302 research outputs found
Tropidosteptes forestierae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae: Mirinae): a new species of Plant Bug injuring ornamental Florida Swampprivet, Forestiera segregata (Oleaceae), in South Florida
The mirine plant bug Tropidosteptes forestierae, new species (Hemiptera: Miridae) is described from
Collier County, Florida, where it was found causing serious injury to an extensive ornamental hedge of Florida swampprivet, Forestiera segregata (Jacq.) Krug and Urb. (Oleaceae). Adult male and female, fifth instar, and egg are described. Color images of the adults, nymph, egg, and injury; scanning photomicrographs of selected adult structures; and illustrations of male genitalia are provided. A key to help distinguish the 16 species of Tropidosteptes known to occur in the southeastern United States is given
The challenges of investigating derived psychoactive cannabis product brand quality: Using a popular brand as an example
With widely divergent state and federal regulations and a history of suspect brands and illicit markets, derived psychoactive cannabis products (DPCPs) face contested discourse as to their content, quality, and safety. We conducted exploratory research on public-health related factors related to brand quality including assessing potential counterfeit products, website and social media presence, third party laboratory testing, distribution practices, and consumer experiences on social media. Findings indicate the difficulty consumers face in finding information related to DPCP brands, and the questionable quality of popularly branded products. We recommend regulation and oversight to ensure product safety
A Monte Carlo Evaluation of Weighted Community Detection Algorithms
The past decade has been marked with a proliferation of community detection algorithms that aim to organize nodes (e.g., individuals, brain regions, variables) into modular structures that indicate subgroups, clusters, or communities. Motivated by the emergence of big data across many fields of inquiry, these methodological developments have primarily focused on the detection of communities of nodes from matrices that are very large. However, it remains unknown if the algorithms can reliably detect communities in smaller graph sizes (i.e., 1000 nodes and fewer) which are commonly used in brain research. More importantly, these algorithms have predominantly been tested only on binary or sparse count matrices and it remains unclear the degree to which the algorithms can recover community structure for different types of matrices, such as the often used cross-correlation matrices representing functional connectivity across predefined brain regions. Of the publicly available approaches for weighted graphs that can detect communities in graph sizes of at least 1000, prior research has demonstrated that Newman's spectral approach (i.e., Leading Eigenvalue), Walktrap, Fast Modularity, the Louvain method (i.e., multilevel community method), Label Propagation, and Infomap all recover communities exceptionally well in certain circumstances. The purpose of the present Monte Carlo simulation study is to test these methods across a large number of conditions, including varied graph sizes and types of matrix (sparse count, correlation, and reflected Euclidean distance), to identify which algorithm is optimal for specific types of data matrices. The results indicate that when the data are in the form of sparse count networks (such as those seen in diffusion tensor imaging), Label Propagation and Walktrap surfaced as the most reliable methods for community detection. For dense, weighted networks such as correlation matrices capturing functional connectivity, Walktrap consistently outperformed the other approaches for recovering communities
Test Targets 6.0: A Collaborative effort exploring the use of scientific methods for color imaging and process control
Test Targets is a collection of scholarly papers contributed by faculty, students, and alumni of Rochester Institute of Technology. We realize the importance of having faculty set examples as authors for students to follow. We have a three-course sequence over a time span of a year to prepare students to publish their first articles when completing Tone and Color Analysis, Printing Process Control, and Advanced Color Management. In this instance, Test Targets 6.0 is a part of the course content in the Advanced Color Management course
Magnetic Field Measurement on the C/NOFS Satellite: Geomagnetic Storm Effects in the Low Latitude Ionosphere
The Vector Electric Field Investigation (VEFI) suite onboard the Communications/Navigation Outage Forecasting System (C/NOFS) spacecraft includes a sensitive fluxgate magnetometer to measure DC and ULF magnetic fields in the low latitude ionosphere. The instrument includes a DC vector measurement at 1 sample/sec with a range of +/- 45,000 nT whose primary objective is to provide direct measurements of both V x B and E x B that are more accurate than those obtained using a simple magnetic field model. These data can also be used for scientific research to provide information of large-scale ionospheric and magnetospheric current systems, which, when analyzed in conjunction with the C/NOFS DC electric field measurements, promise to advance our understanding of the electrodynamics of the low latitude ionosphere. In this study, we use the magnetic field data to study the temporal and local time variations of the ring currents during geomagnetic storms. We first compare the in situ measurements with the POMME (the POtsdam Magnetic Model of the Earth) model in order to provide an in-flight "calibration" of the data as well as compute magnetic field residuals essential for revealing large scale external current systems. We then compare the magnetic field residuals observed both during quiet times and during geomagnetic storms at the same geographic locations to deduce the magnetic field signatures of the ring current. As will be shown, the low inclination of the C/NOFS satellite provides a unique opportunity to study the evolution of the ring current as a function of local time, which is particularly insightful during periods of magnetic storms. This paper will present the initial results of this study
Large Area Mapping at 850 Microns. IV. Analysis of the Clump Distribution in the Orion B South Molecular Cloud
We present results from a survey of a 1300 arcmin^2 region of the Orion B
South molecular cloud, including NGC 2024, NGC 2023, and the Horsehead Nebula
(B33), obtained using the Submillimetre Common-User Bolometer Array (SCUBA) on
the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope. Submillimeter continuum observations at 450
microns and 850 microns are discussed. Using an automated algorithm, 57
discrete emission features (``clumps'') are identified in the 850 micron map.
The physical conditions within these clumps are investigated under the
assumption that the objects are in quasi-hydrostatic equilibrium. The best fit
dust temperature for the clumps is found to be T_d = 18 +/- 4 K, with the
exception of those associated with the few known far infrared sources residing
in NGC 2024. The latter internally heated sources are found to be much warmer.
In the region surrounding NGC 2023, the clump dust temperatures agree with
clump gas temperatures determined from molecular line excitation measurements
of the CO molecule. The bounding pressure on the clumps lies in the range
log(k^-1 P cm^3 K^-1) = 6.1 +/- 0.3. The cumulative mass distribution is steep
at the high mass end, as is the stellar Initial Mass Function. The distribution
flattens significantly at lower masses, with a turn-over around 3 -- 10 M_sun.Comment: 41 pages, 16 figures, accepted by Ap
10th Annual Collage Concert
An exciting highlight each season, the School of Music is proud to present the 10th Annual Collage Concert. Collage, a major fundraising event for supporting scholarships for music students, is the signature production of the School of Music featuring soloists, chamber groups, and ensembles totaling over 250 student and faculty performers. This special production features a rapid-fire program of diverse works presented as flowing vignette performances with unique lighting and stage design that combine to create a truly memorable and unique experience. The Collage Concert features a matinee at 5 p.m. and evening performance at 8 p.m.https://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/musicprograms/1001/thumbnail.jp
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