6 research outputs found
The development of science and technology has an impact on changes in various forms of life. Not only economic aspects, but also social, cultural and moral aspects. The emergence of attitudes that show a vacuum of social values ​​in everyday life is a matter of concern. This research aims to find out and describe the PJBL learning model assisted by the Comica application in social studies learning to instill social skills in students in elementary schools. The subjects in this research were class V students at SDN Ngangkrik consisting of 26 students. Data collection techniques use observation, interviews and documentation. The method in this research is qualitative case study research. The results of this research show that the PJBL learning model assisted by the Comica application in social studies learning can instill social skills in students in elementary schools. Apart from that, the results of class observations show that students look more active in the learning process. This research emphasizes the importance of integrating social studies learning as a form of student character with collaborative learning in the classroom to instill social skills in students
This research aims to increase students' interest in learning in social studies subjects regarding material competency in interactions with living creatures using a blended learning model. With this blended learning model, students will actively study the material stored in online teaching materials. In the implementation of social studies learning, problems were found that students had difficulty understanding the material taught in practice, causing misconceptions which could have fatal consequences for subsequent material, even though the content of social studies lessons is content that is interrelated between one material and another. This research uses Classroom Action Research or PTK. The research was carried out at the Gamping state elementary school on class V students. In this research, 2 cycles were implemented and each cycle consisted of 4 stages, namely the planning stage, the action implementation stage, the observation stage and the reflection stage. Data collection was carried out using qualitative data collection techniques through observation and data. quantitative. Based on the results of research that has been carried out, the results achieved in each cycle have increased. In the first cycle, data was obtained that 50% of students had obtained a score above 75. Meanwhile, in the second cycle, data was obtained that 100% of students had obtained a score above 75. Thus it can be seen that the application of the Blended Learning learning model can increase the interest in learning of fifth grade students at State Elementary Schools. Lime.
Keywords: Blended Learning Model 1, interest in learning 2, social studies
This research aims to increase students' interest in learning in social studies subjects regarding material competency in interactions with living creatures using a blended learning model. With this blended learning model, students will actively study the material stored in online teaching materials. In the implementation of social studies learning, problems were found that students had difficulty understanding the material taught in practice, causing misconceptions which could have fatal consequences for subsequent material, even though the content of social studies lessons is content that is interrelated between one material and another. This research uses Classroom Action Research or PTK. The research was carried out at the Gamping state elementary school on class V students. In this research, 2 cycles were implemented and each cycle consisted of 4 stages, namely the planning stage, the action implementation stage, the observation stage and the reflection stage. Data collection was carried out using qualitative data collection techniques through observation and data. quantitative. Based on the results of research that has been carried out, the results achieved in each cycle have increased. In the first cycle, data was obtained that 50% of students had obtained a score above 75. Meanwhile, in the second cycle, data was obtained that 100% of students had obtained a score above 75. Thus it can be seen that the application of the Blended Learning learning model can increase the interest in learning of fifth grade students at State Elementary Schools. Lime.
Keywords: Blended Learning Model 1, interest in learning 2, social studies
Effect of Fruit Ripening Level and Roasting Temperature on Robusta Coffee Bean Quality
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of roasting temperature on the chemical content of Robusta coffee at various levels of Robusta coffee maturity. The research will be conducted at roasting temperatures of 190℃, 200℃, 210℃, 220℃ and chemical content analysis is carried out bygravimetric method and UV-VIS spectrophotometry on fresh beans, green beans and coffee beans at each temperature variation and the maturity level of Robusta coffee. Maturity of coffee beans will be classified visually and use an RGB meter to help and facilitate the selection of coffee beans in accordance with the level of maturity. The variables taken and observed in the study are the temperature of the roasting process, the time required at the time of roasting, as well as the mass, chemical content and physical parameters of robusta coffee beans observed before and after the roasting process. Chemical content was observed in the form of water content, fat content, caffeine, and antioxidants, then the physical parameters observed were aroma, color, shape, taste, and characteristics of coffee beans at each level of robusta coffee fruit maturity. The results obtained value of the chemical content and organoleptic test at each level of maturity of the coffee fruit and roasting temperature variations because basically the roasting temperature will produce coffee beans that have their own characteristics and flavors. This study also determines the value of the mass transfer coefficient and heat transfer in the drying process by the roasting method
Program nasional gerakan menanam tanaman di lahan kosong dalam rangka mewujudkan ketahanan pangan, kemandirian pangan dan kedaulatan pangan sudah dicanangkan sejak 2015 dan setiap warga dilingkungan masyarakat diharapkan dapat berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan tersebut. Masyarakat di lingkungan RT.06 RW.02 Perumahan Sukolilo Park Regency dapat melaksanakan program tersebut demi mewujudkan ketahanan pangan, kamandirian dan kedaulatan pangan. Beberapa permasalahan yang dihadapi saat ini adalah pemanfaatan lahan kosong jarang ada perhatian sehingga banyak ditumbuhi rumput, semak belukar yang menjadi tidak indah untuk dipandang bahkan sayang jika tidak bisa memberikan manfaat lebih yang bisa meningkatkan nilai ekonomi, pengetahuan dan wawasan bagi warga masyarakat sekitar perumahan. Hidroponik dianggap menjadi solusi pertanian bagi masyarakat dan kaum milenial. Hidroponik merupakan solusi pertanian bagi masyarakat perkotaan dan sangat membuka peluang dan kesempatan bagi kaum milenial tanpa harus menggunakan media tanah. Solusi Hidroponik akan menjadi program Kampung Mandiri di Lingkungan RT.06 RW.02 Perumahan Sukolilo Park Regency Surabaya. Solusi Hidroponik akhirnya dilaksanakan dengan kerjasama warga dilingkungan RT.06 RW.02 Perum Sukolilo Park Regency dengan dikomandani oleh Ketua RT setempat, mulai dari persiapan tempat, wadah, pembibitan, pemeliharaan pertumbuhan tanaman sampai dengan panen dibutuhkan waktu kurang lebih 1bulan. Adapun tanaman sayuran yang dibudidayakan secara hidroponik adalah tanaman kangkung
Aplikasi Ensiklopedia Pengenalan Tata Surya Berbasis Android
Lambatnya perkembangan ilmu astronomi di indonesia karena minimnya informasi tentang benda langit dan tata surya, sehingga mengakibatkan kurangnya sumber daya manusia pada bidang tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperkenalkan ilmu astrnomi tentang tata surya melalui aplikasi berbasis android dengan harapan banyaknya masyarakat yang teredukasi mengenai ilmu astronomi mempelajari benda-benda langit dan sistem tata surya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah grounded research yaitu berdasarkan fakta, menetapkan konsep, membuktikan teori, mengembangkan teori, pengumpulan data dan analisis data dalam waktu bersamaan. Dengan metode pengembangan sistem menggunakan metode waterfall. Setelah dilakukan penelitian serta pembuatan aplikasi pengenalan tata surya, dapat disimpulkan aplikasi ini dapat digunakan dengan mudah oleh user dalam pencarian informasi seputar benda langit dan tata surya. Sehingga dapat membantu untuk mengedukasi anak agar dapat lebih mengenal apa yang ada diluar angkasa