentuan lintasan dengan algoritma Breadth First Search dan mensimulasikannya dalam proses routing antar-sentral trunk. Langkah-langkah penelitian adalah analisa kebutuhan sistem, perancangan program simulasi melalui tahapan-tahapan pembuatan flowchart, implementasi program dengan bahasa pemrograman Borland Delphi, dan dilanjutkan dengan pengujian sistem. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan, telah dapat dibuat program aplikasi penentuan lintasan, menggunakan algoritma breadth first search dengan studi kasus routing antar-sentral trunk di Pulau Jawa, dengan menghasilkan program penentuan lintasan menggunakan simulasi graf pada 13 titik sentral trunk, sehingga dapat diketahui routing langsung dan routing alternatifnya, dengan hasil yang sama dengan hasil pencarian diatas kertas

    Prototype Sanitizer Dispenser Automated System Pencegah Penularan Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19)

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    Abstract— Microcontroller is one of the basic parts of a computer system in which there is a processor, input and output, RAM, ROM, System Bus, Control Unit, Shift Register and Arithmetic Logic Unit. This microcontroller is able to activateseveral electronic devices such as leds, buzzers, DC motors, lighting lamps and so on. At this time in the pandemic coronavirus,crowded places are obliged to implement health protocols recommended by the government such as wearing masks, washinghands, carrying sanitizers. And for crowded places must implement it. Because coronavirus is very contagious. Therefore the author examines that the sanitizer in front of the store is still implementing manuals. So that it can transmit the virus. Therefore the author is thinking about applying an automatic sanitizer with a microcontroller made. With the creation of this system is expected to reduce the spread of coronavirus transmission (COVID-19) incrowded places. Intisari— Mikrokontroller merupakan adalah salah satu dari bagian dasar dari suatu sistem komputer yang didalamnya terdapat sebuah processor, input dan output, RAM, ROM, System Bus, Contol Unit, Shift Register dan Aritmatic Logic Unit.Mikrokontroller ini mampu mengaktifkan beberapa perangkat elektronika seperti led, buzzer, motor DC, lampu penerangandan sebagainya. Saat ini dalam masa pademi coronavirus tempat-tempat keramain wajib menerapkan protokol kesehatanyang dianjurkan oleh pemerintah seperti memakasi masker,mencuci tangan, membawa sanitizer. Dan bagi tempattempat keramaian wajib menerapkannya. Karena coronavirus ini sangat mudah menular. Oleh sebab itu penulis meneliti bahwa sanitizer yang ada di depan toko itu masih menerapkan manual. Sehingga dapat menularkan virus tersebut. Oleh karenaitu penulis berfikiran menerapkan sanitizer otomatis dengan mikrokontroller yang dibuat. Dengan dibuatnya sistem inidiharapkan dapat mengurangi penyebaran penularan coronavirus (COVID-19) di tempat-tempat keramaian

    Saponin Extracts Utilization as Dietary Additive in Ruminant Nutrition: A Meta-Analysis of In Vivo Studies

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    The present meta-analysis aimed to determine the underlying effects of different saponins extracted from different sources on the production performance, milk yield, digestibility, rumen fermentation, blood metabolites, and nitrogen utilization of ruminants. A total of 26 papers comprising 66 in vivo studies (148 data points of dietary treatments) were evaluated in the present study. The databases were statistically analyzed using the mixed model procedure of SAS, where experiments considered random effects and tannin-related factors were treated as fixed effects. Statistical procedures were then continued in comparing different sources of saponin extract through Mixed Model analysis, where experiments were also random factors and sources of saponin extract were fixed factors. The evidence revealed in the present meta-analysis that saponin supplementation of up to 40 g/kg DM appears to have no detrimental impact on feed intake across ruminant types, suggesting that it does not significantly affect diet palatability. However, the results indicated that there are species-specific responses to saponin supplementation, particularly in relation to palatability and nutrient absorption efficiency, with larger ruminants being better able to tolerate the bitterness induced by saponin extracts. Furthermore, the study found that saponin extracts can influence nutrient digestibility and rumen fermentation dynamics, with different effects observed in large and small ruminants. While some saponin extracts can enhance average daily weight gain and milk yield, others can have adverse effects, highlighting the importance of considering both saponin sources and animal physiological condition when developing nutritional strategies. Additionally, optimization of ruminant production by utilizing saponin extracts is necessary to avoid negative health implications, such as increased blood creatinine levels. Different saponin extracts utilization in ruminant nutrition and environmental management, have a distinct understanding associated to their various bioactive properties. However, among the saponin sources, saponin extracted from Quilaja saponaria is more likely to improve large ruminant production performance while maintaining ruminant health and metabolism, but negatively affect small ruminants. Further research is needed to unravel the intricate effects of different saponin sources on ruminant health and productivity, emphasizing the importance of tailored dietary strategies that consider the unique physiological and metabolic characteristics of the target livestock