25 research outputs found
Manajemen Penyakit Lingkungan Berbasis Wilayah
New Emerging and Re Emerging Infectious Diseases based ofenvironment, were concern of public health, affect the socioeconomic loss, political aspect and others. Existence of tripleburden of disease, environmental pollution, management thehealth which not full support to national development representsome factors causing damage health nation.Through literature review this writing make solution alternativeby management environment disease which evidences basedapproach collected periodical, systematic and planned tospecific area.Keywords: management of disease, new emerging and reemerging infectious disease
Ergonomic Risk Factors During Typing and Its Association with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (Cts)
Background : Typing activity can become a risk factor of CTS if it\u27s done intensely especially without minding about the ergonomic aspects. Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a health problem caused by pressure in nervus medianus through the carpal tunnel. This study aimed to find the association between ergonomic risk factor (posture of hand, duration, force and frequency) during typing with the occurrence of CTS in newspaper employees. Methods : Used quantitative study with cross sectional design conducted to 50 employees of Harian Pagi Sumatera Ekspress as population. Data was gatherer by interview, observation and also undertaken Tinnel\u27s test, Phalen\u27s test and Finkelstein test to support the diagnosis of CTS. Data was processed by using SPSS program and performed by univariate analysis, bivariate analysis by using chi-square, multivariate analysis by using multiple logistic regression and also qualitative method using photovoice. Result : The expected of CTS among of respondents is 42%. The result of bivariate showed that there are association between posture of hand and CTS (PR:4,235 CI:1,015-17,668 p value: 0,039), duration and CTS (PR:6,417 CI:1,444-28,511 p value: 0,011), frequency and CTS (PR:5,625 CI:1,178-26,854 p value: 0,024), and also the force and CTS (PR:5 CI:0,964-25,93 p value: 0,041). The result of multivariate analysis showed that frequency of hand posture during typing was a dominant factor that affected the CTS (PR: 3,965 CI: 1,086-14,474 p value: 0,037) Conclusion : There is significant of association between posture of hand, duration, frequency and force during typing and CTS. Frequency is the dominant variable that affects the CTS occurrence after adjusted by posture of hand, duration, force and non occupational risk factor. This study suggests giving more attention to ergonomic aspect through working style and helping tools while doing work
Monitoring Proyek Rehabilitasi Saluran Irigasi Ngrejo Dengan Metode Konsep Nilai Hasil Berdasarkan TIME Based Dan Progress Based
Kegiatan pembangunan dalam suatu proyek wajib di pantau secara berkala untuk mengetahui kemungkinan terjadinya pelaksanaan yang tidak sesuai jadwal atau tidak sesuai dengan rencana awal. Peninjauan proyek dilakukan secara berkala mulai dari harian, mingguan, bulanan dan seterusnya agar terhindar terjadinya kondisi yang tidak bisa diperbaiki kembali. Metode Konsep Nilai Hasil akan diterapkan pada proyek pembangunan rehabilitasi saluran irigasi Ngrejo. Peninjauan obyek studi rehabilitasi saluran irigasi Ngrejo dilakukan dari awal proyek hingga minggu ke-9 atau selesainya proyek, adapun data yang digunakan meliputi laporan harian dan mingguan yang kemudian diolah menggunakan metode konsep nilai hasil berdasarkan time based dan progress based. Dari analisa dengan menggunakan metode konsep nilai hasil berdasarkan waktu (Time-Based) dan berdasarkan progress (Progress-Based) dapat diketahui biaya actual yang dikeluarkan proyek lebih sedikit dari yang direncanakan (41,89%), adapun perbedaan waktu yang terjadi pada proyek bisa dilihat dari besarnya nilai TV (Times Varians) dimana mulai dari minggu ke-2 sampai minggu ke-8 waktu actual lebih lambat dari yang direncakan, namun pada minggu ke-9 proyek bisa selesai sesuai jadwal yang direncanakan. Adapun hasil monitoring dengan menggunakan metode konsep nilai hasil berdasarkan waktu (Time-Based) dan berdasarkan progress (Progress-Based) yaitu nilai CV (Cost Varians) pada minggu pertama hingga minggu ke-3 menunjukan nilai negatif yang artinya proyek mengeluarkan biaya lebih besar dari yang dianggarkan namun pada minggu ke-4 sampai minggu ke-9 nilai CV (Cost Varians) cenderung positif, nilai SV (Schedule Varians) mulai minggu pertama hingga minggu ke 8 menunjukkan nilai negative sehingga disimpulkan pada periode tersebut pekerjaan selesai lebih lambat dari jadwal, tetapi pada minggu ke-9 nilai SV (Schedule Varians) menunjukkan nilai 0 yang artinya proyek dapat diselesaikan dengan tepat waktu
Physical and Occupational Risk Factors Towards Complaints of Low Back Pain on Tile Maker Workers in Gedung Rejo Village Bk. 9 Oku Timur
Background : Making tiles that is done manually can be risky to low back pain. LBP is the complaint which most often found in workers especially in lifting activities that still done manually and work by wrong body position. LBP complaints can be due to several factors, including physical and occupational risk factors. Methods : This reasearch used cross-sectional quantitative design. Done on tile worker in Gedung Rejo BK.9 Village OKU Timur. Data was collected through interviews, observations, and lasegue test to support LBP diagnosis. Processing data used SPSS to perform univariate, bivariate using chi-square test and photovoice. Results : From 91 respondents there were 67 (73.6%) of workers who had complaints about LBP, and 24 (26.4%) workers did not have complaints about LBP. The results showed that there was no relationship between age and LBP complaints (ρ value = 0.015). There is no relationship between the type of Sex with LBP complaints (ρ value = 0.116). There was no relationship between obesity and LBP complaints (ρ value = 0.152). There was relationship between posture when making tile with LBP complaints (ρ value = 0.002). There was a relationship between lifting posture with LBP complaints (ρ value = 0.023). There was relationship between load weight lifted with LBP complaints (ρ value = 0.001). There was a relationship between years of service with LBP complaints (0.0001). There was relationship between the lifting frequency with LBP complaints (ρ value = 0.149) Conclusion : There is a significant relationship between age, work posture when making tile, tile lifting work posture, weight load lifted, years of service and lifting frequency with LBP complaints
Inspection of Drinking Water Quality on the Regional Preparation of Zona Air Minum Prima (Zamp) Pdam Tirta Musi Palembang
Background : Public access to water with quality ready to drink increased. This is important because the water borne disease can arise due to the water quality does not meet health requirements. This study aims to conduct inspections on the quality of the drinking water area at PDAM Tirta Musi Palembang. Method : This research uses crossectional design. Done with the examination of a number of laboratory. Result : Based on the results of the research note that the chemical parameters indicate that residue chlor level of 0,1-0,2 mg/l, nitrite level of 0,001-0,002 mg/l, ammonia content of 0,05-0,1 mg/l, iron content 0 mg/l, mangan content of 0 mg/l, pH of 6,45-7,01 and carbon dioxide content of 3,52-6,16 mg/l. Physical parameters indicate that the temperature level of 27,7-29,4 °C, turbidity level of 0,53-0,94 NTU, not smelly and does not odour, TDS level of 36-42,1 mg/l, conductivity level of 76, 7-84,3 mS/m. Bacteriological parameters shows total E.Coli 0 by 100 ml sample. Conclusion : Based on this research conclude that water is distributed on the regional preparation of ZAMP PDAM Tirta Musi (prime water drinking zone) meet health requirements and can be drunk directly. Recommended to maintain the quality of drinking water and complete the repair of pipes network