12,609 research outputs found
This study aimed to describe: 1) Pattern of empowerment in rural communities in
communal cages, 2) the achieved and to be achieved result from the pattern of
community empowerment, 3) supporting and complication factors in the training
implementation of cattle production in communal cages.
This research is using a descriptive qualitative approach. The subject of this
research is an instructor / trainer of fattening cattle, communal cage members, and
administrators of communal cage. The data was collected using observation, interviews
and documentation. Techniques used in data analysis are data reduction, data display,
and making inferences. Triangulation conducted to explain the validity of the data by
using sources and methods.
The research shows that: 1) The pattern of community empowerment in
communal cages was done by identifying the needs of communal cage members and the
training objectives were the members of communal cages. 2) The processes of training
those are (a) the management plans the training (b) training process, the targets of the
training were members of communal cages, the material provided are; the selection of
cows breed, the making of cage, the types of cattle, and cattle feed costs, the learning
method using the method learnt from experience, direct practice and discussion, good
irrigation training facility, where the processing of cow dung, cattle feed processing
kitchen, a hut and hall. The evaluation includes: the development of cow weight, cow
health, and hygiene cage. The follow-up is selling the cow from fattening cattle. 3) The
results that have been achieved from the training process are; members already have
their own livestock, the livestock population growth, increasing the memberâs knowledge
about farming, while the result is to be achieved; create jobs, improve the welfare of
society, as a place to learn how to raise livestock, make Jambon village as a livestock
tourist village, serve as a means of comparative study for the farmer, and make the cage
as the central group of beef cattle fattening and breeding 4) Supporting factors are: a
positive response from members of the training activities of fattening cattle, the spirit of
the instructors and members, support from outside parties, adequate facilities, while the
inhibiting factors are: beef price competition b) the presence of disease that inhibits the
process of beef cattle fattening.
Keywords: Community Empowerment, Training Fattenin
Literature is humanâs expression. It is divided into drama, novel, poem, and also song. Song is one of the literary works that has beautiful words on it like figurative language, diction, and also imagery. The problems of this study are analyzing the detailed, general meaning, and also the messages of Spice Girlsâ song âGoodbyeâ. This study used the descriptive qualitative because this research started with collecting reviewing research literature to provide the data. This research used objective approach because that is the story of Spice Girls. Thus, the object of this study was Spice Girlsâ song lyrics âGoodbyeâ in the form of lines and sentences. The detailed meaning of the song lyrics âGoodbyeâ tells about the parting between Spice Girls and X-member of Spice Girls âGerry Haliwellâ. She leaves Spice Girls because she wants to find out her own way to be a solo career. Although they are not together anymore but Spice Girls still love her and Gerry will always be in their heart. The song also describes about their togetherness in the past both in joy and sorrow. However, although they are not together anymore but Spice Girls will always help and support Gerryâs way. The general meaning of the song tells about the parting between Spice Girls and X-member of Spice Girls âGerry Haliwellâ. She has gone to leave them to find out her own way because she wants to be a solo career. The messages of the song lyrics âGoodbyeâ reminds us not to dissolve ourselves into the pain and never regret the parting because nothing is immortal in this life. Meeting and parting, joy and sorrow are the variation of this life and believe that inside the pain there must be lessons we can get
Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah hasil belajar siswa menggunakan metode pembelajaran Tutor Teman Sebaya lebih baik dibandingkan dengan metode pembelajaran konvensional pada standar kompetensi menerapkan dasar-dasar kelistrikan di SMKN 3 Surabaya dan untuk mengetahui aktivitas tutoring, yaitu aktivitas tutor dan aktivitas siswa (tutee) pada kelas tutor teman sebaya. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah static group comparison. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh melalui tes hasil belajar (post-test), lembar pengamatan aktivitas tutor dan lembar pengamatan aktivitas siswa (tutee). Prosedur dalam penelitian ini, yaitu tahap persiapan dan perencanaan penelitian, tahap pelaksanaan, dan tahap akhir. Dari hasil penelitian yang diperoleh, menunjukkan bahwa: (1) rata-rata hasil belajar kelas eksperimen (XTAV1) adalah sebesar 79,36 dengan standar deviasi sebesar 5,23 dan rata-rata hasil belajar kelas kontrol (XTAV2) adalah sebesar 75,93 dengan standar deviasi sebesar 5,72, dengan hasil perhitungan uji-t didapat thitung > ttabel, yaitu nilai thitung 2,62 dan ttabel pada taraf signifikansinya 5% (0,05) adalah 1,66. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian di atas, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa kelas yang menggunakan metode pembelajaran tutor teman sebaya mempunyai nilai hasil belajar yang lebih baik daripada kelas yang menggunakan pembelajaran konvensional. (2) Hasil pengamatan aktivitas tutor dan aktivitas siswa (tutee) pada kelas pembelajaran tutor teman sebaya menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata aktivitas tutor berada pada kategori âSelaluâ yang berdasarkan rubrik pengkategorian, artinya setiap tutor aktif dalam kegiatan tutoring. Sedangkan untuk aktivitas siswa (tutee), rata-rata aktivitasnya berada pada kategori âSeringâ yang artinya siswa juga aktif dalam kegiatan tutoring Kata Kunci: tutor teman sebaya, hasil belajar siswa, aktivitas tutor dan aktivitas siswa (tutee). Â Abstract This research aims to determine whether the learning outcomes of students who learn by using Peer tutors learning method are better than students who learn by using conventional method on standard of competence, apply the basic of electricity in SMKN 3 Surabaya and to know the activities of tutoring, that is the tutorâs and the studentâs (tutee) activities on peer tutor class. The study design used was the static group comparison. The collection of data in this study were obtained through learning outcomes tests (post-test), tutors activities observation sheet and students (tutee) activities observations sheet. The procedures in this study, namely the stage of preparation and planning, implementation stage, and the final stage (data analysis). From the results obtained, shows that: (1) The average of learning outcomes of experimental class (XTAV1) is equal to 79.36 with standard of deviation is equal to 5.23 and the average of learning outcomes of control class (XTAV2) is equal to 75.93 with standard of deviation is equal to 5,72, with the results of the t-testâs calculation to come by tcount > ttable, i.e. the value of tcount is 2.62 and the value of ttable on the significance level of 5% (0.05) is 1.66. Based on the results of the above study, then it can be inferred that the learning outcomes of classes that use peer tutors learning method has a better than conventional learning classes. (2) The results of the observation activities of tutors and activities of students (tutee) in the peer tutors learning class shows that the average activities of tutors in the "Always" category, which was based on the rubric designation, meaning that every tutors are active in tutoring activities. As for the activities of the students (tutee), average activities in the "Often" category to mean students are also active in tutoring activities. Keywords: peer tutors, students learning outcomes, tutors and students (tutee) activities
Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) merupakan salah satu mata kuliah yang wajib ditempuh oleh seluruh mahasiswa UNY jurusan S1 untuk memperoleh gelar sarjana kependidikan. Dengan adanya kegiatan Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan diharapakan mahasiswa dapat memperoleh pengalaman dalam melakukan kegiatan mengajar dalam kelas, sehingga akan menjadikan calon pendidik yang profesional dan tanggap dalam mengikuti perkembangan ilmu pendidikan. Kompetensi mahasiswa sebagai calon pendidik yang meliputi kompetensi pedagogik, kompetensi kepribadian, kompetensi profesional, dan kompetensi sosial, juga dikembangkan dalam kegiatan ini. Dengan adanya kegiatan Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan (PPL) ini diharapkan mahasiswa mempunyai bekal dan pengalaman sebagai calon pendidik yang berkualitas. Program PPL di SMK N 5 Yogyakarta, dilaksanakan pada tanggal 2 Juli 2014 sampai dengan 17 September 2014. Sebelum merencanakan dan menyusun program PPL, dilakukan observasi, yang berupa observasi fisik dan non fisik serta observasi pembelajaran di kelas. Kegiatan PPL mencakup beberapa kegiatan, antara lain: observasi kelas, menyusun perangkat pembelajaran, persiapan mengajar (membuat media/ materi pembelajaran), praktik mengajar, evaluasi pembelajaran, dan pendamping guru dalam kegiatan praktikum.
Kegiatan PPL ini berupaya untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mengajar khususnya mencakup variabel dinamis, antara lain: pemahaman karakteristik peserta didik, kemampuan merancang pembelajaran, kemampuan mengelola kelas, kemampuan mengembangkan media, strategi pembelajaran, dan kemampuan evaluasi. PPL sebagai muara dari seluruh program pendidikan pra-jabatan guru. PPL dilaksanakan secara terjadwal setelah mahasiswa mendapatkan bekal yang memadai dalam berbagai bidang yang berkaitan dengan tugasnya sebagai guru yang telah dipelajari secara bertahap sejak semester awal khususnya melalui pembekalan dan kuliah micro teaching sebagai modal awal pengalaman mengajar. Melalui PPL, mahasiswa calon guru diterjunkan ke sekolah untuk mengamati, mengenal dan belajar mempraktikkan semua kompetensi mengajar yang telah dipelajari di bangku kuliah, sehingga mendapatkan pengalaman kependidikan secara faktual di lapangan dengan bimbingan dan arahan dari guru pembimbing, dosen pembimbing dan koordinator KKN-PPL di Sekolah.
Dalam kegiatan PPL di SMK N 5 Yogyakarta, penyusun mendapatkan kesempatan praktik mengajar di kelas X Tekstil A, kelas XI Tekstil A dan B, XII Tekstil A danB Materi yang diajarkan ialah berupa dasar-dasar kriya dan kompetensi kejuruan (Jahit, Sablon). Dengan selesainya kegiatan PPL ini mahasiswa dapat mengembangkan potensi-potensi dalam dirinya sebagai calon tenaga pendidik. Sehingga nantinya dapat menjadi guru yang profesional di bidangnya dan senantiasa mampu mengembangkan metode-metode dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan KBM secara optimal
Efektivitas Pembelajaran Tatap Muka Pasca Pandemi Covid-19
Sektor pendidikan yaitu salah satu aspek kehidupan di Indonesia yang sangat terganggu denganmerebaknya firus Covid-19. Untuk menjaga kesehatan warga, kemudian pemerintah mengambil langkah denganmelakukan penutupan pada sektor pendidikan dengan harapan dapat mengantisipasi kemungkinan adanya akibat yang akan ditimbulkan oleh firus corona. Agar pelajar bisa memperoleh haknya untuk mendapatkan layananpendidikan, sebagai alternatif kemudian dekeluarkanlah Kebijakan Belajar Dari Rumah (BDR). Ketersediaan sarana dan prasarana dapat dimanfaatkan oleh satuan pendidikan dalam mengoptimalkan proses belajar mengajar. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan bagaimana siswa kelas XI di SMK Kartika XX-I Makassar menjalaniproses belajar mengajar pasca pandemi COVID-19 dengan pembelajaran tatap muka. Dalam penelitian ini, penelitimenggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif yang dikombinasikan dengan deskriptif kuantitatifdimaksudkan untuk menggambarkan dan menganalisis fenomena dan data yang berkaitan dengan penelitian. Hasilbelajar dan prestasi belajar siswa, keduanya meningkat sebagai hasil dari temuan tersebut. Pada kelas XI terlihat adanya peningkatan nilai pada pembelajaran tatap muka, seperti terlihat pada tabel 1, yang sesuai dengan analisis data deskriptif yang peneliti sajikan sebagai penguatan hasil penelitian. Pembelajaran tatap muka sangat efektif dilakukan pasca pandemic Covid-19 dalam meningkatkan minat belajar siswa maupun nilai hasil belajarnya,menurut pengamatan aktivitas belajar siswa dan tes yang dilakukan selama penelitian
Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Fasilitas dan Harga Terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen di Hotel Bina Darma Palembang
The formulation of the problem in this study is whether service quality affects customer satisfaction at Hotel Bina Darma Palembang Does facilities affect customer satisfaction at Hotel Bina Darma Palembang Does price affect customer satisfaction at Hotel Bina Darma Palembang Does service quality, facilities and prices affect customer satisfaction Hotel Bina Dharma Palembang. This aims to find out what affects the quality of service facilities and prices to consumers. The location of this research is located at Jln Jend A Yani 9/10 Ulu Palembang City. The population that has been used by researchers is some visitors who are at the Hotel Bina Darma Palembang which has a total of 5,561 visitors. The number of samples that have been obtained and calculated has a total of 98 respondents. The data collection technique in this study was a questionnaire. The hypothesis test used in this study is the t and f test. The results of this study indicate that the condition of service quality, facilities and prices affect consumer satisfaction.Masa usia dini adalah masa emas perkembangan anak yang mana semua aspek perkembangan dan kecerdasan dapat dengan mudah di stimulasi. Usia dini juga merupakan masa unik perkembangan anak untuk melewati fase yang disebut dengan masa peka, masa egosentris, masa meniru, masa berkelompok, masa bereksplorasi dan masa pembangkangan. Karenanya, anak usia dini belum mampu mengontrol emosi, belum mandiri, belum bisa membedakan perbuatan baik dan buruk, mau menang sendiri, belum mampu bersosialisasi dengan lingkungannya dan sebagainya. Untuk itu masa usia dini merupakan masa yang sangat menentukan dalam pembentukan kecakapan hidup seorang anak sehingga perlu upaya untuk menstimulasi, mendidik, membimbing, mengasuh dan pemberian kegiatan pembelajaran yang akan menghasilkan dan meningkatkan kemampuan dan keterampilan anak. Sebab periode emas ini hanya berlangsung sekali dalam fase kehidupan manusia. Oleh karena itu, pada masa usia dini perlu dilakukan upaya Pendidikan yang bersifat holistik.
Penelitian ini berjudul âPerencanaan Pengembangan Lahan Tanaman Ubi Jalar (ipomoea batatas). Lokasi penelitian di Kecamatan Matesih Kabupaten Karanganyarâ. Bertujuan; (1) mengetahui kesesuaian lahan tanaman ubi jalar; (2) analisa potensi perencanaan pengembangan lahan untuk tanaman Ubi Jalar. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode survey, pengambilan sampel menggunakan strata sampel dengan satuan lahan sebagai stratanya. Data yang dikumpulkan : aspek fisik meliputi suhu, ketersedian air (curah hujan, bulan
kering, dan kelembaban) dan ketersedian oksigen (drainase). Media perakaran (tekstur tanah, bahan kasar, kedalaman tanah, ketebalan/pengkayaan kematangan KTK tanah, retensi hara (KTK tanah, kejenuhan basa, pH H20, C-organik),
bahaya erosi (kemiringan lereng, bahaya erosi) dan penyiapan lahan (batuan permukaan, singkapan batuan), dan aspek ekonomi meliputi hasil pertanian dan permintaan pasar.
Hasil penelitian : (1) kelas kesesuaian lahan di daerah penelitian yang terdiri atas dua kelas yaitu; kelas kesesuaian S3/ sesuai marginal dan kelas kesesuaian N/ tidak sesuai untuk saat ini. Faktor pembatas dari aspek fisik di daerah penelitian adalah lama bulan kering, bahan kasar, kejenuhan basah, COrganik, lereng, bahaya erosi, batuan permukaan dan singkapan batuan; (2) analisa menunjukkan potensi perencanaan pengembangan lahan untuk tanaman Ubi Jalar memiliki luas 1.139,29 ha yaitu 40,11 % dimana persebarannya terdapat diseluruh Desa dalam Kecamatan Matesih
Preliminary Study of Nitration of PETRONAS Calcined Cokes For Water Dispersible Solid Fuel
The objectives of this work are to determine if the calcined coke can be water dispersible, to study the improvements of calcined coke after treating with nitration, and to compare the characteristics of solid fuel and nitrated calcined coke to see if there is a possibility for the coke to be developed to water dispersible solid fuel.
Currently calcined coke primary use is in making carbon anodes for aluminum industry. Because of the insoluble properties, the usage of calcined coke is limited. Plus, calcined coke has low volatile matter, high ash content and high fixed carbon content which make it unsuitable for solid fuel.
Since nitration can remove ash content and increase solubility of a compound, by having this project we can see how the properties of calcined coke can be improved after being treated with nitration process.
The keywords for this project are calcined coke, nitration, solid fuel, volatile matter, ash content, fixed carbon content and solubility
Feature selection to enhance android malware detection using modified term frequency-inverse document frequency (MTF-IDF)
This research synthesizes an evaluation of feature selection algorithm by utilizing Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) as the main algorithm in Android malware detection. The TF-IDF algorithm is used to filter Android features filtered before detection process. However, IDF is unaware to the training class labels and gives incorrect weight value to some features. Therefore, the proposed approach that is Modified Term Frequency â Inverse Document Frequency (MTF-IDF) algorithm give more focus on both sample and features to give correct weight value to some features. The proposed algorithm considered features based on its level of importance where weight given based on number of features involved in the sample. The related best features in the sample are selected using weight and priority ranking process using K-means. This ensures that only important malware features are selected in the Android application sample. These experiments are conducted on a sample collected from DREBIN. Comparison between existing TF-IDF algorithm and MTF-IDF algorithm have been made under various conditions such as tested on different number of sample size, different number of features used and integration of different types of features. The results showed that feature selection using MTF-IDF can improve Android malware detection analysis. It was proven that MTF-IDF is an effective Android malware detection algorithm regardless of different kinds of features or sample sizes used. MTF-IDF algorithm also proved that it can give appropriate scaling for all features in analyzing Android malware detection
This research was initiated by Indonesia's initiation in forming the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) in 2011, when Indonesia served as the chair of ASEAN. This research aims to explain the background of the establishment of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), explain why Indonesia plays an active role in the establishment of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), and explain what Indonesia's role is in the establishment of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). This research uses a qualitative explanatory research method with a case study approach, namely Indonesia as a country that initiated the formation of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) in ASEAN. This research analyzes based on theoretical studies with data sources obtained through searches of scientific journals, books, reports of related institutions and other articles. The results of this study indicate that Indonesia's active role in the formation of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is based on the existence of a foreign policy orientation that determines the national role so that these two things make Indonesia play an active role
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