37 research outputs found
An Examination of the Benefits, Preferred Training Delivery Modes, and Preferred Topics of 4-H Youth Development Volunteers
Training is a critical component of any successful volunteer management system. The evaluation reported here examined the benefits of the 4-H Youth Development Volunteer training as well as ranks preferred training methods and topics. Participants in leader training reported that training yielded motivational and educational benefits. As part of the evaluation, volunteers identified the preferred training delivery modes as group trainings and electronic communication. Volunteers were most interested in learning about 4-H opportunities and leadership development
A haptic-robotic platform for upper-limb reaching stroke therapy: Preliminary design and evaluation results
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>It has been shown that intense training can significantly improve post-stroke upper-limb functionality. However, opportunities for stroke survivors to practice rehabilitation exercises can be limited because of the finite availability of therapists and equipment. This paper presents a haptic-enabled exercise platform intended to assist therapists and moderate-level stroke survivors perform upper-limb reaching motion therapy. This work extends on existing knowledge by presenting: 1) an anthropometrically-inspired design that maximizes elbow and shoulder range of motions during exercise; 2) an unobtrusive upper body postural sensing system; and 3) a vibratory elbow stimulation device to encourage muscle movement.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A multi-disciplinary team of professionals were involved in identifying the rehabilitation needs of stroke survivors incorporating these into a prototype device. The prototype system consisted of an exercise device, postural sensors, and a elbow stimulation to encourage the reaching movement. Eight experienced physical and occupational therapists participated in a pilot study exploring the usability of the prototype. Each therapist attended two sessions of one hour each to test and evaluate the proposed system. Feedback about the device was obtained through an administered questionnaire and combined with quantitative data.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Seven of the nine questions regarding the haptic exercise device scored higher than 3.0 (somewhat good) out of 4.0 (good). The postural sensors detected 93 of 96 (97%) therapist-simulated abnormal postures and correctly ignored 90 of 96 (94%) of normal postures. The elbow stimulation device had a score lower than 2.5 (neutral) for all aspects that were surveyed, however the therapists felt the rehabilitation system was sufficient for use without the elbow stimulation device.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>All eight therapists felt the exercise platform could be a good tool to use in upper-limb rehabilitation as the prototype was considered to be generally well designed and capable of delivering reaching task therapy. The next stage of this project is to proceed to clinical trials with stroke patients.</p
Prospectus, February 9, 1983
FOCUS ON ARCOLA…; News Digest; 292 vote in election; Pro-file: PS instructor Alan Hartter; More to PM job than fun, travel; New senators thank voters; Weapons are big business; Off-beat comedy set for PC drama team; Students offer suggestions on priorities; \u27Police must be flexible; C-U happenings; Club Notes; Works by Taft on display; Skylines; Plants may be blue; Roses are red; Amish have chosen Arcola area as home; Tourism and manufacturing vital to Arcola\u27s continued growth; Arcola sweeps broom market; NASA footage highlights evening; PBS celebrates Black History Month; Movie fans face heavy dose of déja vu; Guest artists gathered; False sincerity comes across; Future may see change in TV and radio ads; Classified; Holiday busy time for PO; Job seekers can learn; Cardinals proud to be champions; Athletic schedule; Sports junkies take delight in ESPN sports networkhttps://spark.parkland.edu/prospectus_1983/1027/thumbnail.jp
Turismo funerario: caso cementerio de Miraflores, parte antigua, Trujillo - Perú 2017
En la última década, el turismo se ha incrementado sustancialmente adquiriendo nuevas tendencias que permiten la diversificación de la oferta turística. Asimismo, se observa un notable interés por visitar cementerios y conocer la historia y cultura del lugar a través de las representaciones y costumbres mortuorias de épocas pasadas. Además, se puede apreciar la impresionante arquitectura funeraria que albergan los camposantos.
En la ciudad de Trujillo el 2 de diciembre de 1831, se inauguró un cementerio extramuros. Desde su construcción, inauguración y expansión, el cementerio de Miraflores ha sido marcado por acontecimientos históricos, que manifiestan las expresiones culturales de los ciudadanos del siglo XIX que imitaban patrones europeos.
El cementerio es una fuente de cultura y conocimiento, cargado de valor antropológico, artístico, religioso e histórico, esto se ve reflejado entre sus pabellones, nichos y mausoleos. Para acercar el valor cultural y patrimonial al ciudadano local y al turista se necesita promover el turismo funerario como tipología del turismo cultural para fomentar recorridos y eventos culturales.
La presente tesis titulada Turismo Funerario: Caso cementerio de Miraflores, parte antigua, Trujillo- Perú 2017, tiene como propósito determinar la aceptación de la población trujillana para realizar turismo en la parte antigua del cementerio de Miraflores. Por tal motivo se realizaron encuestas que fueron dirigidas para turistas potenciales y operadores turísticos del distrito de Trujillo. De acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos de los instrumentos, podemos afirmar que la aceptación para realizar turismo funerario en Trujillo es alta.
Finalmente, con esta investigación queremos generar conocimiento e interés de esta modalidad de turismo que recién está teniendo acogida en la ciudad de Trujillo.
PALABRAS CLAVE: turismo funerario, patrimonio y eventos.ABSTRACT
In the last decade, tourism has increased a lot, acquiring new tendencies that allow the diversification of the tourist offer. Additionally, it is observed a prominent interest for visiting museums and for knowing the history and culture of a place through the representations and mortuary customs of past ages. Besides, it is possible to appreciate the impressive funerary architecture that the cemetery has. In the city of Trujillo, on November the 30th of 1831, an outside cemetery is opened, since their construction, opening and expansion, the cemetery of Miraflores has been marked by historical events that manifest the cultural expressions of the nineteenth-century citizens that imitated the European patterns.
The cemetery is a source of culture and knowledge, full of anthropological, artistic, religious and historical value, this is reflected among its pavilions, niches and mausoleums. To bring cultural and heritage value to the local citizens and the tourists, it is necessary to foster funerary tourism as a typology of cultural tourism to promote cultural tours and events.
The following thesis titled Funerary: Case cemetery of Miraflores, Old part, Trujillo-Peru 2017, has as a purpose to determine the acceptance of the population of Trujillo to carry out tourism in the old part of the cemetery of Miraflores. For this reason, surveys were conducted that were aimed at potential tourists and travel and touristic operator in the district of Trujillo. According to the results obtained from the instruments, we can affirm that the acceptance for tourism in funeral in Trujillo is quite high.
At last, with this research we want to generate knowledge and interest of this modality of tourism that is just taking place in the city of Trujillo.
KEYWORDS: funerary tourism, heritage, events
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Rituximab or Cyclosporine in the Treatment of Membranous Nephropathy
Background: B-cell anomalies play a role in the pathogenesis of membranous nephropathy. B-cell depletion with rituximab may therefore be noninferior to treatment with cyclosporine for inducing and maintaining a complete or partial remission of proteinuria in patients with this condition. Methods: We randomly assigned patients who had membranous nephropathy, proteinuria of at least 5 g per 24 hours, and a quantified creatinine clearance of at least 40 ml per minute per 1.73 m(2) of body-surface area and had been receiving angiotensin-system blockade for at least 3 months to receive intravenous rituximab (two infusions, 1000 mg each, administered 14 days apart; repeated at 6 months in case of partial response) or oral cyclosporine (starting at a dose of 3.5 mg per kilogram of body weight per day for 12 months). Patients were followed for 24 months. The primary outcome was a composite of complete or partial remission of proteinuria at 24 months. Laboratory variables and safety were also assessed. Results: A total of 130 patients underwent randomization. At 12 months, 39 of 65 patients (60%) in the rituximab group and 34 of 65 (52%) in the cyclosporine group had a complete or partial remission (risk difference, 8 percentage points; 95% confidence interval [CI], -9 to 25; P=0.004 for noninferiority). At 24 months, 39 patients (60%) in the rituximab group and 13 (20%) in the cyclosporine group had a complete or partial remission (risk difference, 40 percentage points; 95% CI, 25 to 55; P<0.001 for both noninferiority and superiority). Among patients in remission who tested positive for anti-phospholipase A(2) receptor (PLA2R) antibodies, the decline in autoantibodies to anti-PLA2R was faster and of greater magnitude and duration in the rituximab group than in the cyclosporine group. Serious adverse events occurred in 11 patients (17%) in the rituximab group and in 20 (31%) in the cyclosporine group (P=0.06). Conclusions: Rituximab was noninferior to cyclosporine in inducing complete or partial remission of proteinuria at 12 months and was superior in maintaining proteinuria remission up to 24 months. (Funded by Genentech and the Fulk Family Foundation; MENTOR ClinicalTrials.gov number, .) In a randomized, controlled trial involving patients with membranous nephropathy, rituximab was noninferior to cyclosporine in inducing complete or partial remission of proteinuria at 12 months and was superior in maintaining proteinuria remission for up to 24 months.Genentech; Fulk Family Foundation6 month embargo; published July 4, 2019This item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]
Genetic Differentiation, Structure, and a Transition Zone among Populations of the Pitcher Plant Moth Exyra semicrocea: Implications for Conservation
Pitcher plant bogs, or carnivorous plant wetlands, have experienced extensive habitat loss and fragmentation throughout the southeastern United States Coastal Plain, resulting in an estimated reduction to <3% of their former range. This situation has lead to increased management attention of these habitats and their carnivorous plant species. However, conservation priorities focus primarily on the plants since little information currently exists on other community members, such as their endemic arthropod biota. Here, we investigated the population structure of one of these, the obligate pitcher plant moth Exyra semicrocea (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), using mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene sequences. Examination of 221 individuals from 11 populations across eight southeastern US states identified 51 unique haplotypes. These haplotypes belonged to one of two divergent (∼1.9–3.0%) lineages separated by the Mississippi alluvial plain. Populations of the West Gulf Coastal Plain exhibited significant genetic structure, contrasting with similarly distanced populations east of the Mississippi alluvial plain. In the eastern portion of the Coastal Plain, an apparent transition zone exists between two regionally distinct population groups, with a well-established genetic discontinuity for other organisms coinciding with this zone. The structure of E. semicrocea appears to have been influenced by patchy pitcher plant bog habitats in the West Gulf Coastal Plain as well as impacts of Pleistocene interglacials on the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin. These findings, along with potential extirpation of E. semicrocea at four visited, but isolated, sites highlight the need to consider other endemic or associated community members when managing and restoring pitcher plant bog habitats
The impact of disease duration on quality of life in children with nephrotic syndrome: a Midwest Pediatric Nephrology Consortium study
The Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) II is a prospective study that evaluates patient reported outcomes in pediatric chronic diseases as a measure of health-related quality of life (HRQOL). We have evaluated the influence of disease duration on HRQOL and, for the first time, compared the findings of the PROMIS measures to those of the PedsQL™ 4.0 Generic Scales (PedsQL) from the PROMIS II nephrotic syndrome (NS) longitudinal cohort