3 research outputs found


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    Hatching rate of Artemia salina cysts in the hatching process is variable due to many factors. Osmolarity of the medium is one of the factors determining hatching process of A. salina cysts. The purpose of this study is to assess the hatching process of A. salina cysts in a various osmotic condition on the hatching energetics efficiency and rate. The experimental design used was a 2 x 5 factorial completely randomized design. The first factor is an addition of chlorine (non-decapsulation and decapsulation) and the second factor is osmolarity of medium (640.27; 787.02; 901.76; 1080.51 and 1227.25 mOsm.L-1H2O). The results showed that hatching of A. salina cyst on various osmotic condition has significantly differed the hatching rate. No significant differences in the hatching energetics efficiency were obtained from each experimental groups. Media with osmolarity level of iso-osmotic to hyperosmotic (901.76-1227,25 mOsm.L-1H2O) provides a high hatching rate. Energetics efficiency of artemia cysts hatching is ranged from 640.27 to 1227.25 mOsm.L-1H2O in both hypoosmotic, isosmotic and hyperosmotic media. Keywords: artemia, decapsulation, energetics, hatching, salinity Tingkat penetasan kista Artemia salina dalam proses penetasan bervariasi karena banyak faktor. Osmolaritas medium merupakan salah satu faktor yang menentukan proses penetasan kista A. salina. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menilai proses penetasan kista A. salina dalam berbagai kondisi osmotik pada efisiensi dan laju penetasan energetika. Desain eksperimen yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap 2 x 5 faktorial. Faktor pertama adalah penambahan klorin (non-dekapsulasi dan dekapsulasi) dan faktor kedua adalah osmolaritas medium (640,27; 787,02; 901,76; 1080,51 dan 1227,25 mOsm.L-1H2O). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penetasan kista A. salina pada berbagai kondisi osmotik secara signifikan berbeda dengan tingkat penetasan. Tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan dalam efisiensi energetika penetasan yang diperoleh dari masing-masing kelompok eksperimen. Media dengan tingkat osmolaritas iso-osmotik menjadi hyperosmotic (901,76-1227,25 mOsm.L-1H2O) memberikan tingkat penetasan yang tinggi. Energetika efisiensi penetrasi kista A. salina berkisar antara 640,27 sampai 1227,25 mOsm.L-1H2O pada media hypoosmotic, isosmotic dan hyperosmotic. Kata kunci: artemia, dekapsulasi, energetika, penetasan, salinita

    Efficiency and Energetics of Artemia (Artemia salina) Cysts Hatching in different Osmolarity Media

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    Hatching rate of Artemia salina cysts in the hatching process is variable due to many factors. Osmolarity of the medium is one of the factors determining hatching process of A. salina cysts. The purpose of this study is to assess the hatching process of A. salina cysts in a various osmotic condition on the hatching energetics efficiency and rate. The experimental design used was a 2 x 5 factorial completely randomized design. The first factor is an addition of chlorine (non-decapsulation and decapsulation) and the second factor is osmolarity of medium (640.27; 787.02; 901.76; 1080.51 and 1227.25 mOsm.L-1H2O). The results showed that hatching of A. salina cyst on various osmotic condition has significantly differed the hatching rate. No significant differences in the hatching energetics efficiency were obtained from each experimental groups. Media with osmolarity level of iso-osmotic to hyperosmotic (901.76-1227,25 mOsm.L-1H2O) provides a high hatching rate. Energetics efficiency of artemia cysts hatching is ranged from 640.27 to 1227.25 mOsm.L-1H2O in both hypoosmotic, isosmotic and hyperosmotic media

    The Effect of Addition of Fermented Water Hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes) in the Artificial Feeds on for the Larval Growth of Catfish (Pangasius pangasius)

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    Small catfish is one of freshwater fish which be liked because have meal taste delicious. To increas the small catfish production can be done through increasing feed quality, because feed quality can influence fish growth and efficiency using of feed. Substitution of water hyacinth flour with Trichoderma sp in artificial feed need to be examined for increasing of small catfish production. The purpose of this research was to know the effect of water hyacinth flour which have been fermented as material artificial feed to growth, efficiency of feed using, ration of protein efficiency, and seed’s small catfish that growth. Small catfish seed which is used having weight of body between 2 till 3 grams/ in larval. Fish is kept with solid mater 1 in larval/litre in 10 liters bucket plastic volume. Total of placement used is 20. During the larva culture, disifon is used to clean the residue of feed and feces everday, then water that lose substitude that is with clean water. Feed given 3 time per day (morning, afternoon and evening) as 5% from weight of fish biomass. The experiment method was used in this research with completely randomized design. The treatment used as artificial feed with comparing between prosentage content of water hyacinth flour and bran flour as 0:100, 25:75, 50:50, 75:25, and 100:0% each for treatment A, B, C, D, and E. This research had done in Satker PBIAT Ambarawa, Semarang Regency. Research preparation research was carried out at July and August, with fish caring observation in 42 days at September and October. The result of this research that using of flour substitution water hyacinth flour to feed artificial give effect that no real (P>0,05) to relative growth rate (RGR), efficiency of using of feed (EPP), protein efficiency ratio (PER), and survival rate (SR). Because of that, the function of water hyacinth flour as bran flour substitution into artificial feed can be changed 100%. For research water quality still in optimal condition. Key words: Fermentation, Water hyacinth, Trichoderma sp, Growth, Small catfish, Pangasius pangasiu