15 research outputs found

    Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Pengentasan Kimiskinan di Sumatera Utara

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    Provinsi Sumatera Utara merupakan provinsi dengan jumlah kemiskinan tertinggi di Pulau Sumatera dan peringkat ke-4 se-Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pengentasan kemiskinan pada 33 kabupaten/kota di Provinsi Sumatera Utara tahun 2017-2020. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder yang diperoleh dari Badan Pusat Statistika, Kanwil Ditjen PBN Sumatera Utara dan Kantor Dinas Penanaman Modal dan PPTSP Sumatera Utara. Metode analisis data yang digunakan yaitu metode regresi data panel dengan pendekatan Fixed Effect Model dianalisis menggunakan program Eviews-11. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Produk Domestik Regional Bruto dan Investasi berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap kemiskinan di Provinsi Sumatera Utara, sedangkan anggaran pemerintah bidang pendidikan dan anggaran pemerintah bidang kesehatan tidak berpengaruh dan tidak signifikan terhadap kemiskinan di provinsi tersebut

    The Determinants of Capital Structure of Islamic Banks in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brunei Darussalam

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    This study is to determine the effect of Profitability, Liquidity, Asset Growth, Bank Size, and Asset Structure on the Capital Structure of Islamic banks in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brunei Darussalam. The type of research used is descriptive quantitative, which is a descriptive approach with a quantitative approach. The analysis technique used is panel data regression with fixed effect model is the selected model. The population used in this study is Islamic banks in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brunei Darussalam. The data was collected from Asian Banker website for 27 banks. The sample selected using purposive sampling method was 22 Islamic banks in Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam which consistently published annual reports during 2015-2021 period. Data collection was carried out using secondary data in the form of annual reports of 22 banks during the 2015-2021 period. The results showed that the Profitability and Asset Growth variables had a positive and insignificant effect on Capital Structure, Liquidity had a negative and significant effect on Capital Structure, and Bank Size and Asset Structure had a significant positive effect on Capital Structure

    Modeling the Demand for Family and General Takaful in Malaysia (a Comparative Study): ARDL Approach to Cointegration

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    Objective- Nowadays, numerous studies focus on the determinant of the demand for takaful, either family or general takaful in Malaysia. In this respect, these studies employ economic and socio-demographic variables to examine the determinants of takaful. They found that income, interest rates, financial development, pensions, stocks, price of insurance, life expectancy, dependency ratio, education, and age have positive on determinants of takaful. However, previous tudies have found that inflation, savings, and unemployment rate have negative relationship with the determinant of takaful in Malaysia. This study attempts to examine the determinants of the demand for family takaful and general takaful for comparative study in Malaysia for the period of 1988 to 2010. It employs economic and socio-demographic variables to measure these determinants.Methods-Using time series data, this study applies the Autoregressive Distributive Lag (ARDL) approach to cointegration to examine the determinants of the demand for family takaful and general takaful in the short and long run.Result-The findings indicate that the economic and socio-demographic variables such as income, and education have positive relationship with the demand for family takaful in the short run, but not in the long run.Conclusion-Meanwhile, it also indicates that income and education have no relationship with demand for general takaful in Malaysia in the short run and long run. It indicates that if there is an increase in income, people tend to buy more family takaful of STMB. At the same time, the educated people already aware of the takaful products, they may necessarily purchase family takaful than life insurance

    Do The Socio-Economic Status, Religious Attitudeand Customer Perception Impact On Customer Behavior? : Islamic Banking Case

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    This study aims to investigate customer behavior at Islamic banks,Indonesia. This research was analyzed by using path analysis approach involving 200 respondents as customers at several Islamic banks in Medan, Indonesia. Based on this research show the socio-economic status and religious attitudes have positively and significantly impactto customer behavior. On the other hand, socio-economic status and religious attitude are also positively and significantly impact for customer perceptions. Customer perceptions have the implication to increase positive customer behavior, sharia banking managers in Indonesia need to foster the religiosity of customers and target prospective customers who have good religiosity and good socio-economic status


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    This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of different microfinance model in enhancing the performance of microenterprises in terms of income, fixed assets, and household expenditures. By focusing on the case of Bank Rakyat Indonesia, one of the most successful commercial microfinance providers in the world, two types of microfinance products, namely KUPEDES and KUR are being compared. The KUPEDES is original product of BRI Unit, while the KUR is a micro-product subsidized by the Indonesian government. Based on the experience of BRI Unit in Medan city, Indonesia, we assess the impact of microfinance intervention on 400 clients. The findings demonstrated that KUPEDES as original microproduct is more successful compared to KUR product in enhancing the performance of microenterprise through income, fixed assets, and household expenditures as successful indicators. =========================================== Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi keefektifan beragam model pendanaan mikro dalam meningkatkan performa usaha kecil dari segi pemasukan, aset tetap, dan belanja rumah tangga. Dengan fokus pada kasus Bank Rakyat Indonesia, salah satu pemberi dana mikro paling berhasil di dunia, kajian ini membandingkan dua macam produk pendanaan mikro, yaitu KUPEDES dan KUR. KUPEDES adalah produk original BRI sementara KUR adalah sebuah produk mikro yang disubsisdi oleh pemerintah Indonesia. Berdasarkan pengalaman BRI cabang Medan, Indonesia, penulis menilai dampak campur tangan pendanaan mikro terhadap 400 orang klien. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa KUPEDES sebagai produk mikro original dinilai lebih berhasil dibandingkan dengan KUR dalam meningkatkan performa usaha kecil dengan indikator kesuksesan: pemasukan, asset tetap, dan belanja rumah tangga

    Person-Organization Fit and Employee Performance: Mediation Role Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment

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    Purpose โ€“ This study aimed to investigate and assess the effect of person-organization fit (POF) on employee performance (EP), with job satisfaction (JS) and organizational commitment (OC) acting as mediators. Methodology โ€“ Questionnaires were used in this quantitative study, to obtain information from 61 employees, with subsequent analysis implementing the Structural Equation Model SmartPLS 4.0. Results โ€“ The results showed that EP was significantly influenced by POF, JS, and OC. This indicated that POF relevantly influenced employee JS. POF and JS also significantly influenced OC. Moreover, the compatibility between employees and organization significantly influenced EP through JS and OC. POF also substantially influenced OC, mediated by JS. Based on the mediation by OC, JS then significantly influenced EP. Originality โ€“ This study investigated the employee issues that significantly and widely impacted organizational performance. It also provided a deeper comprehension of the personal relationships between organization fit, employee engagement, and JS

    Behavioral Intention to Adopt Islamic Financial Technology: Theory of Planned Behaviour with Gender Moderation

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    The Islamic banking industry in Indonesia continues to grow, as evidenced by the presence of technology-based services. This study aims to test the application of the theory of plan behavior in explaining customer intention to use Islamic financial technology by adding gender variables as moderators. Primary data were collected from 298 Islamic fintech users through direct and online surveys. The sample was selected based on the purposive sampling technique. Using PLS MGA analysis, this study found that attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control positively affect the intention to use Islamic fintech, except for perceived behavioral control in the male gender. Using the MGA, Parametric, and Welch-Satterthwait tests, the study also revealed no significant difference between males and females in utilizing Islamic fintech. This study expands the understanding of psychological and social factors in adopting Islamic fintech. It also contributes to the literature by filling the research gap that has not considered gender moderation in adopting Islamic fintech

    Do microfinance interventions improve the performance of Microenterprises in Indonesia? a case study of BRI unit clients in Medan City, Indonesia

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    This study attempts to explore the performance of microenterprise before and after accessing BRIโ€™s microproducts. It also attempts to compare the performance between the microenterprises which have access to KUPEDES and KUR products. The performance of the microenterprises is measured in terms of income, fixed assets, and household expenditures. In this regard, it focuses specifically on BRI Units located in Medan City, Indonesia. This study uses descriptive analysis as methodology. The main finding indicates that KUPEDES as original product of BRI Unit is more effective than KUR which is micro product subsidized by Indonesian government. This study also found that there are still some problems faced by microenterprises in accessing microloan. It is expected that policy makers of microfinance institutions (MFIs), including the BRI Unit and Indonesian government could solve the common problems faced by MSMEs, such as financing, raw materials, marketing, advanced technology, and others, as MSMEs play a crucial role in increasing economic growth in terms of reducing poverty and unemployment; and increasing GDP. In this respect, the policy makers of MFIs including the BRI Unit are also expected to provide the facilities besides credit services, such as training, health programmes, education, family planning, and other programmes to make greater effectiveness of the microfinance on the performance of microenterprises. Furthermore, the BRI and Indonesian government should also initiate efforts to ensure KUR microloans become as effective as KUPEDES microloans

    Does microfinance model determine the effectiveness of microfinance intervention in enhancing microenterprise performance? Evidence from Bank Rakyat Indonesia

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    This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of different microfinance model in enhancing the performance of microenterprises in terms of income, fixed assets, and household expenditures. By focusing on the case of Bank Rakyat Indonesia, one of the most successful commercial microfinance providers in the world, two types of microfinance products, namely KUPEDES and KUR are being compared. The KUPEDES is original product of BRI Unit, while the KUR is a micro-product subsidized by the Indonesian government. Based on the experience of BRI Unit in Medan city, Indonesia, we assess the impact of microfinance intervention on 400 clients. The findings demonstrated that KUPEDES as original microproduct is more successful compared to KUR product in enhancing the performance of microenterprise through income, fixed assets, and household expenditures as successful indicators

    Proposing an Integrated Islamic Microfinance Model in Alleviating Poverty and Improving the Performance of Microenterprises in Indonesia

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    Objective โ€“ This study proposes an integrated Islamic microfinance model in alleviating poverty and improving the performance of microenterprises based on a case study of Indonesia, by focusing specifically on BRI Microbanking. Design/methodology โ€“ This study adopts the exploratory study to construct the integrated Islamic microfinance with the purpose to alleviate poverty and enhance the business performance of enterprises. Results โ€“ As Islamic microfinance is known widely due to the high demand from Muslim countries. Since, it plays a crucial role effectively in alleviating poverty and developing the business performance on enterprises, particularly on microenterprises. Presently, many scholars attempted to build a successful Islamic microfinance model by using Islamic financing instruments such as mudarabah, musyarakah, and murabahah. This study attempts to build an integrated Islamic microfinance model by using BRI Syariah Micro as a case study. It is expected that this integrated Islamic microfinance model can enrich existing models in terms of social and economic aspects. Originality/Value โ€“ This research concentrates on proposing an integrated Islamic microfinance model based on the case study of BRI Syariah Microbanking. There seems to be a gap in the literature on the actual implementation of integrated Islamic microfinance in the world. The study highlights major factors to be emphasized to ensure the effectiveness of proposing an integrated Islamic microfinance model for BRI Syariah micro banking to alleviate poverty and to improve the performance of microenterprises