255 research outputs found
Ionic Liquids Material as Modern Context of Chemistry in School
One way to improve students\u27 chemistry literacy which is demanded in the modernization of modern technology-based chemistry learning is by studying ionic liquids. Low level of scientific literacy of students in Indonesia as revealed in the PISA in 2012 was the main reason of the research. Ionic liquids-based technology are necessary to be applied as a context for learning chemistry because: (1) the attention of the scientific an technology community in the use of ionic liquids as a new generation of green solvent, electrolyte material and fluidic engineering in recent years becomes larger, in line with the strong demands of the industry for the provision of new materials that are reliable, safe, and friendly for various purposes; (2) scientific explanations related to the context of the ionic liquid contains a lot of facts, concepts, principles, laws, models and theories can be used to reinforce the learning content as a media to develop thinking skill (process/competence) as demanded by PISA; (3) The modern technology-based ionic liquid can also be used as a discourse to strengthen scientific attitude. The process of synthesis of ionic liquid involves fairly simple organic reagents, so it deserves to be included in the chemistry subject in school
Perdas de solo e água por erosão: dez anos de pesquisa.
Improvement in the management of no-till in the central-southern-Brazil.
The soil performs important functions for the maintenance of life. The management practices based on the conservation of soil and water in no till system may improve environmental sustainability
Sistemas produtivos utilizados em lavouras conduzidas em "Plantio Direto" na região dos cerrados.
Esta publicação apresenta os sistemas produtivos e procedimentos técnicos usados com maior frequência em áreas conduzidas em plantio direto no Sudoeste dos Cerrados, nos municípios de Chapadão do Sul, Costa Rica e São Gabriel do Oeste (MS), alto Taquari (MT) e Chapadão do Céu (GO).bitstream/CPAO-2010/32324/1/BP200952.pdfDocumento on-line
Integração lavoura-pecuária: alternativa de rotação de culturas.
bitstream/item/65714/1/DOC31.-salton.pdfEditado por Luís Carlos Hernani e Euclides Fedatto
Efeito de raízes e cobertura morta de B. ruziziensis na matéria orgânica e na agregação de um latossolo vermelho distroférrico.
Avaliaram-se efeitos da Brachiaria ruziziensis em atributos de um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico, em casa de vegetação. Noventa dias após a emergência das plantas instalaram-se os tratamentos: a) Corte e remoção da parte aérea; b) Corte e retorno da parte aérea, sem fragmentação, para a superfície do solo; c) Corte e retorno da parte aérea fragmentada; d) Cobertura do solo com 7,5 Mg ha-1 (massa seca) de material da parte aérea não fragmentada; e) Idem ao d) com material fragmentado; f) Corte à 40 cm de altura e retorno do material sem fragmentação; g) Idem ao f) com remoção da parte aérea; h) Corte à 20 cm e exclusão da parte aérea; e i) Testemunha. Determinaram-se: massa seca da parte aérea e resíduos; e, após um ano, o carbono orgânico das camadas 0-5, 5-10 e 10-20 cm e a agregação do solo da camada 0?10 cm. O delineamento foi o inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições; as médias foram comparadas por teste de Tukey (p 4,76 mm, dos primeiros 10 cm do solo
Soil management qualification under no-till system in Center Southern Brazil.
No-tillage (NT) system comprises a set of technological processes aimed at exploring farming systems while promoting soil conservation management. Its main principles are: leaving soil undisturbed except for seeding in the drills or rows, the maintenance of permanent soil cover, the diversifi cation of crops by rotation or crop consortium, the adoption of joined harvesting-seeding process to reduce the time gap between operations. Although the NT system was developed to reduce erosion and to promote soil quality, there are several inadequate practices that have been applied in areas where cropping is misnamed as "No-tillage" system, e.g., the use of monoculture, the terraces misuse or elimination, the absence of contour plowing and others that are incompatible with the conservation principles and that lead to losses in soil and water quality and in local biodiversity. In order to improve the soil management in NT areas, a network research program coordinated by Embrapa Soils and supported by Itaipu Binacional has been studying no-tillage in twelve watersheds of six regions in Center-Southern Brazil since 2014. The network is developing indicators to assess soil management and its environmental eff ects at property and watershed scales. The program includes: participatory processes of self-evaluation, adjustment and certification by farmers; monitoring farming systems and small watersheds parameters (soil and plant) in twelve locations; long term experiments in six study-sites; and technology transfer in reference areas for training in NT systems. As preliminary results, the selection of monitoring watersheds has been carried out and the communication process has promoted eff ective participation of farmers in Paranapanema-SP, Londrina-PR, Toledo- PR, Maracaju-MS, Rio Verde-GO and Passo Fundo-RS. In addition, the establishment of local and international institutions network started up actions to improve soil management though no-tillage system.The monitoring approach adopts complementary methods to assess the farming system: IQP which is the No Tillage Participatory Quality Index developed by the Brazilian Federation of No-Till Farms and Irrigation (FEBRAPDP); DRES (Rapid Diagnostic of Soil Structure) to asses management structural quality in areas under NT; and Beta (β) index to classify watershed management based on hydrometeorological data, turbidity time series and sedimentary data set from monitored watersheds
Atributos físicos de latossolos em dois sistemas de manejo, visando a irrigação em Mato Grosso do Sul.
Pemanfaatan Fly Ash sebagai Adsorben Karbon Monoksida dan Karbon Dioksida pada Emisi Kendaraan Bermotor
Karbon monoksida (CO) dan karbon dioksida (CO ) merupakan polutan utama dari emisi kendaraan bermotor. Dampak CO bagi kesehatan manusia adalah kemampuannya mengikat haemoglobin darah sehingga menurunkan kapasitas darah mengikat oksigen. Sebagai gas rumah kaca, CO berdampak pada Perubahan iklim. Maka perlu diupayakan pengendalian emisi CO dan CO dari kendaraan bermotor. Salah satu alternatifnya adalah dengan memanfaatkan limbah fly ash sebagai adsorben. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kemampuan fly ash PLTU Suralaya sebagai adsorben CO dan CO dari emisi kendaraan bermotor dengan parameter massa, diameter, dan waktu kontak, serta menghitung penurunan emisi CO dan CO setelah penyerapan oleh adsorben fly ash. Metode penelitian adsorben ini menggunakan 3 variasi massa (100, 200, 300 gram), 3 variasi diameter (100, 200, 300 mesh), dan variasi rentang waktu kontak (0–20 menit). Pengujian dilakukan dengan memasukkan adsorben ke dalam knalpot uji yang dipasang di ujung knalpot existing kendaraan, lalu uji emisi dilaksanakan tanpa dan dengan adsorben. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa adsorben dengan penyerapan maksimum pada diameter 300 mesh dan massa 300 gram. Sedangkan waktu kontak adsorben maksimum selama 12 menit untuk CO dan 14 menit untuk CO . Penurunan emisi dari pemasangan adsorben pada knalpot kendaraan bermotor dapat mencapai 81,65% untuk CO dan 65,15% untuk CO
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