216 research outputs found

    Genetic epidemiology: Systemic sclerosis

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    Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a multisystem connective tissue disease characterised phenotypically by fibrosis and ischaemic atrophy. Its aetiology is most likely multifactorial. A genetic predisposition to the condition is suggested by reports of familial SSc (a positive family history is the strongest risk factor yet identified), by animal models, and by disease-association studies, in which researchers have examined a wide variety of genes including those involved in fibrosis, in vascular function and structure, and in autoimmunity – the relative rarity of SSc has precluded linkage studies, except in the Choctaw Indians. Recent advances in genetic methodologies should further our understanding of this complex disease process

    Skin involvement in early diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis: an unmet clinical need

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    Diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis (dcSSc) is associated with high mortality resulting from early internal-organ involvement. Clinicians therefore tend to focus on early diagnosis and treatment of potentially life-threatening cardiorespiratory and renal disease. However, the rapidly progressive painful, itchy skin tightening that characterizes dcSSc is the symptom that has the greatest effect on patients' quality of life, and there is currently no effective disease-modifying treatment for it. Considerable advances have been made in predicting the extent and rate of skin-disease progression (which vary between patients), including the development of techniques such as molecular analysis of skin biopsy samples. Risk stratification for progressive skin disease is especially relevant now that haematopoietic stem-cell transplantation is a treatment option, because stratification will inform the balance of risk versus benefit for each patient. Measurement of skin disease is a major challenge. Results from clinical trials have highlighted limitations of the modified Rodnan skin score (the current gold standard). Alternative patient-reported and other potential outcome measures have been and are being developed. Patients with early dcSSc should be referred to specialist centres to ensure best-practice management, including the management of their skin disease, and to maximize opportunities for inclusion in clinical trials
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