26 research outputs found


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    Since being introduced by the Minister of Education and Culture, the Kurikululm Merdeka dan Merdeka Belajar program has become a trend at the higher education level in Indonesia. On the other hand, the trend of the industrial world today is starting to touch the virtual world with several systems. The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation steps of Ciject-Bale as a creativity-based English learning method, the advantages of the Ciject-Bale method, and the effectiveness of this method in learning English. This research used descriptive qualitative and quantitative research methods with experimental research design. The results were the Ciject-Bale can be implemented through determining the theme and location, making the draft, doing a lot of practices, doing a live report, editing and uploading. Ciject-Bale has many advantages as an integrated English learning method and ICT. Through t-test analysis which showed that sig. (2-tailed) of all = 0.000 and the probability less than 0.05, Ciject-Bale was an effective method to be used in English learning. The conclusion was the learners will become young content creators in English by implementing this method and it needs more focus and high creativity.


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    Since being introduced by the Minister of Education and Culture, the Kurikululm Merdeka dan Merdeka Belajar program has become a trend at the higher education level in Indonesia. On the other hand, the trend of the industrial world today is starting to touch the virtual world with several systems. The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation steps of Ciject-Bale as a creativity-based English learning method, the advantages of the Ciject-Bale method, and the effectiveness of this method in learning English. This research used descriptive qualitative and quantitative research methods with experimental research design. The results were the Ciject-Bale can be implemented through determining the theme and location, making the draft, doing a lot of practices, doing a live report, editing and uploading. Ciject-Bale has many advantages as an integrated English learning method and ICT. Through t-test analysis which showed that sig. (2-tailed) of all = 0.000 and the probability less than 0.05, Ciject-Bale was an effective method to be used in English learning. The conclusion was the learners will become young content creators in English by implementing this method and it needs more focus and high creativity.Â

    Desmond Doss' Biblical Determination to Defend His Faith in The Hacksaw Ridge Movie

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    The film is one of the innovations of drama literary works. There are various types of films. One of them is an action movie that includes war and military action. This type of film is usually famous for bloodshed. Hacksaw Ridge Movie is just the opposite. The main character in this film is a medic soldier who is against killing or touching weapons. This character is the son of a former World War I corporal and a devout Adventist Christian. A devout Christian knows God's word and works on it. It is including the commandments that God said in the Torah. One of God's commands in the Torah in Exodus 20:13 (King James Version) is “Thou shalt not kill.” Bible says that a person who believes in God must be able to faithfully exercise his faith because God is faithful. The main character in this film has the determination to be faithful to his faith. The purpose of this study is to find evidence in the form of data relating to what makes the main character in this film decide not to kill, how he maintains his faith, and what effect he gets from his decision. In conducting this research, the writer uses descriptive methods with data collection are include literature study, observation, and note-taking. The collected data is then analyzed and presented qualitatively. The result showed that the writer found two data which became the strongest reason for the main character not to kill; nine pieces of data that prove how the main character fights for his faith; and eight data that prove the effects of the main character's determination. From this film, the writer can conclude that, if a person has true faith, he should work on that faith faithfully.

    Desmond Doss' Biblical Determination to Defend His Faith in The Hacksaw Ridge Movie

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    The film is one of the innovations of drama literary works. There are various types of films. One of them is an action movie that includes war and military action. This type of film is usually famous for bloodshed. Hacksaw Ridge Movie is just the opposite. The main character in this film is a medic soldier who is against killing or touching weapons. This character is the son of a former World War I corporal and a devout Adventist Christian. A devout Christian knows God's word and works on it. It is including the commandments that God said in the Torah. One of God's commands in the Torah in Exodus 20:13 (King James Version) is “Thou shalt not kill.†Bible says that a person who believes in God must be able to faithfully exercise his faith because God is faithful. The main character in this film has the determination to be faithful to his faith. The purpose of this study is to find evidence in the form of data relating to what makes the main character in this film decide not to kill, how he maintains his faith, and what effect he gets from his decision. In conducting this research, the writer uses descriptive methods with data collection are include literature study, observation, and note-taking. The collected data is then analyzed and presented qualitatively. The result showed that the writer found two data which became the strongest reason for the main character not to kill; nine pieces of data that prove how the main character fights for his faith; and eight data that prove the effects of the main character's determination. From this film, the writer can conclude that, if a person has true faith, he should work on that faith faithfully.Â

    Pengaruh Modal Kerja Yang Ditinjau Dari Perputaran Kas, Perputaran Piutang Dan Perputaran Persediaan Terhadap Return On Asset (ROA) Pada Perusahaan Sub Sektor Jasa Komputer Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) Periode 2013 – 2017

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    This study aims to prove: Is working capital viewed from cash turnover affecting the level of Return On Assets (ROA) in Computer Services Sub Sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for the period 2013-2017 ?, Is working capital reviewed from accounts receivable turnover affects the level of Return On Assets (ROA) in Computer Services Sub Sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for the period 2013-2017 ?, Does working capital reviewed from inventory turnover affect the rate of Return On Assets (ROA) Computer Services Sub Sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for the period 2013-2017 ?, Are working capital reviewed from cash turnover, accounts receivable turnover, inventory turnover affect the level of Return On Assets (ROA) in companies of the Computer Services Sub Sector listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for the period 2013-2017.The theoretical basis of this research is financial management which focuses on cash turnover, inventory turnover turnover and Return On Assets (ROA). the analytical tool used is ratio and linear multiple regression.The results of the study of the effect of cash turnover on Return On Assets (ROA) concluded with a sample test t, it is known that there is a positive and significant influence on Return On Assets (ROA). thus hypothesis 1 is accepted. For accounts receivable turnover and inventory turnover on Return On Assets (ROA) concluded by sample test t, it is known that there is no positive and no significant effect on Return On Assets (ROA). Thus hypotheses 2 and 3 are rejected. And for the results of the study the effect of cash turnover, accounts receivable turnover and inventory turnover on Return On Assets (ROA) concluded with a sample test f, it is known that there is a positive and significant influence on Return On Assets (ROA). thus hypothesis 4 is accepted

    Sistem Deteksi Kematangan Buah Pisang Berdasarkan Warna Kulit Menggunakan Metode HSV

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    Pengolahan citra digital merupakan teknik manipulasi citra secara digital yang khususnya menggunakan komputer menjadi citra lain yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Klasifikasi kematangan pisang dapat dilakukan dengan dua cara, yaitu dengan menggunakan kandungan nutrisi dan tingkat kematangan warna pisang. Penelitian ini pengusulkan pendeteksian kematangan buah pisang berdasarkan warna kulit, dengan  menggunakan metode ruang warna HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value). Komponen prosesor utama menggunakan Raspberry Pi 3B sebagai pengolah data Raspberry Pi Camera V2 sebagai penangkap citra buah pisang. Hasil penelitian ini berupa sistem bisa membedakan warna dari buah pisang yang berada dalam satu frame. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah , nilai efektif HSV yang didapat dari pengujian deteksi warna kuning kulit buah pisang adalah Hmin 15, Hmax  40-60, Smin 100, Smax 255, Vmin 60, dan Vmax 255. Dengan nilai HSV tersebut didapatkan nilai rata-rata keberhasilan sebesar 55%

    Evaluation of oxidative stress levels using glutathione peroxidase (GPx) expression on hyperglycemia-induced rats testis

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    Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a global health problem with an estimated 422 million cases worldwide. Previous studies reported a correlation between hyperglycemia and oxidative stress‐related male infertility in DM. Glutathione peroxidase (GPx) can cause DNA damage due to oxidative reactions. Therefore, it could be used as potential indicator of antioxidant therapy. The study aimed to evaluate the expression level of GPx on the hyperglycemia-induced rats. This was an experimental case-control study using 27 Wistar rats divided into three groups i.e. hyperglycemia induction for four weeks group, eight weeks group, and a control group with no intervention. Following after induction, total RNA from the rats' testis was extracted, and GPx expression was analyzed using qPCR. Data were analyzed using SPSS, and a p 0.05). In conclusion, hyperglycemia increases GPx mRNA expression in rats. It may change the testicular environment's oxidative processes and impairs male reproductive function in the Sertoli cells with no exception


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    The purpose of this study is to know and analyze: (1) the effect of income statement elements (total sales, gross profit, maintenance expense, depreciation expense and net income) partially to the amount of corporate income tax (2) the effect of income statement elements (total sales, gross profit, maintenance expense, depreciation expense and net income) simultaneously to the amount of corporate income tax.The technique of data collecting was done by using method of documentation. Prior to analysis, prerequisite analysis test is done included normality test, multicolinearity test, heteroscedasticity test and autocorrelation test. Analysis of data that used to test the hypothesis is using multiple regression analysis techniques.Based on the results of data analysis can be concluded that the sales and net profit variables partially significant affect the amount of corporate income tax, this is indicated by the value of t-count of sales 2.092 and t-count of net profit 5.960 are greater than t-table 2.0639. Gross profit, maintenance expense and depreciation expense variables have no significant effect to the amount of corporate income tax, this is indicated by the t-count of gross profit 0.210, the t-count of maintenance expense -0.268, and the t-count of depreciation expense 1.541 are smaller than the t-table 2.0639. The research conclusion of this hypothesis is rejected.Meanwhile, simultaneously all the independent variables such as sales, gross profit, maintenance expense, depreciation expense, and net profit have a significant effect on the amount of corporate income tax, this is indicated by F-count 47.81 are greater than F-table 2.62. The research conclusion of this hypothesis is accepted

    Polyherbal formulation containing Saoropus androgynous, Trigonella foenum-graceum, and Moringa oleifera increased the expression of mRNA smooth muscle α-actin (ACTA2) and cytokeratin 14 (CK14) in lactating rats

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    Polyherbal formulation (PHF) containing extracts of Sauropus androgynous, Trigonella foenum-graceum and Moringa oleifera has been proven can induce milk production in animal model. However, its molecular of action has not been elucidated, yet. This study aimed to investigate the effect of the PHF on the mRNA expressions of α-actin smooth muscle (ACTA2) and cytokeratin 14 (CK14) on the myoepithelial cells of the lactating rats mammary glands. Thirty female Wistar rats were divided into five groups with six of each. Group I was orally administered aquadest. Group II, III, and IV rats were orally administered the PHF at dose level of 26.25, 52.5, and 105 mg/kg once a day, for 15 days, respectively. Group V was orally administered 2.7 mg domperidone. On 16th day, rats were sacrificed. Mammary glands were isolated and processed for mRNA expression analysis using real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). The results demonstrated that the mRNA expression of ACTA2 and CK14 increased in dose-dependent manner in the groups of PHF. Significantly different between the Group III, IV, and V compared to Group I was observed (p 0.05). In conclusion, the PHF increases the mRNA expression of ACTA2 and CK14 on myoepithelial cells of the mammary glands on lactating rats

    Pemanfaatan Rumput Laut Pantai Kukup Sebagai Edible Coating Untuk Mengurangi Penggunaan Pembungkus Makanan

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    Plastik merupakan bahan pengemas sintetis dan telah menjadi bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dalam kehidupan masyarakat saat ini. Sifatnya yang aman, kuat, dan murah menjadikan plastik sebagai pilihan utama dalam industri makanan khususnya sebagai kemasan makanan. Pemakaian plastik yang terus meningkat dapat mengakibatkan munculnya permasalahan baru terkait dengan pencemaran lingkungan apabila tidak ditangani dengan baik. Hal ini dikarenakan plastik sintetis terbuat dari bahan kimia, pengolahannya sangat sulit dilakukan dan mempunyai sifat yang tidak mudah diuraikan oleh mikroorganisme. Salah satu alternatif yang dapat digunakan untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut yaitu dengan mengembangkan penggunaan plastik dari bahan alami yang ramah lingkungan seperti edible coating. Edible coating adalah cairan yang dapat menyatu dengan bahan pangan, layak dimakan dan bersifat biodegradable sehingga aman digunakan sebagai pengemas makanan. Banyak penelitian yang telah dilakukan untuk membuat edible coating dari alginat. Pada karya tulis ini akan dibahas penggunaan alginat dari limbah rumput laut dan kitosan dari limbah cangkang udang yang dimodifikasi dengan vanilin sebagai edible coating antibakteri untuk kemasan makanan yang murah, kuat, dan ramah lingkungan. Gagasan yang disampaikan didasarkan pada analisis data yang diperoleh dari telaah pustaka. Alginat merupakan hidrokoloid yang banyak terdapat pada rumput laut coklat jenis Sargassum sp. Rumput laut ini banyak ditemukan di sepanjang pesisir pantai Indonesia sebagai sampah yang mengotori pantai. Di samping itu, Indonesia merupakan negara maritim yang mempunyai komoditi perikanan cukup melimpah seperti udang dan kepiting. Keduanya banyak dikonsumsi masyarakat dan menjadi komoditas ekspor sehingga mengasilkan limbah cangkang udang dan kepiting yang cukup banyak. Kitosan dapat diperoleh dari deasetilasi kitin yang merupakan penyusun utama cangkang udang dan kepiting. Pembuatan edible coating antibakteri dapat dilakukan dengan pencampuran (blending) alginat dengan kitosan-vanilin.. Blending keduanya menghasilkan larutan yang dapat secara langsung digunakan. Sifat antibakteri diperoleh dari keberadaan gugus amina (-NH2) dan gugus fenol pada kitosan-vanilin. Gugus amina dan fenol akan berinteraksi dengan dinding sel bakteri sehingga menyebabkan dinding sel pecah dan mengakibatkan kematian pada bakteri. Dengan adanya sifat antibakteri dapat meningkatkan umur pemakaian (life time) edible coating alginat kitosan-vanilin dan dapat menjaga agar makanan tetap higienis. Sehingga menjadikan edible coating alginat kitosan-vanilin mempunyai potensi yang cukup baik untuk diaplikasikan sebagai kemasan makanan antibakteri pengganti plastik. Pengembangan edible film antibakteri tersebut dapat dijadikan solusi alternatif permasalahan pencemaran sampah plastik sekaligus solusi inovatif dalam pengolahan limbah rumput laut, limbah cangkang udang dan kepiting di Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan penelitian lebih lanjut mengenai pembuatan edible coating antibakteri serta bantuan dan dukungan baik dalam hal produksi maupun sosialisasi atau pengenalan produk edible caoting antibakteri kepada masyarakat. Hal tersebut tentu tidak terlepas dari peran pemerintah, masyarakat serta industri makanan itu sendiri