32 research outputs found
Naturaleza envolvente : vidas y acciones interconectadas
The present project focuses on analyzing our relationship as human beings with nature from different artistic, social, philosophical and practical perspectives. The theoretical research goes from the conception of nature in different stages of art to the transdisciplinary contemporaneity...El presente proyecto se enfoca en analizar nuestra relación como seres humanos con la naturaleza desde diferentes perspectivas artísticas, sociales, filosóficas y prácticas. La investigación teórica transcurre desde la concepción de la naturaleza en distintas etapas del arte hasta la contemporaneidad transdisciplinaria..
La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia Departamento del Huila
El presente informe tiene como fin mostrar diversas experiencias de violencia que han afectado a muchos colombianos, pues se padece un conflicto armado que hoy por hoy sigue dejando victimas perjudicadas en el ámbito multidimensional. La pérdida de la identidad, el desarraigo, el estigma por suponer que se hace parte de un grupo guerrillero, el ser perseguidos y amenazados de muerte, son emergentes psicosociales que dan fruto a raíz de esta absurda guerra. En este trabajo, se exponen dos casos resultados del conflicto armado; el relato de Carlos Arturo Bravo y el de Peñas Coloradas. En el primer caso, se realiza un análisis de relatos y se formulan preguntas de carácter reflexivo, circular y estratégicas con base en la narrativa del protagonista. Para el segundo punto en mención, se crearon estrategias de acompañamiento psicosocial de reconstrucción de memoria y de perspectiva narrativa, que permiten dar re significación en cada persona que vivió dicha experiencia traumática, así mismo, que pueden tener un equilibrio emocional, recuperar su sentido de sí mismo y de seguridad en el territorio. En la parta final del documento, se exhibe un salón de exposiciones a cerca de la actividad realizada en el paso 3, “foto voz”, donde se podrá evidenciar un trabajo realizado por cada estudiante que muestra los múltiples tipos de violencia desde cada contexto y que reflejan subjetividades de sufrimiento, pero también de resiliencia y esperanza.
Palabras clave: Narrativa, Memoria, Subjetividad, Acompañamiento Psicosocial, Violencia.This report aims to show various experiences of violence that have affected many Colombians since they are suffering from an armed conflict that today continues to leave victims harmed in the multidimensional sphere. The loss of identity, uprooting, the stigma for assuming that one is part of a guerrilla group, and being persecuted and threatened with death, are psychosocial emergents that bear fruit from this absurd war. This work exposes two cases resulting from the armed conflict; the story of Carlos Arturo Bravo and Peñas Coloradas. Based on the first case, the protagonist's narrative was analyzed, and reflective, circular, and strategic questions were formulated. On the other hand, psychosocial accompaniment, strategies for memory reconstruction, and narrative perspective were created in the second case mentioned. It allows resignification for each person who lived through said traumatic experience. Likewise, it helps them to have an emotional balance and recover their sense of themselves and security in the territory. In the final part of the document, the activity carried out in step 3, "photo voice," is exhibited. There will be possible to demonstrate a work carried out by each student that shows the multiple types of violence that reflect subjectivities of suffering but also of resilience and hope.
Keywords: Narrative, Memory, Subjectivity, Psychosocial Accompaniment, Violence
Compositional and structural analysis of engineered stones and inorganic particles in silicotic nodules of exposed workers
Background Engineered stone silicosis is an emerging disease in many countries worldwide produced by the inhalation of respirable dust of engineered stone. This silicosis has a high incidence among young workers, with a short latency period and greater aggressiveness than silicosis caused by natural materials. Although the silica content is very high and this is the key factor, it has been postulated that other constituents in engineered stones can influence the aggressiveness of the disease. Different samples of engineered stone countertops (fabricated by workers during the years prior to their diagnoses), as well as seven lung samples from exposed patients, were analyzed by multiple techniques. Results The different countertops were composed of SiO2 in percentages between 87.9 and 99.6%, with variable relationships of quartz and cristobalite depending on the sample. The most abundant metals were Al, Na, Fe, Ca and Ti. The most frequent volatile organic compounds were styrene, toluene and m-xylene, and among the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, phenanthrene and naphthalene were detected in all samples. Patients were all males, between 26 and 46 years-old (average age: 36) at the moment of the diagnosis. They were exposed to the engineered stone an average time of 14 years. At diagnosis, only one patient had progressive massive fibrosis. After a follow-up period of 8 +/- 3 years, four patients presented progressive massive fibrosis. Samples obtained from lung biopsies most frequently showed well or ill-defined nodules, composed of histiocytic cells and fibroblasts without central hyalinization. All tissue samples showed high proportion of Si and Al at the center of the nodules, becoming sparser at the periphery. Al to Si content ratios turned out to be higher than 1 in two of the studied cases. Correlation between Si and Al was very high (r = 0.93). Conclusion Some of the volatile organic compounds, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and metals detected in the studied countertop samples have been described as causative of lung inflammation and respiratory disease. Among inorganic constituents, aluminum has been a relevant component within the silicotic nodule, reaching atomic concentrations even higher than silicon in some cases. Such concentrations, both for silicon and aluminum showed a decreasing tendency from the center of the nodule towards its frontier
Multi-Level Targeting of the Phosphatidylinositol-3-Kinase Pathway in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Cells
Introduction: We assessed expression of p85 and p110a PI3K subunits in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) specimens and the association with mTOR expression, and studied effects of targeting the PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway in NSCLC cell lines. Methods: Using Automated Quantitative Analysis we quantified expression of PI3K subunits in two cohorts of 190 and 168 NSCLC specimens and correlated it with mTOR expression. We studied effects of two PI3K inhibitors, LY294002 and NVP-BKM120, alone and in combination with rapamycin in 6 NSCLC cell lines. We assessed activity of a dual PI3K/mTOR inhibitor
Strategies to encourage volunteers to stay and propose tools to optimize the control of the foundation's accounting information naciendo de nuevo
Este documento presenta un análisis y propuestas de mejora para la Fundación Naciendo de Nuevo, una organización social sin ánimo de lucro ubicada en Bogotá que brinda apoyo escolar a poblaciones vulnerables. La introducción presenta a la fundación y su problema principal: la necesidad de voluntarios constantes y de optimizar el control contable. El marco teórico aborda el rol de las fundaciones en la educación infantil, la importancia de la permanencia de voluntarios, fuentes de financiamiento de fundaciones, contexto histórico del voluntariado y la contabilidad en fundaciones, antecedentes y contexto legal de la Fundación Naciendo de Nuevo, el modelo de diagnóstico organizacional aplicado. La metodología consistió un análisis documental, revisión de casos de éxito y cotización de software contable. Los resultados del diagnóstico organizacional muestran oportunidades en la permanencia de voluntarios y el control contable, se analizan casos de fidelización exitosa en otras fundaciones, se propone un plan de 10 estrategias para mejorar la permanencia de voluntarios, se evalúa la contabilidad actual de la fundación, identificando falencias en planeación financiera y seguimiento contable, se sugiere implementar el software contable Dataico de forma gratuita. Finalmente, las conclusiones resaltan la importancia de implementar las estrategias propuestas para mejorar el apoyo voluntario y control contable. Las recomendaciones sugieren adoptar dichas estrategias y el software contable para optimizar la gestión.Universidad Libre - Facultad de Ciencias económicas, administrativas y contables - Administración de empresas, Contaduría públicaThis document presents an analysis and proposals for improvement for the Naciendo de Nuevo Foundation, a non-profit social organization located in Bogotá that provides educational support to vulnerable populations. The introduction presents the foundation and its main problem: the need for constant volunteers and to optimize accounting control. The theoretical framework covers the role of foundations in early childhood education, the importance of volunteer retention, sources of foundation funding, historical context of volunteering and accounting in foundations, background and legal context of the Naciendo de Nuevo Foundation, the applied organizational diagnostic model. The methodology consisted of a document analysis, review of success cases, and quotation of accounting software. The results of the organizational diagnosis show opportunities in volunteer retention and accounting control, successful loyalty cases in other foundations are analyzed, a 10-strategy plan is proposed to improve volunteer retention, the current accounting of the foundation is evaluated, identifying shortcomings in financial planning and accounting oversight, it is suggested to implement the free accounting software Dataico. Finally, the conclusions highlight the importance of implementing the proposed strategies to improve volunteer support and accounting control. The recommendations suggest adopting these strategies and accounting software to optimize management
Estudio comparativo sobre el reconocimiento, el desempeño y la satisfacción laboral de los graduados del programa de Psicología de la Corporación Universitaria del Caribe - CECAR /
Un CD-Rom (1.31 MB) : 93 páginas ; tablas, 12 cmEl presente estudio, buscó describir y comparar el reconocimiento, el desempeño y la satisfacción laboral de los graduados del Programa de Psicología de la Corporación Universitaria del Caribe CECAR con el fin de encontrar los aspectos convergentes alrededor del capital humano, lo cual lleva a la descripción de las acciones y resultados de reconocimiento y desempeño por parte de las empresas, donde laboran o han laborado los graduados. Para ello se abordaron los enfoques teóricos de Bustamante (2003), Rojas-Rojas (2014), Periáñez (2010), Y Becker (1983) principalmente, destacando una visión holística de las relaciones laborales satisfactorias. Lo anterior se llevó a cabo gracias a un enfoque cuantitativo, de corte descriptivo comparativo, con una población de 319 graduados entre los años 2012 y 2016. Con la aplicación de un instrumento Ad-hoc que permitió obtener entre resultados tales como, que el 68% de los graduados del programa de psicología no han recibido un reconocimiento especial, pero el 84% se le están reconociendo las tareas que realizan, y el 68% le reconocen cuando realiza una mejora en la empresa.
El trabajo.PregradoPsicologoTrabajo de grado(Psicólogo) --Corporación Universitaria del Caribe. Facultad de Humanidades y Educación. Programa de Psicología. Sincelejo, 2018
La intensidad de la actividad física y su papel en la prevención cardiovascular en la cohorte SUN
Emerging evidence suggests that vigorous physical activity may be associated with
greater cardioprotective and metabolic benefits than moderate physical activity, but this
topic requires further study. Furthermore, no longitudinal study has investigated the
combined effect of the Mediterranean diet and the intensity of physical activity on
mortality and cardiovascular disease..
This study aims to evaluate the long-term relationship betweenthe intensity of physical
activity and the risk of developing metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease in a
prospective cohort study. We also intend to assess the individual and combined effects of
adherence to the Mediterranean diet and intensity of physical activity on all-cause
mortality and cardiovascular disease.
Methods and design
The Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra (SUN) Project comprises Spanish university
graduates. When evaluating the incidence of metabolic syndrome or cardiovascular
disease, we excluded participants with any component of metabolic syndrome or
cardiovascular disease prior to study entry. We estimated the mean intensity of leisuretime physical activity using a validated questionnaire. An 8-item score was also
constructed to assess an active lifestyle. Adherence to the Mediterranean diet was
obtained from a validated 136-item food frequency questionnaire and we used two
validated dietary scores. The association between intensity of leisure-time physical
activity and metabolic syndrome or cardiovascular disease (myocardial infarction, stroke,
and death from cardiovascular causes) was evaluated with logistic regression models or
Cox proportional hazards models respectively, adjusting for total energy expenditure and
other confounding factors. In addition, multivariable Cox regression models were used to
study the individual and combined effect of adherence to the Mediterranean diet, intensity
of physical activity, and an active lifestyle on all-cause mortality and cardiovascular
Among 10,145 participants without any criteria for metabolic syndrome, 412 new cases
of metabolic syndrome were observed. Vigorous physical activity was associated with a
37% relatively lower risk (Adjusted OR=0.63, 95% CI=0.44, 0.89) compared with light
activity, independent of the total energy expenditure and with a linear trend. During
172,299 person-years of follow-up, we recorded 127 cases of cardiovascular disease.
Vigorous physical activity was associated with a 69% relatively lower risk (Adjusted
HR=0.31, 95% CI=0.12, 0.79) compared with inactivity, independent of the total energy
expenditure and with a linear trend. During a median follow-up of 10.3 years, we recorded
305 deaths. Participants with an active lifestyle and greater adherence to the
Mediterranean diet had lower mortality (adjusted HR=0.39, 95% CI=0.21, 0.72), and
when intensity was added to this combination, its power protective was even greater
(adjusted HR=0.33, 95% CI=0.15, 0.71). Likewise, when analyzing joint exposure to the
Mediterranean diet and an active lifestyle or intensity of physical activity, the greatest
benefit was related to greater adherence to the Mediterranean diet and a more active
lifestyle or vigorous physical activity, respectively. In any case, although there is a
synergy, a multiplicative interaction between the Mediterranean diet and the intensity of
physical activity was not found.
In the SUN cohort, given the same level of energy expenditure, respondents who engage
in vigorous leisure-time physical activity have a lower risk of developing metabolic
syndrome and cardiovascular disease. In the SUN cohort, the combined effect of
Mediterranean diet adherence and physical activity intensity had synergistic effects on
mortality and cardiovascular disease risk reduction
La intensidad de la actividad física y su papel en la prevención cardiovascular en la cohorte SUN
Emerging evidence suggests that vigorous physical activity may be associated with
greater cardioprotective and metabolic benefits than moderate physical activity, but this
topic requires further study. Furthermore, no longitudinal study has investigated the
combined effect of the Mediterranean diet and the intensity of physical activity on
mortality and cardiovascular disease..
This study aims to evaluate the long-term relationship betweenthe intensity of physical
activity and the risk of developing metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease in a
prospective cohort study. We also intend to assess the individual and combined effects of
adherence to the Mediterranean diet and intensity of physical activity on all-cause
mortality and cardiovascular disease.
Methods and design
The Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra (SUN) Project comprises Spanish university
graduates. When evaluating the incidence of metabolic syndrome or cardiovascular
disease, we excluded participants with any component of metabolic syndrome or
cardiovascular disease prior to study entry. We estimated the mean intensity of leisuretime physical activity using a validated questionnaire. An 8-item score was also
constructed to assess an active lifestyle. Adherence to the Mediterranean diet was
obtained from a validated 136-item food frequency questionnaire and we used two
validated dietary scores. The association between intensity of leisure-time physical
activity and metabolic syndrome or cardiovascular disease (myocardial infarction, stroke,
and death from cardiovascular causes) was evaluated with logistic regression models or
Cox proportional hazards models respectively, adjusting for total energy expenditure and
other confounding factors. In addition, multivariable Cox regression models were used to
study the individual and combined effect of adherence to the Mediterranean diet, intensity
of physical activity, and an active lifestyle on all-cause mortality and cardiovascular
Among 10,145 participants without any criteria for metabolic syndrome, 412 new cases
of metabolic syndrome were observed. Vigorous physical activity was associated with a
37% relatively lower risk (Adjusted OR=0.63, 95% CI=0.44, 0.89) compared with light
activity, independent of the total energy expenditure and with a linear trend. During
172,299 person-years of follow-up, we recorded 127 cases of cardiovascular disease.
Vigorous physical activity was associated with a 69% relatively lower risk (Adjusted
HR=0.31, 95% CI=0.12, 0.79) compared with inactivity, independent of the total energy
expenditure and with a linear trend. During a median follow-up of 10.3 years, we recorded
305 deaths. Participants with an active lifestyle and greater adherence to the
Mediterranean diet had lower mortality (adjusted HR=0.39, 95% CI=0.21, 0.72), and
when intensity was added to this combination, its power protective was even greater
(adjusted HR=0.33, 95% CI=0.15, 0.71). Likewise, when analyzing joint exposure to the
Mediterranean diet and an active lifestyle or intensity of physical activity, the greatest
benefit was related to greater adherence to the Mediterranean diet and a more active
lifestyle or vigorous physical activity, respectively. In any case, although there is a
synergy, a multiplicative interaction between the Mediterranean diet and the intensity of
physical activity was not found.
In the SUN cohort, given the same level of energy expenditure, respondents who engage
in vigorous leisure-time physical activity have a lower risk of developing metabolic
syndrome and cardiovascular disease. In the SUN cohort, the combined effect of
Mediterranean diet adherence and physical activity intensity had synergistic effects on
mortality and cardiovascular disease risk reduction