36 research outputs found

    Agression in preschoolers

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    Agresivno ponašanje pripada grupi antisocijalnih ponašanja. Dijeli se prema obliku i funkciji. Prema obliku razlikujemo verbalnu i fizičku agresivnost, a prema funkciji instrumentalnu i neprijateljsku. U predškolskoj dobi, agresivnija djeca nisu nužno neprihvaćena u društvu. Kao mogući razlog, autori navode to da su agresivni ispadi vrlo česti, ali manje nasilni u toj dobi. Također, djeca nemaju veliki raspon načina rješavanja sukoba, stoga agresijom reagiraju na frustraciju. U radu je prikazano istraživanje provedeno u dječjem vrtiću ,,Bjelovar'', u jednoj vrtićkoj skupini. U istraživanju su sudjelovala djeca u dobi od 5 do 6 godina. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi sociometrijski status djece, razinu njihove verbalne i fizičke agresivnosti te crtane filmove koje djeca vole gledati. Rezultati sociometrije pokazali su da se u ispitivanoj vrtićkoj skupini nalazi 7 visoko prihvaćene djece, 5 prosječno prihvaćene djece te 6 nisko prihvaćene djece. Kod visoko prihvaćene djece, petero je djece ocijenjeno kao nikad verbalno i fizički agresivno, kod prosječno prihvaćene djece troje, a kod nisko prihvaćenih jedan dječak. Sva ostala djeca ocijenjena su od strane odgajateljice kao rijetko, povremeno, često ili vrlo često verbalno i fizički agresivna.S obzirom na crtane filmove koje vole gledati visoko i nisko prihvaćena djeca, dobiveno je da visoko prihvaćena djeca u ovoj vrtićkoj skupini vole nenasilne crtane filmove, nisko prihvaćena djeca nasilne (uz iznimku jednog dječaka koji voli nenasilni crtani film)


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    Since the 1970s, the process of decentralization has spread throughout the world, and today more than 95% of democratic countries are decentralized. Decentralization should lead to a well-organized and more efficient local government. Nevertheless, the empirical results are rather vague. The motivation for this paper is to examine the impact of political and fiscal decentralization on the quality of government in seventeen countries in Central and Eastern Europe for the period 1998 - 2012. The main objective of the paper is to explore whether fiscal decentralization positively influences the quality of government and whether political decentralization reduces its positive influence. An additional contribution of the paper comes from the introduction of a decentralization interaction variable. Our results have shown that fiscal decentralization has a positive impact on governance, while political decentralization was found to be statistically insignificant. Our results also showed that richer countries have higher government quality, that government size increases the level of corruption and decreases government quality, and that in more democratic countries politicians behave more responsibly and accountably, which decreases the level of corruption and increases government quality. We conclude that political decentralization cancels out the positive effects of fiscal decentralization on the quality of government, which can be explained by less developed institutions at the local level in Central and Eastern European countries

    Agression in preschoolers

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    Agresivno ponašanje pripada grupi antisocijalnih ponašanja. Dijeli se prema obliku i funkciji. Prema obliku razlikujemo verbalnu i fizičku agresivnost, a prema funkciji instrumentalnu i neprijateljsku. U predškolskoj dobi, agresivnija djeca nisu nužno neprihvaćena u društvu. Kao mogući razlog, autori navode to da su agresivni ispadi vrlo česti, ali manje nasilni u toj dobi. Također, djeca nemaju veliki raspon načina rješavanja sukoba, stoga agresijom reagiraju na frustraciju. U radu je prikazano istraživanje provedeno u dječjem vrtiću ,,Bjelovar'', u jednoj vrtićkoj skupini. U istraživanju su sudjelovala djeca u dobi od 5 do 6 godina. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi sociometrijski status djece, razinu njihove verbalne i fizičke agresivnosti te crtane filmove koje djeca vole gledati. Rezultati sociometrije pokazali su da se u ispitivanoj vrtićkoj skupini nalazi 7 visoko prihvaćene djece, 5 prosječno prihvaćene djece te 6 nisko prihvaćene djece. Kod visoko prihvaćene djece, petero je djece ocijenjeno kao nikad verbalno i fizički agresivno, kod prosječno prihvaćene djece troje, a kod nisko prihvaćenih jedan dječak. Sva ostala djeca ocijenjena su od strane odgajateljice kao rijetko, povremeno, često ili vrlo često verbalno i fizički agresivna.S obzirom na crtane filmove koje vole gledati visoko i nisko prihvaćena djeca, dobiveno je da visoko prihvaćena djeca u ovoj vrtićkoj skupini vole nenasilne crtane filmove, nisko prihvaćena djeca nasilne (uz iznimku jednog dječaka koji voli nenasilni crtani film)

    Važnost primjene niskomolekularnog heparina kod trudnica s nasljednom trombofilijom za dobar perinatalni ishod

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    The aim of the study was to establish the importance of low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) treatment for good pregnancy outcome in patients with hereditary thrombophilia. This retrospective study included 70 patients with inherited thrombophilia who gave birth at Zagreb University Hospital Center in the period from January 2014 to January 2015. Fifty-seven women were treated and 13 women were not treated with LMWH. Perinatal outcome was significantly better in women with hereditary thrombophilia who were treated with heparin during pregnancy as compared with women without LMWH (p=0.006). Regardless of heparin therapy, patients with hereditary thrombophilia alone had a significantly better perinatal outcome as compared with women who, along with hereditary thrombophilia, had a history of habitual abortions (p=0.035) or intrauterine fetal death (p=0.033). Women treated with heparin had better perinatal outcome if they were without a history of recurrent or non-recurrent fetal loss (p=0.088). In the group without LMWH, perinatal outcome was significantly better in women with no history of habitual abortions as compared with women with recurrent miscarriages (p=0.047). Administration of LMWH is justified in women with hereditary thrombophilia and a history of adverse perinatal outcome.Cilj ove studije bio je ustanoviti komplikacije trudnoće i važnost primjene niskomolekularnog heparina za poboljšanje perinatalnog ishoda kod trudnica s nasljednom trombofilijom. Retrospektivno su analizirani podatci 70 trudnica s dokazanom hereditarnom trombofilijom i urednom ili opterećenom opstetričkom anamnezom koje su porođene u Klinici za ženske bolesti i porođaje u razdoblju od siječnja 2014. do siječnja 2015. Njih 57 liječeno je niskomolekularnim heparinom, dok kod ostalih 13 žena nije provedena antikoagulantna terapija. Ispitanice s nasljednom trombofilijom koje su tijekom trudnoće uzimale heparinsku terapiju imale su statistički značajno bolji perinatalni ishod u odnosu na ispitanice s nasljednom trombofilijom bez antikoagulantne terapije (p=0,006). Ispitanice s hereditarnom trombofilijom i urednom opstetričkom anamnezom imale su statistički značajno bolji perinatalni ishod u odnosu na ispitanice s trombofilijom i prethodnim habitualnim pobačajima (p=0,035) ili intrauterinom smrti čeda (p=0,033). Ispitanice s hereditarnom trombofilijom i urednim prethodnim trudnoćama koje su liječene heparinom imale su nešto bolji perinatalni ishod u odnosu na skupinu s trombofilijom i prethodnim mors fetus in utero kod kojih je također primjenjivana antikoagulantna terapija (p=0,088). U skupini ispitanica s hereditarnom trombofilijom a bez heparinske terapije, ispitanice bez habitualnih pobačaja u anamnezi imale su statistički značajno bolji perinatalni ishod u odnosu na trudnice s habitualnim pobačajima (p=0,047). Primjena niskomolekularnog heparina za bolji perinatalni ishod opravdana je kod trudnica s nasljednom trombofilijom i opterećenom opstetričkom anamnezom

    Pregnancy outcome and liraglutide levels in serum and umbilical vein blood of a woman with type 2 diabetes. A case report

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    Background: According to FDA guidelines, liraglutide should be used on the basis of careful consideration in pregnant women with Type 2 diabetes mellitus. The aim of the present study was to record the concentration of liraglutide in maternal and umbilical vein serum from a pregnant woman treated with liraglutide. Case report: The pregnant woman we present in this case report is a 28-year-old diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes mellitus for 7 years. In spite of high insulin dose her glycaemia was poorly controlled, she developed dyslipidaemia and her body weight increased; thus, her diabetologist prescribed liraglutide injections and metformin. At booking, obstetrical ultrasound confirmed intrauterine pregnancy of 8 gestational weeks. The patient was informed about all possible consequences for her foetus that might be caused by liraglutide therapy during pregnancy. She continued her treatment with liraglutide and metformin medication throughout pregnancy. Her pregnancy was terminated by elective Caesarean section at 39 gestational weeks; a healthy newborn male was delivered. The concentration of liraglutide was measured in maternal and umbilical vein serum. Conclusion: There was no significant transfer of liraglutide from the circulation of the treated mother to her fetus, at least 3.5 h after the drug application

    A retrospective investigation of preterm birt h in breech presentation during the period of 26 years

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    Breech presentation is childbirth, during which may be expected higher perinatal mortality and morbidity when compared to cephalic presentation. The breech presentation complicates 20–35 % of preterm delivery. This group of neonates is exposed to hypoxic damages, as well as birth injuries with consequent intracranial hemorrhages. The mortality rate of preterm infants is much higher than the mortality of full-term infants. A higher risk of perinatal asphyxia and birth trauma makes obstetricians decide for operative completion by Cesarean section. Research methods. We conducted a retrospective study and analyzed and compared perinatal categories: perinatal mortality and morbidity, the mode of pregnancy completion, and the incidence of Cesarean section and vaginal delivery in six periods. Patients and research methods. The studied material was collected for the period of the past 26 years from the archives in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. All singleton pregnancies with the breech presentation were analyzed, delivered either vaginally or by Cesarean section. Results. The incidence of Cesarean sections in preterm births with breech presentation gradually grows through the studied period. Obstetricians were increasingly opting for a Cesarean section in the situation of preterm birth and breech presentation, to eliminate traumatic and hypoxic damage, and thus tried to reduce perinatal mortality. The perinatal mortality rate of premature fetuses in a breech presentation who were delivered vaginally, according to numerous authors was statistically significantly higher compared to the perinatal mortality of premature neonates who were delivered by Cesarean section. Conclusion. The research emphasizes the importance of the completion of the premature birth of a child in the breech presentation by Cesarean section if the child is alive and there are no identifiable development defects

    Uwagi o rzeźbie greckiej i nowych kierunkach jej badań

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    In the paper concerning the new approaches in the study of Greek sculptural production at first the author considers the problem of putting the ancient artefacts with the modern works of art on the same level and the need for the new conceptualisation of them. In the next step she outlines historiography of the Greek sculpture with the particular reference to the study on its stylistic development. Further on the author presents selected, new approaches in the study on Greek sculpture, the ones which are breaking the long tradition of research on them, rooted in the Enlightenment and Hegelian thought and historicism. She focusses on the results of these research which shift the interpretative emphasis from the relation between the image/sculpture and its model to that of the image and its viewer

    Pravastatin u terapiji trudnice s teškom preeklampsijom

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    Hipertenzivni poremećaji su među najčešćim komplikacijama trudnoće, a pojavnost im iznosi oko 6%. Znatno povećavaju maternalni, fetalni i neonatalni morbiitet i mortalitet. Preeklampsija je definirana pojavom hipertenzije i proteinurije nakon 20 tjedana trudnoće. Iako se ova dva kriterija smatraju klasičnom definicijom preeklampsije, neke trudnice s hipertenzijom ukazuju na ozbiljnost bolesti i u odsutnosti proteinurije. Liječenje hipertenzivnih poremećaja u trudnoći je simptomatsko. Pravastatin je jedan od vodećih i najučinkovitijih statina dobivenih iz prirodnog produkta kompaktina. Statini su široko korišteni lijekovi koji smanjuju rizik od koronarnih bolesti srca i moždanog udara snižavanjem razine kolesterola. Oni selektivno inhibiraju ključni regulatorni enzim sinteze kolesterola, smanjujući tako razinu LDL-a u plazmi. To je najhidrofilniji spoj među statinima, pa se smatra da u maloj količini prelazi posteljicu. Smatra se da pravastatin nije teratogen i da je nepravedno stavljen u kategoriju X za trudnoću prema FDA-u. Dokazano je, pravastatin snižava topljivi receptor Flt-1, a povećava razinu PlGF-a, odnosno pokazao se efikasnim u prevenciji i liječenju preeklampsije. Uz prikaz trudnice s teškom kroničnom hipertenzijom i nakalemljenom preeklamsijom koja je liječena pravastatinom dajemo i literaturni prikaz o utjecaju pravastatina u prevenciji i liječenju preeklampsije