58,318 research outputs found
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Territories Of Profit: Communications, Capitalist Development, And The Innovative Enterprises Of G F Swift And Dell Computer
Business Administratio
A nonlinear equation for ionic diffusion in a strong binary electrolyte
The problem of the one dimensional electro-diffusion of ions in a strong
binary electrolyte is considered. In such a system the solute dissociates
completely into two species of ions with unlike charges. The mathematical
description consists of a diffusion equation for each species augmented by
transport due to a self consistent electrostatic field determined by the
Poisson equation. This mathematical framework also describes other important
problems in physics such as electron and hole diffusion across semi-conductor
junctions and the diffusion of ions in plasmas. If concentrations do not vary
appreciably over distances of the order of the Debye length, the Poisson
equation can be replaced by the condition of local charge neutrality first
introduced by Planck. It can then be shown that both species diffuse at the
same rate with a common diffusivity that is intermediate between that of the
slow and fast species (ambipolar diffusion). Here we derive a more general
theory by exploiting the ratio of Debye length to a characteristic length scale
as a small asymptotic parameter. It is shown that the concentration of either
species may be described by a nonlinear integro-differential equation which
replaces the classical linear equation for ambipolar diffusion but reduces to
it in the appropriate limit. Through numerical integration of the full set of
equations it is shown that this nonlinear equation provides a better
approximation to the exact solution than the linear equation it replaces.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur
Project Explorer: Get Away Special #007
Tentatively scheduled to fly on STS-17 (41G), this get away special aims to demonstrate amateur radio transmissions to global ground stations in the English language. Experiments No. 1, 2, and 3 use the micro-gravity of space flight to study the solidification of lead-antimony and aluminum-copper alloys, the germination of radish seeds, and the growth of potassium-tetracyanoplatinate hydrate crystals in an aqueous solution. Flight results are to be compared with Earth-based data. Experiment No. 4 (the Marshall Amateur Radio Club Experiment - MARCE) features radio transmissions and also provides timing for the start of all other experiments. A microprocessor obtains real-time data from all experiments as well as temperature and pressure measurements within the GAS canister. These data are to be transmitted on previously announced amateur radio frequencies after they are converted into the English language by a digitalker for general reception. The support structure for the G #007 experiments consists of two primary plates and four bumper assemblies
Reduction of Band-to-band Tunneling in Deep-submicron CMOS Single Photon Avalanche Photodiodes
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Selection-Based Learning: The Coevolution Of Internal And External Selection In High-Velocity Environments
To understand the effects of selection on firm-level learning, this study synthesizes two contrasting views of evolution. Internal selection theorists view managers in multiproduct firms as the primary agents of evolutionary change because they decide whether individual products and technologies are retained or eliminated. In contrast, external selection theorists contend that the environment drives evolution because it determines whether entire firms live or die. Though these theories differ, they describe tightly interwoven processes. In assessing the coevolution of internal and external selection among personal computer manufacturers across a 20-year period, we found that (1) firms learned cumulatively and adaptively from internal and partial external selection, the latter occurring when the environment killed part but not all of a firm; (2) internal and partial external selection coevolved, as each affected the other's future rate and the odds of firm failure; (3) partial external selection had a greater effect on future outcomes than internal selection; and (4) the lessons gleaned from prior selection were reflected in a firm's ability to develop new products, making that an important mediator between past and future selection events.Managemen
Constraint algebra in LQG reloaded : Toy model of a U(1)^{3} Gauge Theory I
We analyze the issue of anomaly-free representations of the constraint
algebra in Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG) in the context of a
diffeomorphism-invariant gauge theory in three spacetime dimensions. We
construct a Hamiltonian constraint operator whose commutator matches with a
quantization of the classical Poisson bracket involving structure functions.
Our quantization scheme is based on a geometric interpretation of the
Hamiltonian constraint as a generator of phase space-dependent diffeomorphisms.
The resulting Hamiltonian constraint at finite triangulation has a conceptual
similarity with the "mu-bar"-scheme in loop quantum cosmology and highly
intricate action on the spin-network states of the theory. We construct a
subspace of non-normalizable states (distributions) on which the continuum
Hamiltonian constraint is defined which leads to an anomaly-free representation
of the Poisson bracket of two Hamiltonian constraints in loop quantized
framework.Comment: 60 pages, 6 figure
Predicting species abundance distributions by simultaneously using number and biomass as units of measurement
The universal observation that some species in an ecological community are common, but many more are rare, is neatly encapsulated in a species abundance distribution (SAD)1. However, the shape of the distribution can depend on the currency used to measure abundance 2. Here we show how the SADs for numerical abundance and biomass are related and how this relationship can be used to predict the form of the SAD. When plotted in log numerical abundance, log biomass space, species points lie within an approximately triangular area the limits of which are set by body size range, and the upper limit of abundance in both metrics. Under the simplifying, but reasonable, assumption that the observed scatter of species within this region is random, the shape of the SAD is immediately derived from simple geometrical considerations. For the SAD of numerical abundance this is a power curve. The biomass SAD can be either a power curve or, more frequently, a unimodal curve, which can approximate a log normal. This log triangular random placement model serves as a null hypothesis against which actual communities can be compared. Data from two intensively surveyed local communities indicate that it can give a good approximation, with species scattered within a triangle. Further, we can predict the consequences, for the SAD, of size-selective sampling protocols. We argue that mechanistic models of SADs must be able to account for the relative abundance of species in alternative currencies. Moreover, this approach will shed light on niche packing and may have application in environmental monitoring
A dual-beam actinic light source for photosynthesis research
Simulation of photosynthetic process in plants is accomplished by using two separate and identical optical channels that provide independently adjustable wavelengths (filters), shutter sequencing, and control intensity of illumination. In addition to experiments using electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, system may be applicable to other types of research in photosynthetic field
The distance selling directive: consumer champion or complete irrelevance?
This paper investigates the origins, significant content, UK and EU implementation and outcomes of Directive 97/7/EC on distance selling, hereafter referred to as the Distance Selling Directive (DSD). The DSD has been implemented in national legislation by all EU Member States. In the UK this legislation was the Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000 (SI 2000 No. 2334), hereafter referred to as the CPDSR
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