314 research outputs found

    Illuminati: Towards Explaining Graph Neural Networks for Cybersecurity Analysis

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    Graph neural networks (GNNs) have been utilized to create multi-layer graph models for a number of cybersecurity applications from fraud detection to software vulnerability analysis. Unfortunately, like traditional neural networks, GNNs also suffer from a lack of transparency, that is, it is challenging to interpret the model predictions. Prior works focused on specific factor explanations for a GNN model. In this work, we have designed and implemented Illuminati, a comprehensive and accurate explanation framework for cybersecurity applications using GNN models. Given a graph and a pre-trained GNN model, Illuminati is able to identify the important nodes, edges, and attributes that are contributing to the prediction while requiring no prior knowledge of GNN models. We evaluate Illuminati in two cybersecurity applications, i.e., code vulnerability detection and smart contract vulnerability detection. The experiments show that Illuminati achieves more accurate explanation results than state-of-the-art methods, specifically, 87.6% of subgraphs identified by Illuminati are able to retain their original prediction, an improvement of 10.3% over others at 77.3%. Furthermore, the explanation of Illuminati can be easily understood by the domain experts, suggesting the significant usefulness for the development of cybersecurity applications.Comment: EuroS&P 202

    Grapy-ML: Graph Pyramid Mutual Learning for Cross-dataset Human Parsing

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    Human parsing, or human body part semantic segmentation, has been an active research topic due to its wide potential applications. In this paper, we propose a novel GRAph PYramid Mutual Learning (Grapy-ML) method to address the cross-dataset human parsing problem, where the annotations are at different granularities. Starting from the prior knowledge of the human body hierarchical structure, we devise a graph pyramid module (GPM) by stacking three levels of graph structures from coarse granularity to fine granularity subsequently. At each level, GPM utilizes the self-attention mechanism to model the correlations between context nodes. Then, it adopts a top-down mechanism to progressively refine the hierarchical features through all the levels. GPM also enables efficient mutual learning. Specifically, the network weights of the first two levels are shared to exchange the learned coarse-granularity information across different datasets. By making use of the multi-granularity labels, Grapy-ML learns a more discriminative feature representation and achieves state-of-the-art performance, which is demonstrated by extensive experiments on the three popular benchmarks, e.g. CIHP dataset. The source code is publicly available at https://github.com/Charleshhy/Grapy-ML.Comment: Accepted as an oral paper in AAAI2020. 9 pages, 4 figures. https://www.aaai.org/Papers/AAAI/2020GB/AAAI-HeH.2317.pd

    Progressive One-shot Human Parsing

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    Prior human parsing models are limited to parsing humans into classes pre-defined in the training data, which is not flexible to generalize to unseen classes, e.g., new clothing in fashion analysis. In this paper, we propose a new problem named one-shot human parsing (OSHP) that requires to parse human into an open set of reference classes defined by any single reference example. During training, only base classes defined in the training set are exposed, which can overlap with part of reference classes. In this paper, we devise a novel Progressive One-shot Parsing network (POPNet) to address two critical challenges , i.e., testing bias and small sizes. POPNet consists of two collaborative metric learning modules named Attention Guidance Module and Nearest Centroid Module, which can learn representative prototypes for base classes and quickly transfer the ability to unseen classes during testing, thereby reducing testing bias. Moreover, POPNet adopts a progressive human parsing framework that can incorporate the learned knowledge of parent classes at the coarse granularity to help recognize the descendant classes at the fine granularity, thereby handling the small sizes issue. Experiments on the ATR-OS benchmark tailored for OSHP demonstrate POPNet outperforms other representative one-shot segmentation models by large margins and establishes a strong baseline. Source code can be found at https://github.com/Charleshhy/One-shot-Human-Parsing.Comment: Accepted in AAAI 2021. 9 pages, 4 figure

    A General Static Binary Rewriting Framework for WebAssembly

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    Binary rewriting is a widely adopted technique in software analysis. WebAssembly (Wasm), as an emerging bytecode format, has attracted great attention from our community. Unfortunately, there is no general-purpose binary rewriting framework for Wasm, and existing effort on Wasm binary modification is error-prone and tedious. In this paper, we present BREWasm, the first general purpose static binary rewriting framework for Wasm, which has addressed inherent challenges of Wasm rewriting including high complicated binary structure, strict static syntax verification, and coupling among sections. We perform extensive evaluation on diverse Wasm applications to show the efficiency, correctness and effectiveness of BREWasm. We further show the promising direction of implementing a diverse set of binary rewriting tasks based on BREWasm in an effortless and user-friendly manner

    Label-Free Multivariate Time Series Anomaly Detection

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    Anomaly detection in multivariate time series (MTS) has been widely studied in one-class classification (OCC) setting. The training samples in OCC are assumed to be normal, which is difficult to guarantee in practical situations. Such a case may degrade the performance of OCC-based anomaly detection methods which fit the training distribution as the normal distribution. In this paper, we propose MTGFlow, an unsupervised anomaly detection approach for MTS anomaly detection via dynamic Graph and entity-aware normalizing Flow. MTGFlow first estimates the density of the entire training samples and then identifies anomalous instances based on the density of the test samples within the fitted distribution. This relies on a widely accepted assumption that anomalous instances exhibit more sparse densities than normal ones, with no reliance on the clean training dataset. However, it is intractable to directly estimate the density due to complex dependencies among entities and their diverse inherent characteristics. To mitigate this, we utilize the graph structure learning model to learn interdependent and evolving relations among entities, which effectively captures complex and accurate distribution patterns of MTS. In addition, our approach incorporates the unique characteristics of individual entities by employing an entity-aware normalizing flow. This enables us to represent each entity as a parameterized normal distribution. Furthermore, considering that some entities present similar characteristics, we propose a cluster strategy that capitalizes on the commonalities of entities with similar characteristics, resulting in more precise and detailed density estimation. We refer to this cluster-aware extension as MTGFlow_cluster. Extensive experiments are conducted on six widely used benchmark datasets, in which MTGFlow and MTGFlow cluster demonstrate their superior detection performance.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2208.0210

    Knowledge Restore and Transfer for Multi-label Class-Incremental Learning

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    Current class-incremental learning research mainly focuses on single-label classification tasks while multi-label class-incremental learning (MLCIL) with more practical application scenarios is rarely studied. Although there have been many anti-forgetting methods to solve the problem of catastrophic forgetting in class-incremental learning, these methods have difficulty in solving the MLCIL problem due to label absence and information dilution. In this paper, we propose a knowledge restore and transfer (KRT) framework for MLCIL, which includes a dynamic pseudo-label (DPL) module to restore the old class knowledge and an incremental cross-attention(ICA) module to save session-specific knowledge and transfer old class knowledge to the new model sufficiently. Besides, we propose a token loss to jointly optimize the incremental cross-attention module. Experimental results on MS-COCO and PASCAL VOC datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method for improving recognition performance and mitigating forgetting on multi-label class-incremental learning tasks
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