239 research outputs found

    Ferromagnetic InMnAs on InAs Prepared by Ion Implantation and Pulsed Laser Annealing

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    Ferromagnetic InMnAs has been prepared by Mn ion implantation and pulsed laser annealing. The InMnAs layer reveals a saturated magnetization of 2.6 mu_B/Mn at 5 K and a perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. The Curie temperature is determined to be 46 K, which is higher than those in previous reports with similar Mn concentrations. Ferromagnetism is further evidenced by the large magnetic circular dichroism.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    The importance of hole concentration in establishing carrier-mediated ferromagnetism in Mn doped Ge

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    In the present work, we have prepared Mn-doped Ge using different annealing approaches after Mn ion implantation, and obtained samples with hole concentrations ranging from 10^18 to 2.1x10^20 cm^-3, the latter being the highest reported so far. Based on the magnetotransport properties of Mn doped Ge, we argue that the hole concentration is a decisive parameter in establishing carrier-mediated ferromagnetism in magnetic Ge.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Annual Report 2015 - Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research

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    After the successful evaluation in 2015 we started research and further development of our largescale facilities, in particular the Ion Beam Center (IBC), in the framework of Helmholtz’s Programmeoriented Funding scheme (POF) which coordinates scientific cooperation on a national and international scale. Most of our activities are assigned to the Helmholtz program “From Matter to Materials and Life” within the research area “Matter”, in cooperation with several other German Helmholtz Centers. Our in-house research is performed in three so-called research themes, as depicted in the schematic below. What is missing there for simplicity is a minor part of our activities in the program “Nuclear Waste Management and Safety” within the research area “Energy”. A few highlights which have been published in 2015 are reprinted in this annual report in order to show the variety of the research being performed at the Institute, ranging from self-organized pattern formation during ion erosion or DNA origami patterning, over ferromagnetism in SiC and TiO2 to plasmonics and THz-spectroscopy of III-V semiconductors. A technological highlight published recently is the demonstration of nanometer scale elemental analysis in a Helium ion microscope, making use of a time-of-flight detector that has been developed at the IBC. In addition to these inhouse research highlights, also users of the IBC, in particular of the accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS), succeeded in publishing their research on geomorphology in Nepal in the high-impact journal Science (W. Schwanghart et al., Science 351, 147 (2015)), which demonstrates impressively the added value of transdisciplinary research at the IBC. In order to further develop the IBC, we have started in 2015 the design and construction of our new low energy ion nanoengineering platform which was highly recommended by the POF evaluators. It will consist of two-dimensional materials synthesis and modification, high-resolution ion beam analysis and high-resolution electron beam analysis and will come into full operation in 2019

    Annual Report 2021 - Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research

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    The year 2021 was still overshadowed by waves of the COVID-19 pandemic, although the arrival of efficient vaccinations together with the experience of the preceding year gave us a certain routine in handling the situation. By now the execution of meetings in an online mode using zoom and similar video conference systems has been recognized as actually being useful in certain situations, e.g. instead of flying across Europe to attend a three-hours meeting, but also to be able to attend seminars of distinguished scientists which otherwise would not be easily accessible. The scientific productivity of the institute has remained on a very high level, counting 190 publications with an unprecedented average impact factor of 8.0. Six outstanding and representative publications are reprinted in this Annual Report. 16 new third-party projects were granted, among them 7 DFG projects, but very remarkably also an EU funded project on nonlinear magnons for reservoir computing with industrial participation of Infineon Technologies Dresden and GlobalFoundries Dresden coordinated by Kathrin Schultheiß of our Institute. The scientific success was also reflected in two HZDR prizes awarded to the members of the Institute: Dr. Katrin Schultheiß received the HZDR Forschungspreis for her work on “Nonlinear magnonics as basis for a spin based neuromorphic computing architecture”, and Dr. Toni Hache was awarded the Doktorandenpreis for his thesis entitled “Frequency control of auto-oscillations of the magnetization in spin Hall nano-oscillators”. Our highly successful theoretician Dr. Arkady Krasheninnikov was quoted as Highly Cited Researcher 2021 by Clarivate. The new 1-MV facility for accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) has been ordered from NEC (National Electrostatics Corporation). Design of a dedicated building to house the accelerator, the SIMS and including additional chemistry laboratories for enhanced sample preparation capabilities has started and construction is planned to be finished by mid 2023, when the majority of the AMS components are scheduled for delivery. In the course of developing a strategy for the HZDR - HZDR 2030+ Moving Research to the NEXT Level for the NEXT Gens - six research focus areas for our institute were identified. Concerning personalia, it should be mentioned that the long-time head of the spectroscopy department PD Dr. Harald Schneider went into retirement. His successor is Dr. Stephan Winnerl, who has been a key scientist in this department already for two decades. In addition, PD Dr. Sebastian Fähler was hired in the magnetism department who transferred several third-party projects with the associated PhD students to the Institute and strengthens our ties to the High Magnetic Field Laboratory, but also to the Institute of Fluid Dynamics. Finally, we would like to cordially thank all partners, friends, and organizations who supported our progress in 2021. First and foremost we thank the Executive Board of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, the Minister of Science and Arts of the Free State of Saxony, and the Ministers of Education and Research, and of Economic Affairs and Climate Action of the Federal Government of Germany. Many partners from universities, industry and research institutes all around the world contributed essentially, and play a crucial role for the further development of the institute. Last but not least, the directors would like to thank all members of our institute for their efforts in these very special times and excellent contributions in 2021

    Defect-induced magnetism in graphite through neutron irradiation

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    We have investigated the variation in the magnetization of highly ordered pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) after neutron irradiation, which introduces defects in the bulk sample and consequently gives rise to a large magnetic signal. We observe strong paramagnetism in HOPG, increasing with the neutron fluence. We correlate the induced paramagnetism with structural defects by comparison with density-functional theory calculations. In addition to the in-plane vacancies, the trans-planar defects also contribute to the magnetization. The lack of any magnetic order between the local moments is possibly due to the absence of hydrogen/nitrogen chemisorption, or the magnetic order cannot be established at all in the bulk form.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Memory effect of Mn5_5Ge3_3 nanomagnets embedded inside a Mn-diluted Ge matrix

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    Crystalline Mn5Ge3 nanomagnets are formed inside a Mn-diluted Ge matrix using Mn ion implantation. A temperature-dependent memory effect and slow magnetic relaxation are observed below the superparamagnetic blocking temperature of Mn5Ge3. Our findings corroborate that the observed spin-glass-like features are caused by the size distribution of Mn5Ge3 nanomagnets, rather than by the inter-particle interaction through the Mn-diluted Ge matrix.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures,. submitted to Appl. Phys. Let

    Ferromagnetic, structurally disordered ZnO implanted with Co ions

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    We present superparamagnetic clusters of structurally highly disordered Co-Zn-O created by high fluence Co ion implantation into ZnO (0001) single crystals at low temperatures. This secondary phase cannot be detected by common x-ray diffraction but is observed by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. In contrast to many other secondary phases in a ZnO matrix it induces low-field anomalous Hall effect and thus is a candidate for magneto-electronics applications.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure
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