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    This study aimed to describe: 1) Pattern of empowerment in rural communities in communal cages, 2) the achieved and to be achieved result from the pattern of community empowerment, 3) supporting and complication factors in the training implementation of cattle production in communal cages. This research is using a descriptive qualitative approach. The subject of this research is an instructor / trainer of fattening cattle, communal cage members, and administrators of communal cage. The data was collected using observation, interviews and documentation. Techniques used in data analysis are data reduction, data display, and making inferences. Triangulation conducted to explain the validity of the data by using sources and methods. The research shows that: 1) The pattern of community empowerment in communal cages was done by identifying the needs of communal cage members and the training objectives were the members of communal cages. 2) The processes of training those are (a) the management plans the training (b) training process, the targets of the training were members of communal cages, the material provided are; the selection of cows breed, the making of cage, the types of cattle, and cattle feed costs, the learning method using the method learnt from experience, direct practice and discussion, good irrigation training facility, where the processing of cow dung, cattle feed processing kitchen, a hut and hall. The evaluation includes: the development of cow weight, cow health, and hygiene cage. The follow-up is selling the cow from fattening cattle. 3) The results that have been achieved from the training process are; members already have their own livestock, the livestock population growth, increasing the member’s knowledge about farming, while the result is to be achieved; create jobs, improve the welfare of society, as a place to learn how to raise livestock, make Jambon village as a livestock tourist village, serve as a means of comparative study for the farmer, and make the cage as the central group of beef cattle fattening and breeding 4) Supporting factors are: a positive response from members of the training activities of fattening cattle, the spirit of the instructors and members, support from outside parties, adequate facilities, while the inhibiting factors are: beef price competition b) the presence of disease that inhibits the process of beef cattle fattening. Keywords: Community Empowerment, Training Fattenin


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    Literature is human’s expression. It is divided into drama, novel, poem, and also song. Song is one of the literary works that has beautiful words on it like figurative language, diction, and also imagery. The problems of this study are analyzing the detailed, general meaning, and also the messages of Spice Girls’ song “Goodbye”. This study used the descriptive qualitative because this research started with collecting reviewing research literature to provide the data. This research used objective approach because that is the story of Spice Girls. Thus, the object of this study was Spice Girls’ song lyrics “Goodbye” in the form of lines and sentences. The detailed meaning of the song lyrics “Goodbye” tells about the parting between Spice Girls and X-member of Spice Girls “Gerry Haliwell”. She leaves Spice Girls because she wants to find out her own way to be a solo career. Although they are not together anymore but Spice Girls still love her and Gerry will always be in their heart. The song also describes about their togetherness in the past both in joy and sorrow. However, although they are not together anymore but Spice Girls will always help and support Gerry’s way. The general meaning of the song tells about the parting between Spice Girls and X-member of Spice Girls “Gerry Haliwell”. She has gone to leave them to find out her own way because she wants to be a solo career. The messages of the song lyrics “Goodbye” reminds us not to dissolve ourselves into the pain and never regret the parting because nothing is immortal in this life. Meeting and parting, joy and sorrow are the variation of this life and believe that inside the pain there must be lessons we can get

    Feature selection to enhance android malware detection using modified term frequency-inverse document frequency (MTF-IDF)

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    This research synthesizes an evaluation of feature selection algorithm by utilizing Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) as the main algorithm in Android malware detection. The TF-IDF algorithm is used to filter Android features filtered before detection process. However, IDF is unaware to the training class labels and gives incorrect weight value to some features. Therefore, the proposed approach that is Modified Term Frequency – Inverse Document Frequency (MTF-IDF) algorithm give more focus on both sample and features to give correct weight value to some features. The proposed algorithm considered features based on its level of importance where weight given based on number of features involved in the sample. The related best features in the sample are selected using weight and priority ranking process using K-means. This ensures that only important malware features are selected in the Android application sample. These experiments are conducted on a sample collected from DREBIN. Comparison between existing TF-IDF algorithm and MTF-IDF algorithm have been made under various conditions such as tested on different number of sample size, different number of features used and integration of different types of features. The results showed that feature selection using MTF-IDF can improve Android malware detection analysis. It was proven that MTF-IDF is an effective Android malware detection algorithm regardless of different kinds of features or sample sizes used. MTF-IDF algorithm also proved that it can give appropriate scaling for all features in analyzing Android malware detection


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    Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) merupakan salah satu mata kuliah yang wajib ditempuh oleh seluruh mahasiswa UNY jurusan S1 untuk memperoleh gelar sarjana kependidikan. Dengan adanya kegiatan Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan diharapakan mahasiswa dapat memperoleh pengalaman dalam melakukan kegiatan mengajar dalam kelas, sehingga akan menjadikan calon pendidik yang profesional dan tanggap dalam mengikuti perkembangan ilmu pendidikan. Kompetensi mahasiswa sebagai calon pendidik yang meliputi kompetensi pedagogik, kompetensi kepribadian, kompetensi profesional, dan kompetensi sosial, juga dikembangkan dalam kegiatan ini. Dengan adanya kegiatan Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) ini diharapkan mahasiswa mempunyai bekal dan pengalaman sebagai calon pendidik yang berkualitas. Program PPL di SMK N 5 Yogyakarta, dilaksanakan pada tanggal 2 Juli 2014 sampai dengan 17 September 2014. Sebelum merencanakan dan menyusun program PPL, dilakukan observasi, yang berupa observasi fisik dan non fisik serta observasi pembelajaran di kelas. Kegiatan PPL mencakup beberapa kegiatan, antara lain: observasi kelas, menyusun perangkat pembelajaran, persiapan mengajar (membuat media/ materi pembelajaran), praktik mengajar, evaluasi pembelajaran, dan pendamping guru dalam kegiatan praktikum. Kegiatan PPL ini berupaya untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mengajar khususnya mencakup variabel dinamis, antara lain: pemahaman karakteristik peserta didik, kemampuan merancang pembelajaran, kemampuan mengelola kelas, kemampuan mengembangkan media, strategi pembelajaran, dan kemampuan evaluasi. PPL sebagai muara dari seluruh program pendidikan pra-jabatan guru. PPL dilaksanakan secara terjadwal setelah mahasiswa mendapatkan bekal yang memadai dalam berbagai bidang yang berkaitan dengan tugasnya sebagai guru yang telah dipelajari secara bertahap sejak semester awal khususnya melalui pembekalan dan kuliah micro teaching sebagai modal awal pengalaman mengajar. Melalui PPL, mahasiswa calon guru diterjunkan ke sekolah untuk mengamati, mengenal dan belajar mempraktikkan semua kompetensi mengajar yang telah dipelajari di bangku kuliah, sehingga mendapatkan pengalaman kependidikan secara faktual di lapangan dengan bimbingan dan arahan dari guru pembimbing, dosen pembimbing dan koordinator KKN-PPL di Sekolah. Dalam kegiatan PPL di SMK N 5 Yogyakarta, penyusun mendapatkan kesempatan praktik mengajar di kelas X Tekstil A, kelas XI Tekstil A dan B, XII Tekstil A danB Materi yang diajarkan ialah berupa dasar-dasar kriya dan kompetensi kejuruan (Jahit, Sablon). Dengan selesainya kegiatan PPL ini mahasiswa dapat mengembangkan potensi-potensi dalam dirinya sebagai calon tenaga pendidik. Sehingga nantinya dapat menjadi guru yang profesional di bidangnya dan senantiasa mampu mengembangkan metode-metode dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan KBM secara optimal

    Process Safety Conflict Index (PSCI) For Toxic Release Using Risk Based Approach

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    Inherent safety is an important term for development of safety performance indicator. Inherent safety principles are used in order to calculate the safety performance indicator for selected based case. The safety performance indicator has been developed from the traditional approach to the new strategies and tools. In this project, the aim is to develop an inherently safety model by considering the conflicts or tradeoffs that will be arose when a process unit is attempt to apply Inherent Safety Principles. The focus will be narrowed down on analyzing the risk of toxic release. The risk will be calculated by implementing one of available tools for inherent safety. The method that will be used in this project will be similar to the available tools. However, the calculated risk is corresponding to the damage index and the conflict indices which will be developed throughout the project. Thus, conflict index, CI has been developed in taken into accounts the likelihood of conflicts that arise in the design options after considering the inherent safety principles (ISP) which is the measurement of the impact of the ISP analysis to the safety process

    Metal-to-Metal Sealing for High Pressure Subsea Production System(SPS) Bolted Flange Connector

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    Metal to metal seal is one type of static seal used in high pressure Subsea Production System (SPS) Bolted Flange connector. Static sealing elements, as their classification implies, remain stationary relative to the surfaces they are sealing against. The subsea system can be located many miles away in deeper water and tied back to existing host facilities in shallow water. Due to the deeper water, higher challenges and problems need to be considered such as high reservoir pressures, low sea-bed temperatures, large variations in water depth range, flow assurance challenges, geo-hazard issue like gas hydrates, rough metocean condition, remoteness and hydrostatic pressure. The first objective is to analyze how leakages occur in SPS Bolted Flange connector. Bolt, flange and seal are the three main components in Bolted Flange connector that can contribute to the excessive leakage. Once excessive leakage happens in the deepwater, there will be loss in productivity, marine pollution and other important effects that need to be highly considered. From the literature reviews, main factors due to the seal that can cause leakage are inadequate overall flatness, inadequate smoothness and seal ring breakage can be concluded. The second objective is to propose and demonstrate the applicability of metal to metal sealing of SPS Bolted Flange connector for deepwater application. Temperature, pressure, industry design codes, life expectancy, leakage integrity and maintenance and accessibility are the key elements in selection of metal seal for SPS Bolted Flange connector. For this project, metal O-Ring has been chosen as the design for metal seal inside SPS Bolted Flange connector because its characteristics meet the deepwater and subsea requirements. The comparison has been made between Stainless Steel AISI 321, Alloy 600 and Alloy X750 by calculating the pressure exerted on the metal seal. All these materials satisfy subsea requirement but Stainless Steel AISI 321 has been chosen for metal ORing inside Bolted Flange connector due to cost consideration

    Implementasi Konsep Tauhid Sosial M. Amien Rais Di SMA Internasional Budi Mulia Dua YOGYAKARTA

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    Islam religion has been taught to the students since they are in junior high school, but the juvenile delinquency still often happens. Based on M. Amien Rais, social tawhid is needed to be solution of the problem above. Budi Mulia Dua Yogyakarta International Senior High School is one of many schools that is built by M. Amien Rais which has been doing the implementation of the social tauchid concept. Based on M. Amien Rais, social tawhid means a social dimension from tauhčdullāh (to a knowledge the oneness of God). The implementation of the social tawhid concept of M. Amien Rais in Budi Mulia Dua Yogyakarta International Senior High School could be seen from the arrangement of the perspective an the mission of the school. Then it is applied in extracurricular activity and is evaluated by meeting session. Some of the extracurriculars that apply the social tawhid mission are social volunteer, the distribution of Qurban's meat, tithe institute and flea market


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    Kontribusi Pemanfaatan Lahan Pekarangan Terhadap Kehidupan Sosial Ekonomi Kelompok Kembang Tani di Desa Cucum Kabupaten Aceh BesarNurul Hidayah/Agribisnis Fakultas Petanian Universitas Syiah KualaAbstrakLahan pekarangan adalah areal tanah yang berada di depan, belakang dan samping bangunan rumah yang dapat dimanfaatkan menjadi lahan produktif yang hasilnya bersifat fungsional secara sosial dan ekonomi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pemanfaatan lahan pekarangan berdasarkan jenis komoditas, bentuk kontribusi lahan pekarangan terhadap kehidupan sosial dan kehidupan ekonomi dari Kelompok Kembang Tani. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Desa Cucum Kabupaten Aceh Besar dengan metode sensus. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Pemanfaatan lahan pekarangan sebagai besar digunakan untuk sayuran (kangkung, seledri, bayam, sawi, selada), unggas (ayam buras, bebek petelur dan bebek entok), buah-buahan, ikan (lele, nila) dan tanaman obat; (2) Bentuk kontribusi sosial berupa pemberian (2,65 %) dan saling tukar (3,27 %) kepada tetangga serta pemberian (7,09 %) kepada kerabat; (3) Nilai ekonomi sebagai penghemat pengeluaran atau pendapatan tidak tunai berada pada kategori rendah sebesar Rp 1.650.237/tahun atau Rp 137.519/bulan dan sebagai penambah pendapatan tunai berada pada kategori sedang sebesar Rp 28.876.183/tahun atau Rp 2.406.348/bulan.Kata Kunci: Pemanfaatan Lahan Pekarangan, Kontribusi Sosial dan EkonomiContribution of Utilization Yard Area in Social Economic Life of Kembang Tani Group at Cucum Village in Aceh Besar RegencyNurul Hidayah/Department of Agribusiness, Faculty of Agriculture University of Syiah KualaAbstractYard area is an area of land that is in the front, rear and side of the house building which can be harnessed into productive land with socially economically functional outcome. The purpose of this study was to determine the utilization of yard area by commodity type and yard area contribution form to the social and economic life of Kembang Tani Group. This research was conducted at Cucum Village in Aceh Besar Regency by using census method. Data were analyzed using descriptive qualitative and quantitative approaches. The results showed that: (1) Utilization of yard area was mostly used for vegetables (water spinach, celery, spinach, mustard greens, lettuce), poultry (free-range chicken, duck laying hens and muscovy duck), fruits, fish (freshwater catfish, tilapia fish) and medicinal plants; (2) Social contribution form of giving (2,65%) and exchange (3,27%) with neighbors as well as giving (7,09%) to relatives; (3) The economic value such as saving expense or non-cash income was on the low category of Rp 1.650.237/year or Rp 137.519/month and additional cash income was on medium category of Rp 28.876.183/year or Rp 2.406.348/month.Keywords: Utilization of Yard Area, Social and Economic Contributio

    Bio-physicochemical Markers of the Aedes Aegypti Breeding Water in Endemic and Non-endemic Area

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    The survival of Aedes aegypti larvae is inseparable from the adequacy of food, including organic substances available in the breeding water. It is very dependent on the level of water markers such as temperature, salinity, Dissolved Oxygen, and pH. The study used quantitative observational analytic with a case-control study design. Case group has consisted of breeding water in endemic area and control group was in non-endemic area. The sample size was 43 samples for each group, collected by purposive sampling technique. Data were analyzed by Chi-square and Mann-Whitney test. Larvae mostly presence in endemic area (68.3%) and mostly absent in non-endemic area (85.4%) (p-value = 0.002). Temperature in endemic area mostly in 27-30oC (86%) and non-endemic area mostly in <27oC or >30oC (72.1%) (p-value = 0.000). Salinity in endemic and non-endemic areas has no difference (p-value = 0.266). DO in endemic areas were mostly in 5.02-7.82 mg/l (76.7%). While DO in non-endemic area was mostly in <5.02 mg/l or >7.82 mg/l (95.3%) (p-value = 0.001). The pH <6 or >7.8 is mostly in non-endemic areas (87.8%) and pH 6-7.8 is mostly in endemic areas (63.4%) (p-value = 0.000). Bio-physicochemical markers of breeding sites water have differences between endemic and non-endemic area except salinity. The temperature, salinity, DO, and pH affected the presence of larvae and the most affected is DO marker. While the marker that affected the presence of larvae in the non-endemic area is pH
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