152,209 research outputs found
Complex contact manifolds and S^{1} actions
We prove rigidity and vanishing theorems for several holomorphic Euler characteristics on complex contact manifolds admitting holomorphic circle actions preserving the contact structure. Such vanishings are reminiscent of those of LeBrun and Salamon on Fano contact manifolds but under a symmetry assumption instead of a curvature condition
Breakdown of the linear approximation in the perturbative analysis of heat conduction in relativistic systems
We analyze the effects of thermal conduction in a relativistic fluid just
after its departure from spherical symmetry, on a time scale of the order of
relaxation time. Using first order perturbation theory, it is shown that, as in
spherical systems, at a critical point the effective inertial mass density of a
fluid element vanishes and becomes negative beyond that point. The impact of
this effect on the reliability of causality conditions is discussed.Comment: 11 pages (Latex2.09) To appear in Physics Letters
On the gravitomagnetic effects in cylindrically symmetric spacetimes
Using gyroscopes we generalize results, obtained for the gravitomagnetic
clock effect in the particular case when the exterior spacetime is produced by
a rotating dust cylinder, to the case when the vacuum spacetime is described by
the general cylindrically symmetric Lewis spacetime. Results are contrasted
with those obtained for the Kerr spacetime.Comment: 11 pages Latex, to appear in J.Math.Phy
Non-spherical sources of static gravitational fields: investigating the boundaries of the no-hair theorem
A new, globally regular model describing a static, non spherical gravitating
object in General Relativity is presented. The model is composed by a vacuum
Weyl--Levi-Civita special field - the so called gamma metric - generated by a
regular static distribution of mass-energy. Standard requirements of physical
reasonableness such as, energy, matching and regularity conditions are
satisfied. The model is used as a toy in investigating various issues related
to the directional behavior of naked singularities in static spacetimes and the
blackhole (Schwarschild) limit.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure
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