8 research outputs found

    Met het oog op wachttijd

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    Zonder een goed functionerend hoornvlies, hierna genoemd cornea, kunnen de ogen hun taak niet goed uitvoeren. Iets meer dan 100 jaar geleden, in 1905, werd de eerstes uccesvolle transplantatie van een cornea van een overleden donor uitgevoerd in Tsjechië, door oogarts Zirm. Mede door de ontwikkeling van operatiemicroscopen, extra dun hechtdraad en het gebruik van antibiotica worden vandaag de dag in Nederland ongeveer 900 corneatransplantaties per jaar uitgevoerd. In Nederland is de Nederlandse transplantatie Stichting (NTS) verantwoordelijk voor het toewijzen van cornea’s aan patiënten (Bokhorst et al., 2007).\ud De gemiddelde wachttijd voor een cornea in Nederland is ongeveer een half jaar, ofwel 175 dagen. (Zie figuur 1) De door de NTS en oogartsen meest genoemde oorzaken zijn een tekort aan operatiecapaciteit en cornea’s en de fluctuatie in zowel vraag als aanbod van cornea’s. Ons eerste doel was te onderzoeken in welke mate deze zaken de wachttijd beïnvloeden. Een tweede doel was mogelijke verbeteringen aan te dragen

    Predicition models for delayed graft function : External validation on the Dutch Prospective Renal Transplantation Registry

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    Background. Delayed graft function (DGF) is a common complication after kidney transplantation in the era of accepting an equal number of brain-and circulatory-death donor kidneys in the Netherlands. To identify those cases with an increased risk of developing DGF, various multivariable algorithms have been proposed. The objective was to validate the reproducibility of four predictive algorithms by Irish et al. (A risk prediction model for delayed graft function in the current era of deceased donor renal transplantation. Am J Transplant 2010;10:2279-2286) (USA), Jeldres et al. (Prediction of delayed graft function after renal transplantation. Can Urol Assoc J 2009;3:377-382) (Canada), Chapal et al. (A useful scoring system for the prediction and management of delayed graft function following kidney transplantation from cadaveric donors. Kidney Int 2014;86:1130-1139) (France) and Zaza et al. (Predictive model for delayed graft function based on easily available pre-renal transplant variables. Intern Emerg Med 2015;10:135-141) (Italy) according to a novel framework for external validation. Methods. We conducted a prospective observational study with data from the Dutch Organ Transplantation Registry (NOTR). Renal transplant recipients from all eight Dutch academic medical centers between 2002 and 2012 who received a deceased allograft were included (N= 3333). The four prediction algorithms were reconstructed from donor, recipient and transplantation data. Their predictive value for DGF was validated by cstatistics, calibration statistics and net benefit analysis. Casemix (un)relatedness was investigated with a membership model and mean and standard deviation of the linear predictor. Results. The prevalence of DGF was 37%. Despite a significantly different case-mix, the US algorithm by Irish was best reproducible, with a c-index of 0.761 (range 0.756-0.762), and well-calibrated over the complete range of predicted probabilities of having DGF. The US model had a net benefit of 0.242 at a threshold probability of 0.25, compared with 0.089 net benefit for the same threshold in the original study, equivalent to correctly identifying DGF in 24 cases per 100 patients (true positive results) without an increase in the number of false-positive results. Conclusions. The US model by Irish et al. was generalizable and best transportable to Dutch recipients with a deceased donor kidney. The algorithm detects an increased risk of DGF after allocation and enables us to improve individual patient management

    Ovarian cancer immunogenicity is governed by a narrow subset of progenitor tissue-resident memory T cells

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    Despite repeated associations between T cell infiltration and outcome, human ovarian cancer remains poorly responsive to immunotherapy. We report that the hallmarks of tumor recognition in ovarian cancer-infiltrating T cells are primarily restricted to tissue-resident memory (TRM) cells. Single-cell RNA/TCR/ATAC sequencing of 83,454 CD3(+) CD8(+)CD103(+)CD69(+) TRM cells and immunohistochemistry of 122 high-grade serous ovarian cancers shows that only progenitor (TCF1(low)) tissue-resident T cells (TRMstem cells), but not recirculating TCF1(+) T cells, predict ovarian cancer outcome. TRMstem cells arise from transitional recirculating T cells, which depends on antigen affinity/persistence, resulting in oligoclonal, trogocytic, effector lymphocytes that eventually become exhausted. Therefore, ovarian cancer is indeed an immunogenic disease, but that depends on similar to 13% of CD8(+) tumor-infiltrating T cells (similar to 3% of CD8(+) clonotypes), which are primed against high-affinity antigens and maintain waves of effector TRM-like cells. Our results define the signature of relevant tumor-reactive T cells in human ovarian cancer, which could be applicable to other tumors with unideal mutational burden.Immunobiology of allogeneic stem cell transplantation and immunotherapy of hematological disease

    Ovarian cancer immunogenicity is governed by a narrow subset of progenitor tissue-resident memory T cells

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    Despite repeated associations between T cell infiltration and outcome, human ovarian cancer remains poorly responsive to immunotherapy. We report that the hallmarks of tumor recognition in ovarian cancer-infiltrating T cells are primarily restricted to tissue-resident memory (TRM) cells. Single-cell RNA/TCR/ATAC sequencing of 83,454 CD3(+) CD8(+)CD103(+)CD69(+) TRM cells and immunohistochemistry of 122 high-grade serous ovarian cancers shows that only progenitor (TCF1(low)) tissue-resident T cells (TRMstem cells), but not recirculating TCF1(+) T cells, predict ovarian cancer outcome. TRMstem cells arise from transitional recirculating T cells, which depends on antigen affinity/persistence, resulting in oligoclonal, trogocytic, effector lymphocytes that eventually become exhausted. Therefore, ovarian cancer is indeed an immunogenic disease, but that depends on similar to 13% of CD8(+) tumor-infiltrating T cells (similar to 3% of CD8(+) clonotypes), which are primed against high-affinity antigens and maintain waves of effector TRM-like cells. Our results define the signature of relevant tumor-reactive T cells in human ovarian cancer, which could be applicable to other tumors with unideal mutational burden

    Stretching the Limits of Renal Transplantation in Elderly Recipients of Grafts from Elderly Deceased Donors

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    An increasing number of elderly patients (>= 65 years) receive a donor kidney from elderly donors after brain death (DBD) or after circulatory death (DCD). These organs are allocated within the Eurotransplant Senior Program, but outcomes must be evaluated. From the Dutch Organ Transplantation Registry, we selected 3597 recipients (>= 18 years) who received a first DBD or DCD kidney during 2002-2012, and categorized them as young or elderly recipients receiving a graft from either a young or elderly donor, stratified by donor type. In multiple logistic regression analysis, elderly recipients of elderly DCD kidneys experienced more delayed graft function and acute rejection than did elderly recipients of young DBD kidneys (odds ratios 10.43 [95% confidence interval (95% CI), 5.75 to 18.91] and 2.78 [95% CI, 1.35 to 5.73], respectively). In Cox regression analysis, elderly recipients of elderly DCD kidneys had a 5-year mortality risk higher than that of elderly recipients of young DBD kidneys (hazard ratio, 1.86; 95% CI, 1.15 to 3.02). Elderly recipients of elderly kidneys had a 5-year mortality rate comparable to that of waitlisted elderly patients remaining on dialysis. Among elderly recipients, 63.8% of those who received elderly DCD kidneys, 45.5% of those who received elderly DBD kidneys, and approximately 26% of those who received young DBD or DCD kidneys had an eGF

    Outcomes of pediatric bone marrow transplantation for leukemia and myelodysplasia using matched sibling, mismatched related, or matched unrelated donors

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    Although some trials have allowed matched or single human leukocyte antigen (HLA)–mismatched related donors (mmRDs) along with HLA-matched sibling donors (MSDs) for pediatric bone marrow transplantation in early-stage hematologic malignancies, whether mmRD grafts lead to similar outcomes is not known. We compared patients < 18 years old reported to the Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research with acute myeloid leukemia, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, chronic myeloid leukemia, and myelodysplastic syndrome undergoing allogeneic T-replete, myeloablative bone marrow transplantation between 1993 and 2006. In total, patients receiving bone marrow from 1208 MSDs, 266 8/8 allelic-matched unrelated donors (URDs), and 151 0-1 HLA-antigen mmRDs were studied. Multivariate analysis showed that recipients of MSD transplants had less transplantation-related mortality, acute graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), and chronic GVHD, along with better disease-free and overall survival than the URD and mmRD groups. No differences were observed in transplant-related mortality, acute and chronic GVHD, relapse, disease-free survival, or overall survival between the mmRD and URD groups. These data show that mmRD and 8/8 URD outcomes are similar, whereas MSD outcomes are superior to the other 2 sources. Whether allele level typing could identify mmRD recipients with better outcomes will not be known unless centers alter practice and type mmRD at the allele level