144 research outputs found

    Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Karyawan di PT. Regista Bunga Wijaya Cabang Surabaya

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    In the Human Resources Development (HRD) division at PT Regista Bunga Wijaya Surabaya branch, one of the main targets is the fulfillment of personnel. In meeting this target, HRD always opens job vacancies. To manage the number of employees who apply and select employees who are in accordance with the needs and criteria of the client, it takes a long time if you have to look at job applications one by one. In addition, to manage a Temporary Appointment Work Agreement, the employee salary component, and the current employee turn over are still conventionally recorded using Microsoft Excel. So that a system is needed that facilitates, speeds up and facilitates the process of employee accession and human resource management. The system needed is in the form of an Employee Management Information System to meet the needs of PT Regista Bunga Wijaya Surabaya branch, especially for the HRD division. In this study, a method of collecting system needs was used using a combination of techniques in the form of document analysis, brainstorming, and also prototyping. Information System The results of this study in the form of an employee management information system application design which includes employee fulfilment, employee data, and employee turn over at PT Regista Bunga Wijaya Surabaya branch can be used as a reference for PT Regista Bunga Wijaya Surabaya branch to be implemented into a system used as a support for company operations

    Estimation of Packed Red Cells (PRC) Blood Stock Using Extended Kalman Filter as Management of Blood Transfusion at Blood Bank of PMI Surabaya

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    One of the main problems encountered in health service system in developing countries is shortage of enough safe blood supply to meet the demand for blood transfusion. The safety and availability of blood supply rely on the government's support and commitment to the improvement of the national blood transfusion services. Safe blood stock can change from time to time, while the demand for blood constantly increases. Such method is considered less effective due to the fact that very often the data of blood donor do not meet the requirements. So a software for blood supply estimation is required. This paper is study of blood demand estimation for blood type of Packed Red Cells (PRC) at blood bank of PMI Surabaya by using the method of Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). The simulation results show that Extended Kalman Filter method have high accuracy with an error of less than 3-4%

    Design of a Sliding PID Controller for The Surge and Roll Motion Control of UNUSAITS AUV

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    The development of underwater vehicle technology is commonly utilized in defences. NKRI needs this technology for applications and multifunctional technology becomes an important thing, since its modernization leads to developed AUV as Republics-of-Indonesia’s main weapon is sea defence. This paper proposes motion control system design applying equation of motion with 2 Degree of Freedom (DOF) to AUV system. The equation of AUV motion with 2-DOF covers surge motion and rolling motion is in the form of nonlinear equation. The control system design applied to the system of UNUSAITS AUV uses method of Sliding Proportional Integral Derivative (SPID). The result of SPID control system with the equation of motion with 2-DOF suggested that the stability of the system was reached when the resulted errors on surge motion and rolling motion were respectively 0.002% and 0.05%

    The Applications of Multiplier Analyses in Analyzing the Roles of Industrial Sectors: The Case of Indonesia

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the roles of industrial sectors in the Indonesian national economy by using simple output multiplier, and simple household income multiplier, the analysis tools in Input-Output (IO) analysis. The analysis period of the study is 2010. The results show that, on the period of analysis, electricity and gas sector had the highest simple output multiplier value. Therefore, one can argue that an additional final demand for the sector would generate the most attractive effect to the Indonesian economy by using the multiplier on the period of analysis. On the contrary, the lowest value of the multiplier was owned by the water supply, sewerage, waste management, and remediation activities sector in 2010. On the other hand, from the point of view of simple household income multiplier, the highest value was owned by the public administration and defence; compulsory social security sector on the analysis period. This result indicates that an additional rupiah of final demand for the sector would generate the highest new household income on the analysis period. Conversely, the real estate activities sector had the lowest simple household income multiplier value in 2010

    Application Kohonen Network and Fuzzy C Means for Clustering Airports Based on Frequency of Flight

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    In Indonesia, the demands of air tranportation for reaching destination increase rapidly. Based on the flight schedule in airports spreading in Indonesia, the airports have different flight demand rate so that it requires clustering. This research will use two methods for clustering : kohonen network and Fuzzy C Means (FCM).Kohonen network is the type neural network which uses unsupervised training.Kohonen network uses weight vectors for training while FCM uses degree of membership. Both kohonen network and FCM, inputs are represented by the number of departure and arrival of airline in one day. For kohonen network, we update weight matrices so that minimizing the sum of optimum euclidean distance. For FCM, we update degrees of membership so that minimizing the objective function value.From the simulations, we can cluster the airports based on the number of departure and arrival of airline

    Weight Optimization of Optimal Control Influenza Model Using Artificial Bee Colony

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    Influenza is disease which can be contagious through contact with infected individual. There are two types of control strategies to bound the spread of disease: prevention action for controlling susceptible and treatment for controlling infected. Optimal control is used for minimizing the number of infected individual, the cost of prevention action and the cost of treatment. Due to the cost of objective function depends on weight, in this research we will apply Artificial Bee Colony algorithm to optimize weight minimizing cost of objective function. The simulations show that the number of infected with control is lower than without control. Furthermore, we also obtain optimal weight related to cost of prevention action and treatment

    Preliminary Numerical Study on Designing Navigation and Stability Control Systems for ITS AUV

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    In this paper, the numerical study of designing on navigation and stability control system for AUV is studied. The study started by initiating hydrostatic forces, added masses, lift force, drag forces and thrust forces. Determining the hydrodynamic force which is the basic need to know the numerical case study on designing on navigation and stability control system for AUV where Autonomous Underwater vehicles (AUV). AUV is capably underwater vehicle in moving automatically without direct control by humans according to the trajectory. The result of numerical study is properly to be the reference for the next developing for AUV


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    Salah satu kendala melakukan budidaya tanaman cabai adalah dalam mengatasi hama pada tanaman. Serangan hama dapat menurunkan produktivitas dan bahkan menyebabkan gagal panen yang berpengaruh terhadap salah satu sumber devisa negara. Oleh karena itu pendiagnosaan terhadap hama tanaman cabaiharus dilakukan dengan cepat dan akurat. Sistem pakardihadirkan sebagai pilihan kedua setelah pakar dalam melakukan konsultasi. Dengan menggunakan metode Forward Chainingberbasis Android, aplikasi sistem pakaruntuk mendiagnosa hama yang dapat memberikan solusi berdasarkan gejala-gejala yang ada, dilengkapi dengan keterangan dan gambar dibuat guna mempercepat pendiagnosaan. Berdasarkan evaluasi sistem pada tahap verifikasi kinerja sistem, aplikasi sistem pakar pendiagnosis hama tanaman cabaiyang menggunakan forward chainingdan berbasis Androidjuga dapat dijadikan sebagai sistem pembelajaran kepada mahasiswa fakultas pertanian tentang hama tanaman cabai
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