3,823 research outputs found
Raising the Higgs mass with Yukawa couplings for isotriplets in vector-like extensions of minimal supersymmetry
Extra vector-like matter with both electroweak-singlet masses and large
Yukawa couplings can significantly raise the lightest Higgs boson mass in
supersymmetry through radiative corrections. I consider models of this type
that involve a large Yukawa coupling between weak isotriplet and isodoublet
chiral supermultiplets. The particle content can be completed to provide
perturbative gauge coupling unification, in several different ways. The impact
on precision electroweak observables is shown to be acceptably small, even if
the new particles are as light as the current experimental bounds of order 100
GeV. I study the corrections to the lightest Higgs boson mass, and discuss the
general features of the collider signatures for the new fermions in these
models.Comment: 30 page
Renormalization of the EWCL and its Application to LEP2
We perform a systematic one-loop renormalization on the electroweak chiral
Lagrangian (EWCL) up to operators and construct the renormalization
group equations (RGE) for the anomalous couplings. We examine the impact of the
triple gauge coupling (TGC) measurement from LEP2 to the uncertainty of the
parameter at the , and find that the uncertainty in the
TGC measurements can shift at least .Comment: 4 pages, 1 eps figure, uses ws-ijmpa.cls. Paralell talk given at
"International Conference on QCD and hadronic Physics", Beijing, China, 16-20
June, 200
Searches for Long-lived Particles at the Tevatron Collider
Several searches for long-lived particles have been performed using data from
p-pbar collisions from Run II at the Tevatron. In most cases, new analysis
techniques have been developed to carry out each search and/or estimate the
backgrounds. These searches expand the discovery potential of the CDF and D0
experiments to new physics that may have been missed by traditional search
techniques. This review discusses searches for (1) neutral, long-lived
particles decaying to muons, (2) massive, neutral, long-lived particles
decaying to a photon and missing energy, (3) stopped gluinos, and (4) charged
massive stable particles. It summarizes some of the theoretical and
experimental motivations for such searches.Comment: submitted to Mod. Phys. Lett.
Constraining Light Colored Particles with Event Shapes
Using recently developed techniques for computing event shapes with
Soft-Collinear Effective Theory, LEP event shape data is used to derive strong
model-independent bounds on new colored particles. In the effective field
theory computation, colored particles contribute in loops not only to the
running of alpha_s but also to the running of hard, jet and soft functions.
Moreover, the differential distribution in the effective theory explicitly
probes many energy scales, so event shapes have strong sensitivity to new
particle thresholds. Using thrust data from ALEPH and OPAL, colored adjoint
fermions (such as a gluino) below 51.0 GeV are ruled out to 95% confidence
level. This is nearly an order-of-magnitude improvement over the previous
model-independent bound of 6.3 GeV.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure
Phenomenology of non-universal gaugino masses in supersymmetric grand unified theories
Grand unified theories can lead to non-universal boundary conditions for the
gaugino masses at the unification scale. We consider the implications of such
non-universal boundary conditions for the composition of the lightest
neutralino as well as for the upper bound on its mass in the simplest
supersymmetric grand unified theory based on the SU(5) gauge group. We derive
sum rules for neutralino and chargino masses in different representations of
SU(5) which lead to different non-universal boundary conditions for the gaugino
masses at the unification scale. We also consider the phenomenological
implications of the non-universal gaugino masses arising from a grand unified
theory in the context of Large Hadron Collider. In particular we investigate
the detection of heavy neutral Higgs bosons from , and study the possibilities of
detecting the neutral Higgs bosons in cascade decays, including the decays
.Comment: 24 pages, uses psrfrag. Typo in Eq. (15) corrected. Added more
detailed discussion about non-universality in SUSY SU(5). Parameter space and
RGE loop level indicated more clearly. Added a few references. Version to be
published in Phys. Rev.
Model-Independent Jets plus Missing Energy Searches
We present a proposal for performing model-independent jets plus missing
energy searches. Currently, these searches are optimized for mSUGRA and are
consequently not sensitive to all kinematically-accessible regions of parameter
space. We show that the reach of these searches can be broadened by setting
limits on the differential cross section as a function of the total visible
energy and the missing energy. These measurements only require knowledge of the
relevant Standard Model backgrounds and can be subsequently used to limit any
theoretical model of new physics. We apply this approach to an example where
gluinos are pair-produced and decay to the LSP through a single-step cascade,
and show how sensitivity to different gluino masses is altered by the presence
of the decay chain. The analysis is closely based upon the current searches
done at the Tevatron and our proposal requires only small modifications to the
existing techniques. We find that within the MSSM, the gluino can be as light
as 125 GeV. The same techniques are applicable to jets and missing energy
searches at the Large Hadron Collider.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables, typos correcte
Stau as the Lightest Supersymmetric Particle in R-Parity Violating SUSY Models: Discovery Potential with Early LHC Data
We investigate the discovery potential of the LHC experiments for R-parity
violating supersymmetric models with a stau as the lightest supersymmetric
particle (LSP) in the framework of minimal supergravity. We classify the final
states according to their phenomenology for different R-parity violating decays
of the LSP. We then develop event selection cuts for a specific benchmark
scenario with promising signatures for the first beyond the Standard Model
discoveries at the LHC. For the first time in this model, we perform a detailed
signal over background analysis. We use fast detector simulations to estimate
the discovery significance taking the most important Standard Model backgrounds
into account. Assuming an integrated luminosity of 1 inverse femtobarn at a
center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV, we perform scans in the parameter space around
the benchmark scenario we consider. We then study the feasibility to estimate
the mass of the stau-LSP. We briefly discuss difficulties, which arise in the
identification of hadronic tau decays due to small tau momenta and large
particle multiplicities in our scenarios.Comment: 26 pages, 18 figures, LaTeX; minor changes, final version published
in PR
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