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An Exploration of Spotted White Dwarfs from K2
The 21st European Workshop on White Dwarfs was held in Austin, TX from July 23rd to 27th of 2018The Kepler K2 mission has discovered a significant
population of white dwarf stars that exhibit
photometric variability due to surface inhomogeneities
likely related to magnetism. These “spotted”
white dwarfs present not only in temperature
regimes where we expect convection to dominate
white dwarf photospheres, but also where
radiation should dominate. We present an exploration
of spotted white dwarfs as a function of
various physical characteristics, including temperature,
magnetic field strength, and rotational period,
in order to better understand the origins of
these photometric variations.Astronom
Seven-Period Asteroseismic Fit of the Kepler DBV
We present a new, better-constrained asteroseismic analysis of the
helium-atmosphere (DB) white dwarf discovered in the field of view of the
original Kepler mission. Observations obtained over the course of two years
yield at least seven independent modes, two more than were found in the
discovery paper for the object. With several triplets and doublets, we are able
to fix the and identification of several modes before
performing the fitting, greatly reducing the number of assumptions we must make
about mode identification. We find a very thin helium layer for this relatively
hot DB, which adds evidence to the hypothesis that helium diffuses outward
during DB cooling. At least a few of the modes appear to be stable on
evolutionary timescales and could allow us to obtain a measurement of the rate
of cooling with monitoring of the star over the course of the next few years
with ground-based follow-up.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figures. 2 tables. Published fall 2014 in the
Astrophysical Journa
Detections and Constraints on White Dwarf Variability from Time-Series GALEX Observations
We search for photometric variability in more than 23,000 known and candidate
white dwarfs, the largest ultraviolet survey compiled for a single study of
white dwarfs. We use gPhoton, a publicly available calibration/reduction
pipeline, to generate time-series photometry of white dwarfs observed by GALEX.
By implementing a system of weighted metrics, we select sources with
variability due to pulsations and eclipses. Although GALEX observations have
short baselines (< 30 min), we identify intrinsic variability in sources as
faint as Gaia G = 20 mag. With our ranking algorithm, we identify 49 new
variable white dwarfs (WDs) in archival GALEX observations. We detect 41 new
pulsators: 37 have hydrogen-dominated atmospheres (DAVs), including one
possible massive DAV, and four are helium-dominated pulsators (DBVs). We also
detect eight new eclipsing systems; five are new discoveries, and three were
previously known spectroscopic binaries. We perform synthetic injections of the
light curve of WD 1145+017, a system with known transiting debris, to test our
ability to recover similar systems. We find that the 3{\sigma} maximum
occurrence rate of WD 1145+017-like transiting objects is < 0.5%.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figure
A search for variable white dwarfs in large area time domain surveys: a pilot study in SDSS Stripe 82
We present a method to reliably select variable white dwarfs from large area
time domain surveys and apply this method in a pilot study to search for
pulsating white dwarfs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Stripe 82. From a sample
400 high-confidence white dwarf candidates, we identify 24 which show
significant variability in their multi-epoch Stripe 82 data. Using colours, we
further selected a sample of pulsating white dwarf (ZZ Ceti) candidates and
obtained high cadence follow up for six targets. We confirm five of our
candidates as cool ZZ Cetis, three of which are new discoveries. Among our 24
candidates we also identify: one eclipsing binary, two magnetic white dwarfs
and one pulsating PG1159 star. Finally we discuss the possible causes for the
variability detected in the remaining targets. Even with sparse multi-epoch
data over the limited area of Stripe 82, we demonstrate that our selection
method can successfully identify various types of variable white dwarfs and
efficiently select high-confidence ZZ Ceti candidates.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 14 pages, 11 figure
Women and journalists first: a challenge to media professionals to realise democracy in practice, quality in journalism and an end to gender stereotyping
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