83 research outputs found

    A Fully integrated D-band Direct-Conversion I/Q Transmitter and Receiver Chipset in SiGe BiCMOS Technology

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    This paper presents design and characterization of single-chip 110-170 GHz (D-band) direct conversion in-phase/quadrature-phase (I/Q) transmitter and receiver monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs), realized in a 130 nm SiGe BiCMOS process with ft/fmax of 250 GHz/370 GHz. The chipset is suitable for low power wideband communication and can be used in both homodyne and heterodyne architectures. The Transmitter chip consists of a six-stage power amplifier, an I/Q modulator, and a LO multiplier chain. The LO multiplier chain consists of frequency sixtupler followed by a two-stage amplifier. It exhibits a single sideband conversion gain of 23 dB and saturated output power of 0 dBm. The 3 dB RF bandwidth is 31 GHz from 114 to 145 GHz. The receiver includes a low noise amplifier, I/Q demodulator and x6 multiplier chain at the LO port. The receiver provides a conversion gain of 27 dB and has a noise figure of 10 dB. It has 3 dB RF bandwidth of 28 GHz from 112-140 GHz. The transmitter and receiver have dc power consumption of 240 mW and 280 mW, respectively. The chip area of each transmitter and receiver circuit is 1.4 mm x 1.1 mm

    Transmitter and Receiver Circuits for a High-Speed Polymer Fiber-Based PAM-4 Communication Link

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    A high data rate RF-DAC and a power detector (PD) are designed and fabricated in a 250 nm indium phosphide (InP) double heterojunction bipolar transistor (DHBT) technology. A communication link using the Tx-Rx over polymer microwave fiber (PMF) is measured. The link consists of a pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) modulator and a PD as a demodulator, as well as a one-meter-long dielectric waveguide. The working frequency range of the complete link is verified to be 110–150 GHz. The peak output power of the PAM modulator is 5 dBm, and it has a −3 dB bandwidth of 43 GHz. The PD consists of a parallel connected common emitter configured transistor and a common base configured transistor to suppress the odd-order harmonics at the PD’s output, as well as a stacked transistor to amplify the output signal. Tx and Rx chips, including pads, occupy a total area of only 0.83 mm2. The PMF link can support a PAM-4 signal with 22 Gbps data transmission, and a PAM-2 signal with 30 Gbps data transmission, with a bit error rate (BER) of <10−12, with demodulation performed in real time. Furthermore, the energy efficiency for the link (Tx + Rx) is 4.1 pJ/bit, using digital data input and receiving PAM-2 output (5.6 pJ/bit for PAM-4)

    Uniaxial and hydrostatic pressure effects in alpha-RuCl3 single crystals via thermal-expansion measurements

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    We present high-resolution thermal-expansion and specific-heat measurements of single crystalline alpha-RuCl3. An extremely hysteretic structural transition expanding over 100 K is observed by thermal- expansion along both crystallographic axes, which we attribute to a change of stacking sequence of the RuCl3 layers. Three magnetic transitions are observed, which we link to the different stacking sequences. Using our data and thermodynamic relations, we derive the uniaxial and hydrostatic pressure derivatives of all three magnetic transitions. Our results demonstrate that magnetic order should be totally suppressed by very moderate pressures of 0.3 GPa to 0.9 GPa. Finally, we discuss why our results differ from recent hydrostatic pressure measurements and suggest a possible route to reaching the spin-liquid state in alpha-RuCl3.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    1D to 3D Dimensional Crossover in the Superconducting Transition of the Quasi-One-Dimensional Carbide Superconductor Sc3CoC4

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    The transition metal carbide superconductor Sc3CoC4 may represent a new benchmark system of quasi-1D superconducting behavior. We investigate the superconducting transition of a high-quality single crystalline sample by electrical transport experiments. Our data show that the superconductor goes through a complex dimensional crossover below the onset Tc of 4.5 K. First, a quasi-1D fluctuating superconducting state with finite resistance forms in the CoC4 ribbons which are embedded in a Sc matrix in this material. At lower temperature, the transversal Josephson or proximity coupling of neighboring ribbons establishes a 3D bulk superconducting state. This dimensional crossover is very similar to Tl2Mo6Se6, which for a long time has been regarded as the most appropriate model system of a quasi-1D superconductor. Sc3CoC4 appears to be even more in the 1D limit than Tl2Mo6Se6

    Electronic nematicity in URu2Si2 revisited

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    The nature of the hidden-order (HO) state in URu2Si2 remains one of the major unsolved issues in heavy-fermion physics. Recently, torque magnetometry, x-ray diffraction and elastoresistivity data have suggested that the HO phase transition at THO = 17.5 K is driven by electronic nematic effects. Here, we search for thermodynamic signatures of this purported structural instability using anisotropic thermal-expansion, Young\'s modulus, elastoresistivity and specific-heat measurements. In contrast to the published results, we find no evidence of a rotational symmetry-breaking in any of our data. Interestingly, our elastoresistivity measurements, which are in full agreement with published results, exhibit a Curie-Weiss divergence, which we however attribute to a volume and not to a symmetry-breaking effect. Finally, clear evidence for thermal fluctuations is observed in our heat-capacity data, from which we estimate the HO correlation length.Comment: 4 Figures, 5 page

    Probing critical spin fluctuations with a composite magnetoelectric method: A case study on a Kitaev spin liquid candidate Na3_3Co2_2SbO6_6

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    In correlated quantum materials, divergent critical fluctuations near the quantum critical point are often closely associated with exotic quantum phases of matter, such as unconventional superconductivity and quantum spin liquids. Here we present a simple yet highly sensitive composite magnetoelectric (ME) method for detecting the critical spin fluctuations in quantum magnets. The ME signal is proportional the magnetostriction coefficient, which directly probes the product of magnetization and spin-spin correlation. As a demonstration, the composite ME method is applied to a Kitaev quantum spin liquid candidate Na3_3Co2_2SbO6_6, which shows signs of magnetic field-induced quantum criticality. Notably, the ME signal prominently diverges at the magnetic field-induced tricritical points, particularly at a tricritical point that lies in close proximity to a zero-temperature quantum critical point. A crucial aspect of these tricritical points is their tunability through the modification of the in-plane magnetic field's direction. The direction of magnetic field can thus serve as a handful yet important tuning parameter, alongside pressure and chemical doping, for searching quantum critical points in quantum magnets with pronounced magnetic anisotropy.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Annealing tunable charge density wave order in a magnetic kagome material FeGe

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    In the magnetic kagome metal FeGe, a charge density wave (CDW) order emerges inside the antiferromagnetic phase, providing a fertile playground to investigate the interplay between charge and magnetic orders. Here, we demonstrate that the CDW order, as well as magnetic properties, can be reversibly tuned on a large scale through post-growth annealing treatments. The antiferromagnetic and CDW transitions vary systematically as functions of both the temperature and the time period of annealing. Long-range CDW order with a maximum TCDWT_{\mathrm{CDW}} and a minimum TNT_{\mathrm{N}} can be realized in crystals annealed at \SI{320}{\degreeCelsius} for over 48 h. Using magnetization and magnetostrictive coefficient measurements, it is found that the CDW transition is rather stable against an external magnetic field and spin-flop transition. On the other hand, the critical field for spin-flop transition is significantly reduced in the long-range ordered CDW phase. Our results indicate that the CDW in FeGe is immune to variations in magnetic orders, while the magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy and the corresponding magnetic ground state can be altered significantly by the charge order. These findings provide crucial clues for further investigation and a better understanding of the nature of the CDW order in FeGe.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Systematic Absences of Optical Phonon Modes in Phonon Dispersion Measured by Electron Microscopy

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    Phonon dispersion is widely used to elucidate the vibrational properties of materials. As an emerging technique, momentum-resolved vibrational spectroscopy in scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) offers an unparalleled approach to explore q-dependent phonon behavior at local structures. In this study, we systematically investigate the phonon dispersion of monolayer graphene across several Brillouin zones (BZs) using momentum-resolved vibrational spectroscopy and find that the optical phonon signals vanish at the {\Gamma} points with indices (hk0) satisfying h+2k=3n (n denoted integers). Theoretical analysis reveals that the observed phenomena arise from the complete destructive interference of the scattered waves from different basis atoms. This observation, corroborated by the study of diamond, should be a general characteristic of materials composed of symmetrically equivalent pairs of the same elements. Moreover, our results emphasize the importance of multiple scattering in interpreting the vibrational signals in bulk materials. We demonstrate that the systematic absences and dynamic effects, which have not been much appreciated before, offer new insights into the experimental assessment of local vibrational properties of materials