43 research outputs found
Segal spaces, spans, and semicategories
We show that Segal spaces, and more generally category objects in an
-category , can be identified with associative algebras in
the double -category of spans in . We use this observation
to prove that "having identities" is a property of a non-unital
-category.Comment: Accepted version, 14 page
Iterated spans and classical topological field theories
We construct higher categories of iterated spans, possibly equipped with
extra structure in the form of "local systems", and classify their fully
dualizable objects. By the Cobordism Hypothesis, these give rise to framed
topological quantum field theories, which are the framed versions of the
"classical" TQFTs considered in the quantization programme of
Using this machinery, we also construct an infinity-category of Lagrangian
correspondences between symplectic derived algebraic stacks and show that all
its objects are fully dualizable.Comment: Accepted version, plus corrections to Remarks 10.5 and 10.7. 64 page
Enriched -operads
In this paper we initiate the study of enriched -operads. We
introduce several models for these objects, including enriched versions of
Barwick's Segal operads and the dendroidal Segal spaces of Cisinski and
Moerdijk, and show these are equivalent. Our main results are a version of
Rezk's completion theorem for enriched -operads: localization at the
fully faithful and essentially surjective morphisms is given by the full
subcategory of complete objects, and a rectification theorem: the homotopy
theory of -operads enriched in the -category arising from a
nice symmetric monoidal model category is equivalent to the homotopy theory of
strictly enriched operads.Comment: Accepted version, 59 page
On the tensor product of enriched -categories
We show that the tensor product of -categories enriched in a suitable
monoidal -category preserves colimits in each variable, fixing a
mistake in an earlier paper of Gepner and the author. We also prove that
essentially surjective and fully faithful functors form a factorization system
on enriched -categories, and that the tensor product and internal hom
are compatible with this.Comment: 33 page