647 research outputs found
Pembangunan dan penilaian sistem 'template' soal selidik berasaskan web (e-templete questionnaire)
Kajian ini dijaiankan bagi meninjau keboiehgunaan dan tahap mesra pengguna
terhadap g-?e?77p/a/g soal selidik. Fokus utama kajian ini adaiah (i) menilai tahap
keboiehgunaan <?-/<?/7?/?/<3/<? soal-selidik daiam pembangunan soal selidik secara atas
talian sebagai instrumen penyeiidikan, (ii) menilai tahap keboiehgunaan g-Zgnzp/a/g soal
selidik yang dibangunkan untuk proses pengumpuian data penyeiidikan, (iii) menilai
tahap keselamatan g-fgwzp/a/e soal selidik yang dibangunkan, (iv) menilai tahap mesra
pengguna g-Zg/wp/a/g, (v) menilai tahap keberkesanan g-fgnzp/a/g soal selidik dan (vi)
menilai sama ada terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan di antara persepsi peiajar dan
pensyarah terhadap tahap keberkesanan e-?g77zp/afe soal selidik berkenaan. Rekabentuk
kajian yang dijaiankan adaiah berbentuk kajian tinjauan dan melibatkan kedua-dua
kaedah kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Responden kajian ini terdiri daripada 10 orang
pensyarah, 10 orang kakitangan am dan 30 orang peiajar yang terlibat dengan aktiviti
penyeiidikan. Instrumen kajian yang digunakan adaiah borang soal selidik dan temubual.
Kajian ini mengambil kira aspek keberkesanan g-re772p/a?g yang merangkumi tahap
keboiehgunaan sistem berkenaan daiam pembangunan borang soal selidik secara atas
talian, keboiehgunaan sistem daiam aspek pengumpuian data, tahap keselamatan data
dan tahap mesra pengguna. Kajian ini menguji sama ada terdapat perbezaan persepsi
peiajar dan pensyarah terhadap tahap keberkesanan g-Zgnzp/a/g yang dibangunkan. Hasil
daripada kajian mendapati tahap keboiehgunaan daiam pembangunan soal selidik berada
pada tahap tinggi iaitu dengan memperoleh skor min = 3.97 . Tahap keboiehgunaan
untuk aktiviti pengumpuian data memperoleh skor min = 4.03. Manakala untuk tahap
keselamatan skor min yang diperoleh adaiah 3.95. Bagi tahap mesra pengguna skor min
yang diterima adaiah 3.85. Akhir sekali, tahap keberkesanan g-/g/Mp/a/rg memperoleh
skor min 3.95. Kajian juga mendapati bahawa tidak terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan
antara persepsi peiajar dan pensyarah terhadap g-/gHzp/a7g yang dibangunkan.
Pembangun mencadangkan supaya laman web g-?gmp/a?g ini dapat dimumikan lagi
dengan penambahan fungsi untuk menganalisis data. Ini kerana fungsi berkenaan tidak
dapat dibangunkan
The Weight of Economic Growth and Urbanization on Electricity Demand in UAE
This study aims to explore the relationship between economic growth, urbanization, financial development and electricity consumption in case of United Arab Emirates. The study covers the time period of 1975-2011. We have applied the ARDL bounds testing to examine long run relationship between the variables in the presence of structural breaks. The VECM Granger causality is applied to investigate the direction of causal relationship between the variables. Our empirical exercise found cointegration between the series in case of United Arab Emirates. Further, results reveal that inverted U-shaped relationship is found between economic growth and electricity consumption i.e. economic growth raises electricity consumption initially and declines it after a threshold level of income per capita. Financial development adds in electricity consumption. The relationship between urbanization and electricity consumption is also inverted U-shaped. This implies that urbanization increases electricity consumption initially and after a threshold level of urbanization, electricity demand falls. The causality analysis finds feedback hypothesis between economic growth and electricity consumption i.e. economic growth and electricity consumption are interdependent. The bidirectional causality is found between financial development and electricity consumption. Economic growth and urbanization Granger cause each other. The feedback hypothesis is also found between urbanization and financial development, financial development and economic growth and same is true for electricity consumption and urbanization.
Penyakit Jembrana adalah penyakit yang disebabkan oleh virus dari genus lentivirus dan dari family Retroviridae. Virus ini menyerang secara spesifik sapi Bali (Bos javanicus). Sebanyak 10 sampel organ sapi bali yang mati secara alami di lapangan dilakukan uji PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction), hasilnya adalah positif virus Jembrana, perubahan histopatologi dengan menggunakan pewarnaan Hematoksilin-eosin. Sel hati mengalami nekrosis dan adanya infiltrasi sel-sel mononuclear dalam organ hati, limpa mengalami proliferasi sel-sel limfoid yang cukup banyak. Infiltrasi sel makrofag paling banyak terjadi pada organ hati, 7 sampel dari 10 sampel yang diuji. Adanya alveoler interstisial pneumonia pada organ paru-paru merupakan perubahan yang terlihat dari penyakit Jembrana. Selanjutnya dilakukan uji dengan imunohistokimia dengan menggunakan antibodi poliklonal yang diproduksi pada kelinci. Hasil uji imunohistokimia menghasilkan sel-sel yang terinfeksi oleh virus Jembrana akan terwarnai dengan warna coklat kemerahan. Jaringan organ limpa, hati dan paru-paru yang digunakan dalam uji imunohistokimia menghasilkan bahwa distribusi antigen Jembrana dalam organ limpa berbeda nyata dengan distribusi antigen Jembrana di dalam organ paru-paru dan hati (P<0,05). Rata-rata skor antigen Jembrana terbanyak ditemukan pada organ limpa, kemudian hati dan paru. Ada perbedaan yang nyata distribusi antigen Jembrana di antara organ limpa, hati dan paru-paru.
Kata kunci : Jembrana, Antbodi Poliklonal, Immunohistokimia
Status and characteristics of the Nubian short story in Egyptian literature: Layali Al-Misk Al-Atika by Hadjdjadj Hasan Uddul and Arus Al-Nil by Yahya Mukhtar
Holistic Blended Values: Another Social Entrepreneurship Paradigm
This study seeks to comprehend in-depth how social entrepreneurship (SE) practices from a business standpoint in Islamic boarding schools, as well as what values emerge in SE practices. The qualitative research design is descriptive exploratory, with a holistic single-case study conducted at the Sidogiri Islamic boarding school in Pasuruan, Indonesia. In-depth interviews, field observations, focused discussions, and a review of supporting documents were employed to collect data. In-depth interviews, field observations, focused discussions, and a review of supporting documents were used to collect data. Purposive sampling was used to select key informants, and the snowball sampling technique was used to select other informants based on key informant recommendations. After maintaining quality standards through data triangulation, observers and sources, and member checks, data analysis employs an interactive model. According to the findings, SE practices are implemented through a combination of corporate social responsibility programs, bottom-of-the-pyramid orientation, other SE activities, and spirituality. The distinction of SE development in the Islamic boarding school-based business perspective in Indonesia is this balance. The balance of the SE program, as reflected in the holistic blended value, is critical to the business's existence and sustainability. The last section goes over the implications and future research.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memahami secara mendalam bagaimana praktik social entrepreneurship (SE) perspektif bisnis berbasis pondok pesantren dan nilai-nilai apa saja yang ditimbulkan dalam praktik SE tersebut. Desain penelitian kualitatif ini adalah descriptive exploratory menggunakan holistic single-case yang dilakukan di pondok pesantren Sidogiri, Pasuruan, Indonesia. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi lapangan, diskusi terfokus dan peninjauan dokumen pendukung. Key informan dipilih secara purposive sampling dan para informan lainnya dipilih dengan teknik snowball sampling berdasarkan rekomendasi key informan. Analisis data menggunakan interaktif model setelah menjaga standar kualitas melalui triangulasi data, pengamat dan sumber serta member check. Hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa praktik SE dilakukan melalui keseimbangan program tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan, orientasi bottom of pyramid, kegiatan SE lainnya dan spiritual. Keseimbangan tersebut menjadi distingsi pengembangan SE dalam perspektif bisnis berbasis pondok pesantren di Indonesia. Keseimbangan program SE tersebut yang tercermin dalam holistic blended value menjadi kunci eksistensi dan keberlanjutan bisnis. Pada bagian akhir juga dibahas implikasi dan penelitian di masa yang akan datang
Development of Student Worksheets (LKPD) to Measure Student Creativity
This research is a development research which aims to develop valid project based learning worksheets, practical project based learning worksheets, effective project based learning worksheets for measuring creativity. The subjects of this research trial were 32 students of class XI MIPA 2 SMAN 3 Polewali. This study uses the development of a 4-D model. The instruments used in this study were LKPD validation sheets, practitioner response questionnaires (educators/teachers), creativity test instruments and non-creativity test instruments (cognitive dimension creativity assessment sheets, affective dimension creativity questionnaires, psychomotor dimension creativity assessment sheets). LKPD eligibility criteria seen from the aspect of validity. The practicality criteria are seen from practitioners' assessment of LKPD, and the effectiveness criteria are seen from the level of creativity of students after being given project-based learning LKPD. Based on the results of the analysis, it was concluded that the developed project based learning LKPD, based on expert judgment using Aiken V index analysis, obtained a V value of 0.77 meaning that the LKPD was declared valid and feasible to use with minor revisions, then the project based learning based LKPD in terms of response physics teacher practitioners obtained an average score of 3.5 meaning that the LKPD is in the very good category and the effectiveness of project based learning LKPD is seen from the results of the analysis of student creativity, after being analyzed it is found that the average percentage of students' creativity scores on the cognitive dimension is 78.22%, the average percentage of creativity in the affective dimension is 79.25%, and the average percentage of creativity in the psychomotor dimension is 77.50% so that it can be said that the project based learning worksheets developed are effective for measuring student creativity because they have the average creativity score is above 75%.This research is a development research which aims to develop valid project based learning worksheets, practical project based learning worksheets, effective project based learning worksheets for measuring creativity. The subjects of this research trial were 32 students of class XI MIPA 2 SMAN 3 Polewali. This study uses the development of a 4-D model. The instruments used in this study were LKPD validation sheets, practitioner response questionnaires (educators/teachers), creativity test instruments and non-creativity test instruments (cognitive dimension creativity assessment sheets, affective dimension creativity questionnaires, psychomotor dimension creativity assessment sheets). LKPD eligibility criteria seen from the aspect of validity. The practicality criteria are seen from practitioners' assessment of LKPD, and the effectiveness criteria are seen from the level of creativity of students after being given project-based learning LKPD. Based on the results of the analysis, it was concluded that the developed project based learning LKPD, based on expert judgment using Aiken V index analysis, obtained a V value of 0.77 meaning that the LKPD was declared valid and feasible to use with minor revisions, then the project based learning based LKPD in terms of response physics teacher practitioners obtained an average score of 3.5 meaning that the LKPD is in the very good category and the effectiveness of project based learning LKPD is seen from the results of the analysis of student creativity, after being analyzed it is found that the average percentage of students' creativity scores on the cognitive dimension is 78.22%, the average percentage of creativity in the affective dimension is 79.25%, and the average percentage of creativity in the psychomotor dimension is 77.50% so that it can be said that the project based learning worksheets developed are effective for measuring student creativity because they have the average creativity score is above 75
Konsep Keadilan Dalam Filsafat Hukum Dan Filsafat Hukum Islam
This paper compares the concept of justice in the viewpoint of legal philosophy and the philosophy of Islamic law. Justice in Islamic law comes from the Creator, Allah Swt., which is infinite justice and therefore must be believed not to apply the law unless justice to His servants. The concept of Justice will continue to evolve in line with social development. Fairness in life becomes an important requirement for humans so that everyone can strike a balance between demanding their rights and carrying out their obligations in an effort to reach the truth. Thus, the truth and the obligations must be in harmony and balance in life. Law is just a collection of words when the law does not materialize justice. When a law does not recognize justice, it is meaningless. Law formulation, therefore, is the process of harmonizing legal certainty and proportionality
Pengaruh Teori Hukum dan Implementasinya Dalam Sistem Hukum di Indonesia
The theory has a considerable influence in the field of law because the theory is an important idea that can provide solutions to problems. This is because theory can provide explanations and problem-solving. Within each of the subfields that unite to form the field of legal science, theory can serve as a practical guide that explains how one should approach the topic being studied. This study uses a qualitative research method with a literature approach. The results of the study stated that one must have a deep theoretical understanding of legal theory, in order to be successful in the field of law. This is an important requirement, and what must be done to ensure that there are no errors in producing scientific work, namely carrying out a process of academic activities engaged in research or scientific activities.Keywords: Legal Theory; Implementation; Legal System Abstrak:Teori memiliki pengaruh yang cukup besar di bidang hukum, karena teori merupakan gagasan penting yang dapat memberikan solusi terhadap permasalahan. Hal ini disebabkan karena teori dapat memberikan penjelasan dan pemecahan masalah. Dalam masing-masing subbidang yang menyatu membentuk bidang ilmu hukum, teori dapat berfungsi sebagai pedoman praktis yang menjelaskan bagaimana seharusnya seseorang mendekati topik yang sedang dipelajari. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan literatur. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa seseorang harus memiliki pemahaman teori yang mendalam terhadap teori hukum, agar berhasil di bidang hukum. Ini adalah persyaratan penting, dan yang harus dilakukan untuk menjamin tidak terjadi kesalahan dalam menghasilkan karya ilmiah, yaitu melakukan suatu proses kegiatan akademik yang bergerak dalam penelitian atau kegiatan ilmiah.Kata Kunci: Teori Hukum; Implementasi; Sistem Hukum
Ketiadaan Daluwarsa Penuntutan Dalam Hukum Pidana Islam Dan Pembaruan Hukum Pidana Di Indonesia
A statute of limitation is the passage of specified number of years that become the reason for abolishing of criminal penalties against someone who has committed a criminal act. Basically, all the perpetrators of criminal acts should be prosecuted in a criminal court to face trial, but there are things which abolish criminal prosecution such as the statute of limitation. In order to reform the criminal law, it must necessarily be carried out by reconstructing underlying ideas of such reformation, that is the materialization of justice. One of the ways to do so is by including the concept of absence of the statute of limitation as adopted by the concept of Islamic criminal law. This paper argues that the statute of limitation enshrined in the Criminal Code gives more emphasis on the rule of law, while the absence of the statute of limitation in the Islamic Criminal Law give more emphasis on the fairness and certainty. Achieving justice is not limited by time; whereas certainty is limited by the availability of valid evidence. To that end, the introduction of the concept of absence of statute of limitation into positive law is necessary to ensure that justice which is the main purpose of law enforcement. In addition, the introduction of this Islamic criminal law concept is also a strategic move to make Islamic law a part of the positive law in Indonesia
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